[Koha-devel] Your patches => your matter

Tomas Cohen Arazi tomascohen at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 19:18:52 CEST 2023

Hi all :-D

I wanted to ask everyone contributing patches to Koha, that when you get
notified your patches have been pushed, at least two things need to happen:

- You get happy
- You keep an eye on the test suite [1]

You get happy because it means a lot of people reviewed your stuff, spent
time and energy on making it real, and we all love that feeling.

We usually only push things that are fully covered by tests, but also
reviewed by various expert community members on their way to the main
branch. Hopefully you already had feedback from QA team members you had to
respond to. So, congrats :-D

But shit happens :-D There are at least two common scenarios:

- Your 'little change' that is covered by tests and stuff breaks things in
other places
- There are poorly coded tests somewhere else (old, that relied on other
ways of Koha doing things ,etc) that fail because of your change, or
because you're changing a behavior and didn't notice (neither the QA step)
things had to be adjusted somewhere else. It might happen... to everyone.

In both cases, we [2] are expecting YOU to keep an eye on Jenkins being
green, and also that you ACT, and FIX the issues, or communicate your
thoughts on them if you cannot solve it. If you don't know who to contact,
just go back to your bug and comment there, or just post a comment on IRC
and there will be someone to talk to, almost all day hours.

Those failures might 'just be minor things in the tests' or serious
regressions for our libraries. So don't treat jenkins not being green
lightly. PLEASE

We are always available to help, so fear none, you are not alone and the
best results show up when we work together.

BONUS: we'll think of a reward on the next Kohacon for those who look after
jenkins and help fixing it just because they care. Stay tuned.

Thanks everyone for your contributions, and making Koha so great :-D

[1] https://jenkins.koha-community.org
[2] The Release Team

Tomás Cohen Arazi
Theke Solutions (http://theke.io)
✆ +54 9351 3513384
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