[Koha-devel] Relooking staff interface (BibLibre sponsoring)

Paul Poulain paul.poulain at biblibre.com
Mon Dec 13 16:11:05 CET 2021

Hello all,

The staff interface design is something like 8 years old. It's worth 
being refreshed.

We'd like to sponsor that work, with the idea to have a 22.05 beautiful 
and modern.

With this idea in mind, we are planning to start (in january) a small 
group, with a designer we have hired. the goal of the group will be to 
define the global ideas/change we want to implement. Then, our designer 
will do a "UI kit" proposal.

Then (starting in February), we have hired an internship to implement 
the proposal.

Owen is happy to participate, who else would like to join us ? (our 
meetings will be made through BibLibre bigbluebutton instance, and 
recorded. Afternoon in Europe, morning in US East coast)

Drop me an email

Paul Poulain, Associé-gérant / co-owner
BibLibre, Services en logiciels libres pour les bibliothèques
BibLibre, Open Source software and services for libraries

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