[Koha-devel] Distributing Koha Plugins efficiently

dcook at prosentient.com.au dcook at prosentient.com.au
Thu Jun 23 05:51:45 CEST 2022

Hi all,


If I were to unpack 5 different Koha plugins to /opt/koha-plugins and then
added "<pluginsdir>/opt/koha-plugins</pluginsdir>" to the koha-conf.xml for
all my Koha instances, I should be able to just run "koha-foreach perl
/usr/share/koha/bin/devel/install_plugins.pl" to install/upgrade all those
plugins within Koha, right?


Once "bug 21366 - add plack reload" is done, we could then do "koha-plack
--reload $(koha-list --enabled --plack)" to gracefully reload all those Koha
instances to have the freshest version of the plugin. 




If that's true, a person could bundle Koha plugins however they like, right?
They could put them into koha-common, they could do their own koha-plugins
package (included or separate to their Koha codebase), they could just use a
Git repo, or whatever makes sense for distributing. The advantage of Debian
packages would be adding that "koha-foreach" and "koha-plack" into package
install hooks. 


I suppose a "install plugins" hook in "koha-create" would be wise too so
that a new instance could auto install any centralized plugins.


Does that all make sense? Am I missing anything?


I'd really like to use plugins in lieu of Koha customizations but I find
distributing the code across a large number of Koha instances to be


David Cook

Senior Software Engineer

Prosentient Systems

Suite 7.03

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Milsons Point NSW 2061



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