[Koha-devel] Koha namespace architecture - calls for discussions

Marcel de Rooy M.de.Rooy at rijksmuseum.nl
Thu Jul 21 13:54:18 CEST 2016

> 1/ Import stuffs modules
> But we could imagine a generic Koha::Exporter|Importer modules with specific Koha::Object[s?]::Export|Import modules.
Sounds good to me: If Patron export needs some additional functionality, add Koha::Patron::Export on top of Koha::Exporter.

> 2/ Move C4::Members::GetBorrowersWithIssuesHistoryOlderThan to the Koha namespace This subroutine is supposed to return the patrons 
> with an issue history older than a given date.
> Otherwise we could decide to move the subroutine to a method of Koha::OldIssues, to avoid the join. But that sounds weird to me.
Agreed. Not very intuitive to put a GetBorrowers... inside OldIssues.

> 3/ Move C4::Ratings
May not understand it fully. But calculate_avg can return the hashref with values ?

> 4/ Move subroutines not directly related to a Koha::Object In some cases, the move is not very obvious. For instance we have 
> C4::Members::checkcardnumber and C4::Members::get_cardnumber_length,
If get_cardnumber_length in Members is not about a patron's cardnumber, maybe we should not keep them together. 

> 5/ patronflags?
Separate object ?

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