[Koha-devel] ElasticSearch Testing

Hugo Agud hagud at orex.es
Thu Oct 31 11:22:49 CET 2019

Good morning

I am testing koha performance under different configuration and now I am
testing koha  zebra vs ElasticSearch 5.5 ,5.6 and 6.3 and I am facing an
issue thant I can't solve, now I am going to install kohadev with ES to
check if it works.

The issue is that biblio search with more than one results gets an internal
server error

Can't locate object method "index_name" via package
"Catmandu::Store::ElasticSearch" at
/usr/share/koha/lib/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Search.pm line 407.

I have manually forced the index_name, but same behaviour, on the other
hand there is no problem of searching authorities...

somebody has faced a similar problem?

kindest regards


*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *

*www.orex.es <http://www.orex.es>*

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Passeig Comte Vilardaga, 118 3-3  08980 -Sant Feliu de Llobregat - Tel: 933
856 138   hagud at orex.es · http://www.orex.es/

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