[Koha-oz] Koha Users Group Meeting?

Siobhan Foster fostersiobhan at hotmail.com
Sat Jun 20 08:52:53 CEST 2015

Hello Koha Users,

It has been a long time since our last meeting, I hope you are all keeping cold free.

I am suggesting that we have a meeting late July / early August at our usual venue the Melbourne Athenaeum Library and maybe a meal afterwards maybe at Le Pom, in Fed Square. 

It seems that Monday suits most of us, and mainly the Athenaeum Library who kindly host the meeting.  Suggested dates July 20th or 27th or August 3rd at say, 5.30pm. 

Besides hearing how people are faring with Koha, some other topics for discussion are:

Integrating Koha with Overdrive 
  Analytics – how and when to use them 

Please ADD to these ideas. 

Also if you know of others who should be on the Koha Users Group email address list please let me know asap. 

On a personal note sorry about the silence for so long, I have been babysitting on Mondays and Fridays, work the other four days, and latterly been hit with a horrible cold ... but on the mend now.

With best wishes, 


Siobhan Foster
(Divine Word Missionaries and Redemptorist Libraries)

The greatness of a nation and its moral
  progress can be measured by the way in which its animals are treated. -- Mahatma Gandhi 

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