[Koha-devel] A suggestion on how manage ES ?

Zeno Tajoli ztajoli at gmail.com
Thu Jan 21 00:20:43 CET 2021

Hi to all,

working on a Koha installation with ElasticSearch, in fact I need to 
manage it. I don't use specific server with an ES cluster. I install all 
on one server (a Virtual Machine).
There are many instruments online like Kibana, ElasticHQ, etc.

All those instrument connects to http://<your_server>:9200/..
1)I don't want to open port 900 to the world
2)I don't have a stable IP
3)I don't have a VPN service/server

So I have two option, as I know:

a)To active user/password access to ES with 
But Koha works if I config ES user/password system ?
There are problems on Catmandu workflow ?

b)I can setup a ssh tunnel on my local systems (two PC, a Win10 and a 
Mac) to my server, so for ES my calls are in fact calls from localhost

Do you have try to manage a ES with my constraints ?
Any other solution ?

Zeno Tajoli

Zeno Tajoli
System Librarian

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