[Koha-devel] question about MARC 856 $e

Jacob Jett jacob at floods.org
Mon Oct 17 22:02:32 CEST 2022

Hi gang,

Some context, I'm asking these questions because our organization has been
using the 856 $e field to display cover images to users searching the
catalog. I have questions regarding this practice:

1) I see that the nature of 856 $e was changed to record data provenance
metadata by the Library of Congress this year. Will there be a new place to
use for linking cover images? E.g., is Koha going to be developing a
specific 9XX field for the purpose or will there be a way for individual
libraries to define a field that does the same thing as the pre-2022 856 $e
did? (I'm assuming that an update that applies recent changes to MARC21
will eventually get globally pushed out.)

2) Accessibility and image alt text--is there a way to add alt text to the
metadata such that accessibility widgets and software encountering images
like shared cover images can grab the alt text for those images?

Thank you in advance for your answers.



*Jacob Jett* | Research Librarian | ASFPM
8301 Excelsior Dr.  | Madison, WI  53717
tel: 608-828-3000  | desk: 608-828-6342 | floods.org
<http://www.floods.org/> | *Email Jacob <jacob at floods.org>*
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