[Koha-devel] Elasticsearch vs OpenSearch

Victor Grousset/tuxayo victor at tuxayo.net
Mon May 3 17:45:16 CEST 2021

Hi :)

Found another legal analysis that contradicts the first one:

Even if contradictory, that still helps to understand the situation. 
Divergence still means something about the eventual risks.

Some thoughts after reading:
"SaaS capture”, “Amazon problem”, “Google problem” are legitimate 
concerns. But this controversy shows how hard it is to address it.

Even if the copyleft doesn't affect Koha. It seems clear that it affects 
management services (what is the extent of that?).
So what about if a hosting management tool is under a copyleft license? 
IIUC it can't be released under the SSPL. So that would force to only 
use permissive licensed management tools.
So it's not a legal blocker but that restrict possibilities. And 
actually leads to a loss of freedom on these tools because copyleft 
software help about that.

Some non-Koha thoughts:
1. Does having the hosting management tools of Amazon or Google or 
Microsoft would really help not them having a quasi monopolistic share 
on the hosting of databases et other tools? (public interest PoV)
Well actually it's to have them buy the version with the other license.

2. Do ElasticSearch actually lacks money to maintain the same level of 
work on the ES stack and give the investors a reasonable return of 
investment? (accounting that it was a risky one so the return should be 
more than the average)
As for the second part, there is actually no limit on the ROI (imagine 
if loans worked like that, lol), especially with venture capital. So 
there can be doubt on the legitimacy of the additional need of revenue.


Victor Grousset/tuxayo

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