[Koha-devel] next version of module URI causing issues

Kevin Carnes kevin.carnes at ub.lu.se
Fri Jan 13 11:24:54 CET 2023

Hello Philippe,

It looks like this might be an issue with using the newer URI's _generic.pm with the older URI's URI.pm:

Using a testing docker, I was able to edit a record to verify that it was able to index. I then upgraded the URI module with cpanm and edited the record again. This time I received the error. I then restarted the background worker and was able to edit the record without error.

So, perhaps it's necessary to restart everything (including the background worker) after upgrading the URI module.


Från: Koha-devel <koha-devel-bounces at lists.koha-community.org> för Philippe Blouin <philippe.blouin at inlibro.com>
Skickat: den 6 januari 2023 23:13
Till: koha-devel at lists.koha-community.org
Ämne: [Koha-devel] next version of module URI causing issues

Hello all,

Promoting some installation from Debian 10.10 to 11.6, and Koha 21.05 to 22.05, I encountered a new issue with ES indexing:

Can't use string (\"Bareword \"URI::HAS_RESERVED_SQUA\"...) as a HASH ref while \"strict refs\" in use at MYGIT/Koha/SearchEngine/Elasticsearch/Indexer.pm line 147.\n

I haven't seen anything in Bugzilla, so I figured I'd first explain my findings.

Module URI, starting with 5.11, requires some setup to behave "like before" : https://metacpan.org/release/OALDERS/URI-5.17/view/lib/URI.pm#URI_HAS_RESERVED_SQUARE_BRACKETS

Firstly: I have NO idea how I got version 5.17 installed.  All my other debian installs of the past two months have 5.08 installed, and my Ubuntu's are at 5.10.

But with the latest, there's no way to index with ES.  The background_jobs entries for update_elastic_index all have the above error.

I forced-version my way out of it.  But I figured it might be something to be careful about for the next packages.

happy weekend!

Philippe Blouin,
Directeur de la technologie

Tél.  : (833) 465-4276, poste 230
philippe.blouin at inLibro.com<mailto:philippe.blouin at inLibro.com>

inLibro | pour esprit libre | www.inLibro.com<http://www.inLibro.com>
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