[Koha-devel] »Command-line Utilities« vs. »Packaging« categories

Robin Sheat robin at catalyst.net.nz
Wed Jul 1 00:49:55 CEST 2015

Barton Chittenden schreef op di 30-06-2015 om 16:56 [-0400]:
> First, I'm a huge proponent of having a single place to look for
> command line scripts... honestly, I wasn't aware of scripts outside
> of ./debian/command_line/, and I'm someone who actively looks for
> command line scripts. 

On a package install, that's pretty much all there is. There are others
that a non-package install might use, but ideally they should all be
wrapped by koha-* scripts in the packages.

> Would it be possible to make the scripts less dependent on being
> packaged? My impression is that a lot of the reasons for the
> dependency is hard coded paths, which probably aren't a good idea
> anyway... most of the scripts explicitly run under bash, which allows
> setting default values of shell variables, so it should be
> straightforward to set defaults which would allow the scripts to be
> extended to allow other paths while still being drop-in replacements
> for existing scripts.

The package scripts are designed to expect a specific layout of Koha and
Koha configuration. They're also designed to create things according to
this layout, because that's what makes sense in a Debian environment.
Other distributions have a different layout, and if you do a git
install, anything could be anywhere, and there's not really an easy way
to have scripts that know about that.

So essentially my point is that the koha-* scripts in Debian are tied to
the packaging because they work with a layout that is dictated by that.
Separating them from that isn't really meaningful as they don't make
sense if constraints are removed.

This said, I am planning to remove the packaging from the Koha repo one
day in the future so it can be maintained separately (this'll bring Koha
more in line with how Perl packages are worked with in Debian.) I'm
still in two minds as to whether the scripts and templates will come
along when that happens or not. Probably not.

Robin Sheat
Catalyst IT Ltd.
✆ +64 4 803 2204
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