[Koha-patches] [PATCH] refactor web installer code to created C4::Installer

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Fri Apr 18 17:58:29 CEST 2008

Created a new module, C4::Installer, which embodies
most of the code from installer/install.pl that handles
identifying and loading SQL scripts and setting the
Version, marcflavour, FrameworksLoad, and NoZebra
system preferences.

With C4::Installer, it is now easier to automate
initializing and populating a Koha database.  This will
help allow the test suite to set up a test database
in order to run DB-dependent tests, as well as write
a command-line installer which may be of use to hosts
that need to support multiple Koha databases.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton at liblime.com>
 C4/Installer.pm      |  562 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 installer/install.pl |  271 ++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 578 insertions(+), 255 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 C4/Installer.pm

diff --git a/C4/Installer.pm b/C4/Installer.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a497b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/C4/Installer.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+package C4::Installer;
+# Copyright (C) 2008 LibLime
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
+# Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
+use strict;
+our $VERSION = 3.00;
+use C4::Context;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+use C4::Installer;
+my $installer = C4::Installer->new();
+my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
+my $error = $installer->load_db_schema();
+my $list = $installer->sql_file_list('en', 'marc21', { optional => 1, mandatory => 1 });
+my ($fwk_language, $error_list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, @$list);
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 new
+=over 4
+my $installer = C4::Installer->new();
+Creates a new installer.
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    # get basic information from context
+    $self->{'dbname'}   = C4::Context->config("database");
+    $self->{'dbms'}     = C4::Context->config("db_scheme") ? C4::Context->config("db_scheme") : "mysql";
+    $self->{'hostname'} = C4::Context->config("hostname");
+    $self->{'port'}     = C4::Context->config("port");
+    $self->{'user'}     = C4::Context->config("user");
+    $self->{'password'} = C4::Context->config("pass");
+    $self->{'dbh'} = DBI->connect("DBI:$self->{dbms}:dbname=$self->{dbname};host=$self->{hostname}" . 
+                                  ( $self->{port} ? ";port=$self->{port}" : "" ),
+                                  $self->{'user'}, $self->{'password'});
+    $self->{'language'} = undef;
+    $self->{'marcflavour'} = undef;
+    bless $self, $class;
+    return $self;
+=head2 marc_framework_sql_list
+=over 4
+my ($defaulted_to_en, $list) = $installer->marc_framework_sql_list($lang, $marcflavour);
+Returns in C<$list> a structure listing the filename, description, section,
+and mandatory/optional status of MARC framework scripts available for C<$lang>
+and C<$marcflavour>.
+If the C<$defaulted_to_en> return value is true, no scripts are available
+for language C<$lang> and the 'en' ones are returned.
+sub marc_framework_sql_list {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $lang = shift;
+    my $marcflavour = shift;
+    my $defaulted_to_en = 0;
+    undef $/;
+    my $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/$lang/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour);
+    unless (opendir( MYDIR, $dir )) {
+        if ($lang eq 'en') {
+            warn "cannot open MARC frameworks directory $dir";
+        } else {
+            # if no translated MARC framework is available,
+            # default to English
+            $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/en/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour);
+            opendir(MYDIR, $dir) or warn "cannot open English MARC frameworks directory $dir";
+            $defaulted_to_en = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
+    closedir MYDIR;
+    my @fwklist;
+    my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'");
+    $request->execute;
+    my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow;
+    $frameworksloaded = '' unless defined $frameworksloaded; # avoid warning
+    my %frameworksloaded;
+    foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) {
+        $frameworksloaded{$_} = 1;
+    }
+    foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) {
+        opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" );
+        my @listname = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ } readdir(MYDIR);
+        closedir MYDIR;
+        my %cell;
+        my @frameworklist;
+        map {
+            my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 );
+            open FILE, "<:utf8","$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt";
+            my $lines = <FILE>;
+            $lines =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
+            use utf8;
+            utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) );
+            my $mandatory = ($requirelevel =~ /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i);
+            push @frameworklist,
+              {
+                'fwkname'        => $name,
+                'fwkfile'        => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_",
+                'fwkdescription' => $lines,
+                'checked'        => ( ( $frameworksloaded{$_} || $mandatory ) ? 1 : 0 ),
+                'mandatory'      => $mandatory,
+              };
+        } @listname;
+        my @fwks =
+          sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist;
+        $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks;
+        $cell{"label"}      = ucfirst($requirelevel);
+        $cell{"code"}       = lc($requirelevel);
+        push @fwklist, \%cell;
+    }
+    return ($defaulted_to_en, \@fwklist);
+=head2 sample_data_sql_list
+=over 4
+my ($defaulted_to_en, $list) = $installer->sample_data_sql_list($lang);
+Returns in C<$list> a structure listing the filename, description, section,
+and mandatory/optional status of sample data scripts available for C<$lang>.
+If the C<$defaulted_to_en> return value is true, no scripts are available
+for language C<$lang> and the 'en' ones are returned.
+sub sample_data_sql_list {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $lang = shift;
+    my $defaulted_to_en = 0;
+    undef $/;
+    my $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/$lang";
+    unless (opendir( MYDIR, $dir )) {
+        if ($lang eq 'en') {
+            warn "cannot open sample data directory $dir";
+        } else {
+            # if no sample data is available,
+            # default to English
+            $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}/en";
+            opendir(MYDIR, $dir) or warn "cannot open English sample data directory $dir";
+            $defaulted_to_en = 1;
+        }
+    }
+    my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
+    closedir MYDIR;
+    my @levellist;
+    my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare("SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'");
+    $request->execute;
+    my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow;
+    $frameworksloaded = '' unless defined $frameworksloaded; # avoid warning
+    my %frameworksloaded;
+    foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) {
+        $frameworksloaded{$_} = 1;
+    }
+    foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) {
+        opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" );
+        my @listname = grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ } readdir(MYDIR);
+        closedir MYDIR;
+        my %cell;
+        my @frameworklist;
+        map {
+            my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 );
+            open FILE, "<:utf8","$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt";
+            my $lines = <FILE>;
+            $lines =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
+            use utf8;
+            utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) );
+            my $mandatory = ($requirelevel =~ /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i);
+            push @frameworklist,
+              {
+                'fwkname'        => $name,
+                'fwkfile'        => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_",
+                'fwkdescription' => $lines,
+                'checked'        => ( ( $frameworksloaded{$_} || $mandatory ) ? 1 : 0 ),
+                'mandatory'      => $mandatory,
+              };
+        } @listname;
+        my @fwks = sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist;
+        $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks;
+        $cell{"label"}      = ucfirst($requirelevel);
+        $cell{"code"}       = lc($requirelevel);
+        push @levellist, \%cell;
+    }
+    return ($defaulted_to_en, \@levellist);
+=head2 sql_file_list
+=over 4
+my $list = $installer->sql_file_list($lang, $marcflavour, $subset_wanted);
+Returns an arrayref containing the filepaths of installer SQL scripts
+available for laod.  The C<$lang> and C<$marcflavour> arguments
+specify the desired language and MARC flavour. while C<$subset_wanted>
+is a hashref containing possible named parameters 'mandatory' and 'optional'.
+sub sql_file_list {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $lang = shift;
+    my $marcflavour = shift;
+    my $subset_wanted = shift;
+    my ($marc_defaulted_to_en, $marc_sql) = $self->marc_framework_sql_list($lang, $marcflavour);
+    my ($sample_defaulted_to_en, $sample_sql) = $self->sample_data_sql_list($lang);
+    my @sql_list = ();
+    map { 
+        map {
+            if ($subset_wanted->{'mandatory'}) {
+                push @sql_list, $_->{'fwkfile'} if $_->{'mandatory'};
+            }
+            if ($subset_wanted->{'optional'}) {
+                push @sql_list, $_->{'fwkfile'} unless $_->{'mandatory'};
+            }
+        } @{ $_->{'frameworks'} }
+    } (@$marc_sql, @$sample_sql);
+    return \@sql_list
+=head2 load_db_schema 
+=over 4
+my $error = $installer->load_db_schema();
+Loads the SQL script that creates Koha's tables and indexes.  The
+return value is a string containing error messages reported by the
+sub load_db_schema {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $datadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}";
+    my $error = $self->load_sql("$datadir/kohastructure.sql");
+    return $error;
+=head2 load_sql_in_order
+=over 4
+my ($fwk_language, $list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, @sql_list);
+Given a list of SQL scripts supplied in C<@sql_list>, loads each of them
+into the database and sets the FrameworksLoaded system preference to names
+of the scripts that were loaded.
+The SQL files are loaded in alphabetical order by filename (not including
+directory path).  This means that dependencies among the scripts are to
+be resolved by carefully naming them, keeping in mind that the directory name
+does *not* currently count.
+FIXME: this is a rather delicate way of dealing with dependencies between 
+       the install scripts.
+The return value C<$list> is an arrayref containing a hashref for each
+"level" or directory containing SQL scripts; the hashref in turns contains
+a list of hashrefs containing a list of each script load and any error
+messages associated with the loading of each script.
+FIXME: The C<$fwk_language> code probably doesn't belong and needs to be
+moved to a different method.
+sub load_sql_in_order {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $all_languages = shift;
+    my @sql_list = @_;
+    my $lang;
+    my %hashlevel;
+    my @fnames = sort {
+        my @aa = split /\/|\\/, ($a);
+        my @bb = split /\/|\\/, ($b);
+        $aa[-1] cmp $bb[-1]
+    } @sql_list;
+    my $request = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare( "SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'" );
+    $request->execute;
+    my ($systempreference) = $request->fetchrow;
+    $systempreference = '' unless defined $systempreference; # avoid warning
+    foreach my $file (@fnames) {
+        #      warn $file;
+        undef $/;
+        my $error = $self->load_sql($file);
+        my @file = split qr(\/|\\), $file;
+        $lang = $file[ scalar(@file) - 3 ] unless ($lang);
+        my $level = $file[ scalar(@file) - 2 ];
+        unless ($error) {
+            $systempreference .= "$file[scalar(@file)-1]|"
+              unless ( index( $systempreference, $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ] ) >= 0 );
+        }
+        #Bulding here a hierarchy to display files by level.
+        push @{ $hashlevel{$level} },
+          { "fwkname" => $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ], "error" => $error };
+    }
+    #systempreference contains an ending |
+    chop $systempreference;
+    my @list;
+    map { push @list, { "level" => $_, "fwklist" => $hashlevel{$_} } } keys %hashlevel;
+    my $fwk_language;
+    for my $each_language (@$all_languages) {
+        #       warn "CODE".$each_language->{'language_code'};
+        #       warn "LANG:".$lang;
+        if ( $lang eq $each_language->{'language_code'} ) {
+            $fwk_language = $each_language->{language_locale_name};
+        }
+    }
+    my $updateflag =
+      $self->{'dbh'}->do(
+        "UPDATE systempreferences set value=\"$systempreference\" where variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
+      );
+    unless ( $updateflag == 1 ) {
+        my $string =
+            "INSERT INTO systempreferences (value, variable, explanation, type) VALUES (\"$systempreference\",'FrameworksLoaded','Frameworks loaded through webinstaller','choice')";
+        my $rq = $self->{'dbh'}->prepare($string);
+        $rq->execute;
+    }
+    return ($fwk_language, \@list);
+=head2 set_marcflavour_syspref 
+=over 4
+Set the 'marcflavour' system preference.  The incoming
+C<$marcflavour> references to a subdirectory of
+installer/data/$dbms/$lang/marcflavour, and is
+normalized to MARC21 or UNIMARC.
+FIXME: this method assumes that the MARC flavour will be either
+sub set_marcflavour_syspref {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $marcflavour = shift;
+    # we can have some variants of marc flavour, by having different directories, like : unimarc_small and unimarc_full, for small and complete unimarc frameworks.
+    # marc_cleaned finds the marcflavour, without the variant.
+    my $marc_cleaned = 'MARC21';
+    $marc_cleaned = 'UNIMARC' if $marcflavour =~ /unimarc/i;
+    my $request =
+        $self->{'dbh'}->prepare(
+          "INSERT IGNORE INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','$marc_cleaned','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC','Choice');"
+        );
+    $request->execute;
+=head2 set_indexing_engine 
+=over 4
+Sets system preferences related to the indexing
+engine.  The C<$nozebra> argument is a boolean;
+if true, turn on NoZebra mode and turn off QueryFuzzy,
+QueryWeightFields, and QueryStemming.  If false, turn
+off NoZebra mode (i.e., use the Zebra search engine).
+sub set_indexing_engine {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $nozebra = shift;
+    if ($nozebra) {
+        $self->{'dbh'}->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=1 WHERE variable='NoZebra'");
+        $self->{'dbh'}->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable in ('QueryFuzzy','QueryWeightFields','QueryStemming')");
+    } else {
+        $self->{'dbh'}->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable='NoZebra'");
+    }
+=head2 set_version_syspref
+=over 4
+Set or update the 'Version' system preference to the current
+Koha software version.
+sub set_version_syspref {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $kohaversion=C4::Context::KOHAVERSION;
+    # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number
+    $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
+    if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) {
+        warn "UPDATE Version";
+        my $finish=$self->{'dbh'}->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=? WHERE variable='Version'");
+        $finish->execute($kohaversion);
+    } else {
+        warn "INSERT Version";
+        my $finish=$self->{'dbh'}->prepare("INSERT into systempreferences (variable,value,explanation) values ('Version',?,'The Koha database version. WARNING: Do not change this value manually, it is maintained by the webinstaller')");
+        $finish->execute($kohaversion);
+    }
+=head2 load_sql
+=over 4
+my $error = $installer->load_sql($filename);
+Runs a the specified SQL using the DB's command-line
+SQL tool, and returns any strings sent to STDERR
+by the command-line tool.
+FIXME: there has been a long-standing desire to
+       replace this with an SQL loader that goes
+       through DBI; partly for portability issues
+       and partly to improve error handling.
+FIXME: even using the command-line loader, some more
+       basic error handling should be added - deal
+       with missing files, e.g.
+sub load_sql {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $filename = shift;
+    my $datadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$self->{dbms}";
+    my $error;
+    my $strcmd;
+    if ( $self->{dbms} eq 'mysql' ) {
+        $strcmd = "mysql "
+            . ( $self->{hostname} ? " -h $self->{hostname} " : "" )
+            . ( $self->{port}     ? " -P $self->{port} "     : "" )
+            . ( $self->{user}     ? " -u $self->{user} "     : "" )
+            . ( $self->{password} ? " -p'$self->{password}'"   : "" )
+            . " $self->{dbname} ";
+        $error = qx($strcmd <$filename 2>&1 1>/dev/null);
+    } elsif ( $self->{dbms} eq 'Pg' ) {
+        $strcmd = "psql "
+            . ( $self->{hostname} ? " -h $self->{hostname} " : "" )
+            . ( $self->{port}     ? " -p $self->{port} "     : "" )
+            . ( $self->{user}     ? " -U $self->{user} "     : "" )
+#            . ( $self->{password} ? " -W $self->{password}"   : "" )       # psql will NOT accept a password, but prompts...
+            . " $self->{dbname} ";                        # Therefore, be sure to run 'trust' on localhost in pg_hba.conf -fbcit
+        $error = qx($strcmd -f $filename 2>&1 1>/dev/null);
+        # Be sure to set 'client_min_messages = error' in postgresql.conf
+        # so that only true errors are returned to stderr or else the installer will 
+        # report the import a failure although it really succeded -fbcit
+    }
+    return $error;
+=head1 AUTHOR
+C4::Installer is a refactoring of logic originally from installer/installer.pl, which was
+originally written by Henri-Damien Laurant.
+Koha Developement team <info at koha.org>
+Galen Charlton <galen.charlton at liblime.com>
diff --git a/installer/install.pl b/installer/install.pl
index 41d04a7..088d0f7 100755
--- a/installer/install.pl
+++ b/installer/install.pl
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use InstallAuth;
 use C4::Context;
 use C4::Output;
 use C4::Languages qw(getAllLanguages getTranslatedLanguages);
+use C4::Installer;
 use strict;    # please develop with the strict pragma
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@ if ( defined($language) ) {
+my $installer = C4::Installer->new();
 my %info;
 $info{'dbname'} = C4::Context->config("database");
 $info{'dbms'} =
@@ -264,18 +266,7 @@ elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) {
         exit 1;
     elsif ( $op && $op eq 'finish' ) {
-        my $kohaversion=C4::Context::KOHAVERSION;
-        # remove the 3 last . to have a Perl number
-        $kohaversion =~ s/(.*\..*)\.(.*)\.(.*)/$1$2$3/;
-        if (C4::Context->preference('Version')) {
-            warn "UPDATE Version";
-            my $finish=$dbh->prepare("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=? WHERE variable='Version'");
-            $finish->execute($kohaversion);
-        } else {
-            warn "INSERT Version";
-            my $finish=$dbh->prepare("INSERT into systempreferences (variable,value,explanation) values ('Version',?,'The Koha database version. WARNING: Do not change this value manually, it is maintained by the webinstaller')");
-            $finish->execute($kohaversion);
-        }
+        $installer->set_version_syspref();
         # Installation is finished.
         # We just deny anybody access to install
@@ -284,12 +275,7 @@ elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) {
         $template->param( "$op" => 1 );
     elsif ( $op && $op eq 'SetIndexingEngine' ) {
-        if ($query->param('NoZebra')) {
-            $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=1 WHERE variable='NoZebra'");
-            $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable in ('QueryFuzzy','QueryWeightFields','QueryStemming')");
-        } else {
-            $dbh->do("UPDATE systempreferences SET value=0 WHERE variable='NoZebra'");
-        }
+        $installer->set_indexing_engine($query->param('NoZebra'));
         $template->param( "$op" => 1 );
     elsif ( $op && $op eq 'addframeworks' ) {
@@ -297,88 +283,10 @@ elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) {
     # 1ST install, 3rd sub-step : insert the SQL files the user has selected
-        #Framework importing and reports
-        my $lang;
-        my %hashlevel;
-       # sort by filename -> prepend with numbers to specify order of insertion.
-        my @fnames = sort {
-            my @aa = split /\/|\\/, ($a);
-            my @bb = split /\/|\\/, ($b);
-            $aa[-1] cmp $bb[-1]
-        } $query->param('framework');
-        my $request =
-          $dbh->prepare(
-            "SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
-          );
-        $request->execute;
-        my ($systempreference) = $request->fetchrow;
-        $systempreference = '' unless defined $systempreference; # avoid warning
-        foreach my $file (@fnames) {
-            #      warn $file;
-            undef $/;
-	    my $error;
-	    if ( $info{dbms} eq 'mysql' ) {
-            	my $strcmd = "mysql "
-              		. ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" )
-              		. ( $info{port}     ? " -P $info{port} "     : "" )
-              		. ( $info{user}     ? " -u $info{user} "     : "" )
-              		. ( $info{password} ? " -p'$info{password}'"   : "" )
-              		. " $info{dbname} ";
-            	$error = qx($strcmd < $file 2>&1 1>/dev/null);			# We want to send stdout to null and return only stderr... -fbcit
-    	    }
-	    elsif ( $info{dbms} eq 'Pg' ) { 
-            	my $strcmd = "psql "
-              		. ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" )
-              		. ( $info{port}     ? " -p $info{port} "     : "" )
-              		. ( $info{user}     ? " -U $info{user} "     : "" )
-#              		 . ( $info{password} ? " -W $info{password}"   : "" )
-              		. " $info{dbname} ";
-            	$error = qx($strcmd -f $file 2>&1 1>/dev/null);			# ...even more so with psql...
-    	    }
-            my @file = split qr(\/|\\), $file;
-            $lang = $file[ scalar(@file) - 3 ] unless ($lang);
-            my $level = $file[ scalar(@file) - 2 ];
-            unless ($error) {
-                $systempreference .= "$file[scalar(@file)-1]|"
-                  unless (
-                    index( $systempreference, $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ] ) >=
-                    0 );
-            }
-            #Bulding here a hierarchy to display files by level.
-            push @{ $hashlevel{$level} },
-              { "fwkname" => $file[ scalar(@file) - 1 ], "error" => $error };
-        }
-        #systempreference contains an ending |
-        chop $systempreference;
-        my @list;
-        map { push @list, { "level" => $_, "fwklist" => $hashlevel{$_} } }
-          keys %hashlevel;
-        my $fwk_language;
-        for my $each_language (@$all_languages) {
-            # 		warn "CODE".$each_language->{'language_code'};
-            # 		warn "LANG:".$lang;
-            if ( $lang eq $each_language->{'language_code'} ) {
-                $fwk_language = $each_language->{language_locale_name};
-            }
-        }
-        my $updateflag =
-          $dbh->do(
-            "UPDATE systempreferences set value=\"$systempreference\" where variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
-          );
-        unless ( $updateflag == 1 ) {
-            my $string =
-                "INSERT INTO systempreferences (value, variable, explanation, type) VALUES (\"$systempreference\",'FrameworksLoaded','Frameworks loaded through webinstaller','choice')";
-            my $rq = $dbh->prepare($string);
-            $rq->execute;
-        }
+        my ($fwk_language, $list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, $query->param('framework'));
             "fwklanguage" => $fwk_language,
-            "list"        => \@list
+            "list"        => $list
         $template->param( "$op" => 1 );
@@ -404,145 +312,19 @@ elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) {
         $langchoice = $query->cookie('KohaOpacLanguage') unless ($langchoice);
         my $marcflavour = $query->param('marcflavour');
         if ($marcflavour){
-            # we can have some variants of marc flavour, by having different directories, like : unimarc_small and unimarc_full, for small and complete unimarc frameworks.
-            # marc_cleaned finds the marcflavour, without the variant.
-            my $marc_cleaned = 'MARC21';
-            $marc_cleaned = 'UNIMARC' if $marcflavour =~ /unimarc/i;
-          my $request =
-            $dbh->prepare(
-              "INSERT IGNORE INTO `systempreferences` (variable,value,explanation,options,type) VALUES('marcflavour','$marc_cleaned','Define global MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC) used for character encoding','MARC21|UNIMARC','Choice');"
-            );     
-          $request->execute;
+            $installer->set_marcflavour_syspref($marcflavour);
         $marcflavour = C4::Context->preference('marcflavour') unless ($marcflavour);
         #Insert into database the selected marcflavour
-        undef $/;
-        my $dir =
-          C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/$langchoice/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour);
-        unless (opendir( MYDIR, $dir )) {
-            if ($langchoice eq 'en') {
-                warn "cannot open MARC frameworks directory $dir";
-            } else {
-                # if no translated MARC framework is available,
-                # default to English
-                $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/en/marcflavour/".lc($marcflavour);
-                opendir(MYDIR, $dir) or warn "cannot open English MARC frameworks directory $dir";
-                $template->param('en_marc_frameworks' => 1);
-            }
-        }
-        my @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
-        closedir MYDIR;
-        my @fwklist;
-        my $request =
-          $dbh->prepare(
-            "SELECT value FROM systempreferences WHERE variable='FrameworksLoaded'"
-          );
-        $request->execute;
-        my ($frameworksloaded) = $request->fetchrow;
-        $frameworksloaded = '' unless defined $frameworksloaded; # avoid warning
-        my %frameworksloaded;
-        foreach ( split( /\|/, $frameworksloaded ) ) {
-            $frameworksloaded{$_} = 1;
-        }
-        foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) {
-            opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" );
-            my @listname =
-              grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ }
-              readdir(MYDIR);
-            closedir MYDIR;
-            my %cell;
-            my @frameworklist;
-            map {
-                my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 );
-                open FILE, "<:utf8","$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt";
-                my $lines = <FILE>;
-                $lines =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
-                use utf8;
-                utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) );
-                push @frameworklist,
-                  {
-                    'fwkname'        => $name,
-                    'fwkfile'        => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_",
-                    'fwkdescription' => $lines,
-                    'checked'        => (
-                        (
-                            $frameworksloaded{$_}
-                              || ( $requirelevel =~
-                                /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i )
-                        ) ? 1 : 0
-                    )
-                  };
-            } @listname;
-            my @fwks =
-              sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist;
-#             $cell{"mandatory"}=($requirelevel=~/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i);
-            $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks;
-            $cell{"label"}      = ucfirst($requirelevel);
-            $cell{"code"}       = lc($requirelevel);
-            push @fwklist, \%cell;
-        }
-        $template->param( "frameworksloop" => \@fwklist );
+        undef $/; 
+        my ($marc_defaulted_to_en, $fwklist) = $installer->marc_framework_sql_list($langchoice, $marcflavour);
+        $template->param('en_marc_frameworks' => $marc_defaulted_to_en);
+        $template->param( "frameworksloop" => $fwklist );
         $template->param( "marcflavour" => ucfirst($marcflavour));
-        $dir =
-          C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/$langchoice";
-        unless (opendir( MYDIR, $dir )) {
-            if ($langchoice eq 'en') {
-                warn "cannot open sample data directory $dir";
-            } else {
-                # if no sample data is available,
-                # default to English
-                $dir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}/en";
-                opendir(MYDIR, $dir) or warn "cannot open English sample data directory $dir";
-                $template->param('en_sample_data' => 1);
-            }
-        }
-        @listdir = sort grep { !/^\.|marcflavour/ && -d "$dir/$_" } readdir(MYDIR);
-        closedir MYDIR;
-        my @levellist;
-        foreach my $requirelevel (@listdir) {
-            opendir( MYDIR, "$dir/$requirelevel" );
-            my @listname =
-              grep { !/^\./ && -f "$dir/$requirelevel/$_" && $_ =~ m/\.sql$/ }
-              readdir(MYDIR);
-            closedir MYDIR;
-            my %cell;
-            my @frameworklist;
-            map {
-                my $name = substr( $_, 0, -4 );
-                open FILE, "<:utf8","$dir/$requirelevel/$name.txt";
-                my $lines = <FILE>;
-                $lines =~ s/\n|\r/<br \/>/g;
-                use utf8;
-                utf8::encode($lines) unless ( utf8::is_utf8($lines) );
-                push @frameworklist,
-                  {
-                    'fwkname'        => $name,
-                    'fwkfile'        => "$dir/$requirelevel/$_",
-                    'fwkdescription' => $lines,
-                    'checked'        => (
-                        (
-                            $frameworksloaded{$_}
-                              || ( $requirelevel =~
-                                /(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i )
-                        ) ? 1 : 0
-                    )
-                  };
-            } @listname;
-            my @fwks =
-              sort { $a->{'fwkname'} cmp $b->{'fwkname'} } @frameworklist;
-#             $cell{"mandatory"}=($requirelevel=~/(mandatory|requi|oblig|necess)/i);
-            $cell{"frameworks"} = \@fwks;
-            $cell{"label"}      = ucfirst($requirelevel);
-            $cell{"code"}       = lc($requirelevel);
-            push @levellist, \%cell;
-        }
-        $template->param( "levelloop" => \@levellist );
+        my ($sample_defaulted_to_en, $levellist) = $installer->sample_data_sql_list($langchoice, $marcflavour);
+        $template->param( "en_sample_data" => $sample_defaulted_to_en);
+        $template->param( "levelloop" => $levellist );
         $template->param( "$op"       => 1 );
     elsif ( $op && $op eq 'choosemarc' ) {
@@ -598,28 +380,7 @@ elsif ( $step && $step == 3 ) {
         # 1st install, 1st "sub-step" : import kohastructure
-	my $datadir = C4::Context->config('intranetdir') . "/installer/data/$info{dbms}";
-	my $error;
-        if ( $info{dbms} eq 'mysql' ) {
-	    my $strcmd = "mysql "
-	        . ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" )
-	        . ( $info{port}     ? " -P $info{port} "     : "" )
-	        . ( $info{user}     ? " -u $info{user} "     : "" )
-	        . ( $info{password} ? " -p'$info{password}'"   : "" )
-	        . " $info{dbname} ";
-	    $error = qx($strcmd <$datadir/kohastructure.sql 2>&1 1>/dev/null);
-        }
-        elsif ( $info{dbms} eq 'Pg' ) { 
-            my $strcmd = "psql "
-                . ( $info{hostname} ? " -h $info{hostname} " : "" )
-                . ( $info{port}     ? " -p $info{port} "     : "" )
-                . ( $info{user}     ? " -U $info{user} "     : "" )
-#                . ( $info{password} ? " -W $info{password}"   : "" )		# psql will NOT accept a password, but prompts...
-                . " $info{dbname} ";						# Therefore, be sure to run 'trust' on localhost in pg_hba.conf -fbcit
-            $error = qx($strcmd -f $datadir/kohastructure.sql 2>&1 1>/dev/null);# Be sure to set 'client_min_messages = error' in postgresql.conf
-	    									# so that only true errors are returned to stderr or else the installer will
-										# report the import a failure although it really succeded -fbcit
-    	}
+        my $error = $installer->load_db_schema();
             "error" => $error,
             "$op"   => 1,

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