[Koha-devel] How best to support MARC21 880?

David Cook dcook at prosentient.com.au
Thu Dec 22 05:18:51 CET 2022

Hi all,


The MARC21 880 field allows you to provide alternative graphical
representations for pretty much any other MARC field. 


Typically, in Koha (and perhaps other library systems), we display these
alternative graphical representations on the "detail page". You can see the
roman script, the Arabic script, the Chinese script, etc. 


In Koha, we also show some data in the search results, and that's more
problematic. because the search results should take up a limited amount of
space on the screen, but hypothetically you can include many different
scripts via the 880. I used to work in a government library in Canada where
many of our bibliographic records contained quite a few different 880s. So
it does happen.


I have a library that has catalogued records using the roman alphabet (ie
using Pinyin) and provided Chinese versions via the 880. They'd like to show
both the romanized and Chinese versions throughout Koha (e.g. in the cart,
checkout screens, course reserves, etc.)


I've coded some of those customizations, since they only have 880s in
Chinese, but I'm increasingly reluctant to make these changes. I don't want
to carry these customizations locally, but I don't know that the Koha
community would accept these changes. 


What do you all think about this? 


Should we include every 880 title and author in every screen? Should we
maybe include them but hide them by default using CSS and then allow certain
libraries to just show particular languages used by their patrons or by
checking the current language?


I know I can go faster on my own, but I rather go farther with all of you,
so please let me know your thoughts : )


David Cook

Senior Software Engineer

Prosentient Systems

Suite 7.03

6a Glen St

Milsons Point NSW 2061



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