[Koha-devel] koha-elasticsearch verbosity issue

Udo Willke udo.willke at kit.edu
Thu Sep 7 14:04:06 CEST 2023

Hi koha developers,

Quick introduction: As a system admin, I am part of the team that rolls 
out the koha software at KIT Karlsruhe.

Currently I have an issue with the koha-elasticsearch script that is 
used to index the biblio and authorities data in elasticsearch. We have 
different test and development servers and on some of the severs I get 
extensive diagnostic output when running the command while on others I 
only get the errors and warnings.

In every run /usr/sbin/koha-elasticsearch (which subsequently calls 
/usr/share/koha/bin/search_tools/rebuild_elasticsearch.pl) is definitely 
invoked without any "verbose" flag

Unfortunately there is no output on stdout, but everything gets written 
to stderr. As we have 1.3M biblios and 600k authorities I would get tens 
of gigabytes of log file, which I would have to check.

My question: is there somewhere a setting in koha that globally controls 
the debug level? Or how can the different behaviours be explained?

All installations run koha Release 23.05.X on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS

Any thoughts are welcome.

Many thanks in advance


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