[Koha-devel] OAI-PMH harvester news

BOUIS Sonia sonia.bouis at univ-lyon3.fr
Fri Dec 1 12:00:22 CET 2023

some news about the OAI-PMH harvester development. Biblibre has almost finished the development, we tried it this this afternoon.
It's a simple first version of the OAI-PMH harvester with :
A setting page is accessible in the admin section with the manage_search_targets permission. This page contains the fields : name; endpoint; set; data format (oai_dc; marc_xml); Encoding (utf8, ISO_5426, ...); record type (bibliographic, authority); XSLT for transforming rules (OAIDCtoUNIMARCXML.xsl ; OAIMarcxml2KohaMarcxml.xsl ...MARC21 is coming)

The harvesting is possible only via the cron with  a command harvest_oai.pl with the following parameters : h -help ; -v -verbose ;             -s --server: id of the OAI server ; -d --days: number of days to harvest from (optional) ; -l --list: list the OAI servers

The logs will be readable via the log viewer in the Tools section.

The deduplication is only for records coming from the same OAI server, it will be checked with : server URL, identifier, the record type (biblio/authority).

It will be the first step and Biblibre should be able to add it to Bugzilla in January 2024.

But, there's still a big issue to solve. To add this development to Koha, we have to change the Perl module and to fix Bug 17704<https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=17704> - Fix OAI breakage when using HTTP::OAI 4.03+
Could someone have a look on it?


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