[Koha-devel] KohaDevBox updates

Tomas Cohen Arazi tomascohen at gmail.com
Sat Feb 4 14:20:00 CET 2017

Hi everyone. I've just pushed some updates I had on my working branch for
the KohaDevBox:

(a) Support for setting ElasticSearch 5.1
(b) Fixes for instance creation errors

(a) For supporting ElasticSearch 5.1 I've removed references to '2.x' in
the code (either for repository configuration or display messages). So you
should now set in your vars/user.yml file either:
   elasticsearch_version: '5.x'
   elasticsearch_version: '2.x'
   elasticsearch_version: '1.7'
for the desired ES version. (Note: the quotes are required)
ES 5.1 requires higher RAM availability so I made the Vagrantfile set 4GB
of RAM when KOHA_ELASTICSEARCH=1 is set in ENV when doing the 'vagrant up'
command. You can tweak the Vagrantfile locally to whatever you want (lower

This has all been documented on the README.md file

This should be enough for being able to test

If there's something missing, please file a bug in
https://github.com/digibib/kohadevbox/issues/new so we take care of it. As
usual, pull requests are welcome.

(b) There have recently been some changes on the koha-* scripts so they
don't (only) have hardcoded paths, but accept a new entry in koha-conf.xml
(<dev_install>) which specifies the place to pick the source code from.
Pretty cool!
But this made koha-gitify fail to set all it is needed to keep working as
we did before.
As a workaround I've added a fixed <dev_install>{{ vagrant_home_dir
}}/kohaclone</dev_install> entry to the koha-conf-site.xml.in file we ship
with KohaDevBox.
Ideally, we should just add --dev-install and --dev-install-dir options to
koha-create and just (probably) deprecate koha-gitify. I'm not sure what is
the best solution. koha-gitify does lots of path fixes in places that are
not related to koha-* scripts (zebra configuration files, koha-conf.xml
itself, etc).

I'm raising this so we can discuss the best way to deal with this. Having a
koha-gitify-like feature baked inside Koha is not a bad idea at all!

I'd like to highlight that I haven't succeeded in figuring why installing
Test::DBIx::Class fails randomly. I blamed CPAN mirrors at some point
because the default one was returning 'not found' when fetching the
sources. But that doesn't seem to be the ONLY cause for failures. Any help
on this is welcome. The way to check what's going on is to comment out that
step and log into the box and cpanm manually.

The most important on this regard: don't feel bad when the box fails to
load because of this stuff. Remember you can 'continue' the process by
reprovisioning. It is important to keep in mind that you need to do it with
the same params you chose for 'vagrant up'. For example, I always do:


so, if it fails to install something (temporary network issues? the weird
Test::DBIx::Class random failure?) I always do:


No need to halt and reload the machine. I'm not sure why people are doing
it, but don't. Unless you have specific reasons to do so. It will eat a
couple minutes from your time with no evident advantage.

Thanks for reading, and for the recent pull requests we've got.
Have a great weekend!
Tomás Cohen Arazi
Theke Solutions (https://theke.io <http://theke.io/>)
✆ +54 9351 3513384
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