[Koha-patches] [PATCH] adding database-dependent test libs.

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Fri Apr 18 17:58:31 CEST 2008

From: Andrew Moore <andrew.moore at liblime.com>

These test libs should have been included in the previous patch.

Signed-off-by: Galen Charlton <galen.charlton at liblime.com>
 t/lib/KohaTest.pm                              |  430 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition.pm                  |  147 ++++++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetHistory.pm       |  165 +++++++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetLateOrders.pm    |  106 ++++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcel.pm        |   65 ++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcels.pm       |  289 ++++++++++++++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetPendingOrders.pm |   82 +++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/NewOrder.pm         |  106 ++++++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Search.pm                       |   38 ++
 t/lib/KohaTest/Search/SimpleSearch.pm          |  134 ++++++++
 10 files changed, 1562 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetHistory.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetLateOrders.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcel.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcels.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetPendingOrders.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/NewOrder.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Search.pm
 create mode 100644 t/lib/KohaTest/Search/SimpleSearch.pm

diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fb416a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+package KohaTest;
+use base qw(Test::Class);
+use Test::More;
+use Data::Dumper;
+eval "use Test::Class";
+plan skip_all => "Test::Class required for performing database tests" if $@;
+# Or, maybe I should just die there.
+if ( $ENV{'USER'} ne 'acm' ) {
+    die 'This test suite rewrites your database, so this is to keep you from accidently doing that.';
+    $ENV{'KOHA_CONF'} = '/home/acm/koha/dev/t/etc/koha-conf.xml';
+use lib qw(..);
+use C4::Biblio;
+use C4::Bookfund;
+use C4::Bookseller;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Items;
+use C4::Members;
+use C4::Search;
+# Since this is an abstract base class, this prevents these tests from
+# being run directly unless we're testing a subclass. It just makes
+# things faster.
+=head2 startup methods
+these are run once, at the beginning of the whole test suite
+=head2 startup_10_prepare_database
+prepare a blank database.
+This ends up getting run once for each test module, so that's several
+times throughout the test suite. That may be too many times to refresh
+the database. We may have to tune that.
+sub startup_10_prepare_database : Test(startup => 1) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # this is how I'm refreshing my database for now.  I'll think of
+    # something better later.  Eventually, I'd like to drop the
+    # database entirely and use the regular install code to rebuild a
+    # base database.
+    my $class = ref $self;
+    # like( C4::Context->config( 'database '), qr/test$/, 'using test database: ' . C4::Context->config( 'database' ) )
+    like( C4::Context->database(), qr/test$/, 'using test database: ' . C4::Context->database() )
+      or BAIL_OUT( 'This appears to not be a test database.' );
+    return;
+sub startup_15_truncate_tables : Test( startup => 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+#     my @truncate_tables = qw( accountlines 
+#                               accountoffsets              
+#                               action_logs                 
+#                               alert                       
+#                               aqbasket                    
+#                               aqbookfund                  
+#                               aqbooksellers               
+#                               aqbudget                    
+#                               aqorderbreakdown            
+#                               aqorderdelivery             
+#                               aqorders                    
+#                               auth_header                 
+#                               auth_subfield_structure     
+#                               auth_tag_structure          
+#                               auth_types                  
+#                               authorised_values           
+#                               biblio                      
+#                               biblio_framework            
+#                               biblioitems                 
+#                               borrowers                   
+#                               branchcategories            
+#                               branches                    
+#                               branchrelations             
+#                               branchtransfers             
+#                               browser                     
+#                               categories                  
+#                               categorytable               
+#                               cities                      
+#                               class_sort_rules            
+#                               class_sources               
+#                               currency                    
+#                               deletedbiblio               
+#                               deletedbiblioitems          
+#                               deletedborrowers            
+#                               deleteditems                
+#                               ethnicity                   
+#                               import_batches              
+#                               import_biblios              
+#                               import_items                
+#                               import_record_matches       
+#                               import_records              
+#                               issues                      
+#                               issuingrules                
+#                               items                       
+#                               itemtypes                   
+#                               labels                      
+#                               labels_conf                 
+#                               labels_profile              
+#                               labels_templates            
+#                               language_descriptions       
+#                               language_rfc4646_to_iso639  
+#                               language_script_bidi        
+#                               language_script_mapping     
+#                               language_subtag_registry    
+#                               letter                      
+#                               marc_matchers               
+#                               marc_subfield_structure     
+#                               marc_tag_structure          
+#                               matchchecks                 
+#                               matcher_matchpoints         
+#                               matchpoint_component_norms  
+#                               matchpoint_components       
+#                               matchpoints                 
+#                               mediatypetable              
+#                               notifys                     
+#                               nozebra                     
+#                               old_issues                  
+#                               old_reserves                
+#                               opac_news                   
+#                               overduerules                
+#                               patroncards                 
+#                               patronimage                 
+#                               printers                    
+#                               printers_profile            
+#                               repeatable_holidays         
+#                               reports_dictionary          
+#                               reserveconstraints          
+#                               reserves                    
+#                               reviews                     
+#                               roadtype                    
+#                               saved_reports               
+#                               saved_sql                   
+#                               serial                      
+#                               serialitems                 
+#                               services_throttle           
+#                               sessions                    
+#                               special_holidays            
+#                               statistics                  
+#                               stopwords                   
+#                               subcategorytable            
+#                               subscription                
+#                               subscriptionhistory         
+#                               subscriptionroutinglist     
+#                               suggestions                 
+#                               systempreferences           
+#                               tags                        
+#                               userflags                   
+#                               virtualshelfcontents        
+#                               virtualshelves              
+#                               z3950servers                
+#                               zebraqueue                  
+#                         );
+    my @truncate_tables = qw( accountlines 
+                              accountoffsets              
+                              alert                       
+                              aqbasket                    
+                              aqbooksellers               
+                              aqorderbreakdown            
+                              aqorderdelivery             
+                              aqorders                    
+                              auth_header                 
+                              branchcategories            
+                              branchrelations             
+                              branchtransfers             
+                              browser                     
+                              categorytable               
+                              cities                      
+                              deletedbiblio               
+                              deletedbiblioitems          
+                              deletedborrowers            
+                              deleteditems                
+                              ethnicity                   
+                              import_items                
+                              import_record_matches       
+                              issues                      
+                              issuingrules                
+                              items                       
+                              labels                      
+                              labels_profile              
+                              matchchecks                 
+                              mediatypetable              
+                              notifys                     
+                              nozebra                     
+                              old_issues                  
+                              old_reserves                
+                              overduerules                
+                              patroncards                 
+                              patronimage                 
+                              printers                    
+                              printers_profile            
+                              reports_dictionary          
+                              reserveconstraints          
+                              reserves                    
+                              reviews                     
+                              roadtype                    
+                              saved_reports               
+                              saved_sql                   
+                              serial                      
+                              serialitems                 
+                              services_throttle           
+                              special_holidays            
+                              statistics                  
+                              subcategorytable            
+                              subscription                
+                              subscriptionhistory         
+                              subscriptionroutinglist     
+                              suggestions                 
+                              tags                        
+                              virtualshelfcontents        
+                        );
+    my $failed_to_truncate = 0;
+    foreach my $table ( @truncate_tables ) {
+        my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
+        $dbh->do( "truncate $table" )
+          or $failed_to_truncate = 1;
+    }
+    is( $failed_to_truncate, 0, 'truncated tables' );
+=head2 startup_20_add_bookseller
+we need a bookseller for many of the tests, so let's insert one. Feel
+free to use this one, or insert your own.
+sub startup_20_add_bookseller : Test(startup => 1) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $booksellerinfo = { name => 'bookseller ' . $self->random_string(),
+                      };
+    my $id = AddBookseller( $booksellerinfo );
+    ok( $id, "created bookseller: $id" );
+    $self->{'booksellerid'} = $id;
+    return;
+=head2 startup_22_add_bookfund
+we need a bookfund for many of the tests. This currently uses one that
+is in the skeleton database.  free to use this one, or insert your
+sub startup_22_add_bookfund : Test(startup => 2) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $bookfundid = 'GEN';
+    my $bookfund = GetBookFund( $bookfundid, undef );
+    # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $bookfund ], qw( bookfund  ) ) );
+    is( $bookfund->{'bookfundid'},   $bookfundid,      "found bookfund: '$bookfundid'" );
+    is( $bookfund->{'bookfundname'}, 'General Stacks', "found bookfund: '$bookfundid'" );
+    $self->{'bookfundid'} = $bookfundid;
+    return;
+=head2 startup_24_add_member
+Add a patron/member for the tests to use
+sub startup_24_add_member : Test(startup => 1) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $memberinfo = { surname      => 'surname '  . $self->random_string(),
+                       firstname    => 'firstname' . $self->random_string(),
+                       address      => 'address'   . $self->random_string(),
+                       city         => 'city'      . $self->random_string(),
+                       branchcode   => 'CPL', # CPL => Centerville
+                       categorycode => 'PT',  # PT  => PaTron
+                  };
+    my $id = AddMember( %$memberinfo );
+    ok( $id, "created member: $id" );
+    $self->{'memberid'} = $id;
+    return;
+=head2 setup methods
+setup methods are run before every test method
+=head2 teardown methods
+teardown methods are many time, once at the end of each test method.
+=head2 shutdown methods
+shutdown methods are run once, at the end of the test suite
+=head2 utility methods
+These are not test methods, but they're handy
+=head3 random_string
+Nice for generating names and such. It's not actually random, more
+like arbitrary.
+sub random_string {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $wordsize = 6;  # how many letters in your string?
+    # leave out these characters: "oOlL10". They're too confusing.
+    my @alphabet = ( 'a'..'k','m','n','p'..'z', 'A'..'K','M','N','P'..'Z', 2..9 );
+    my $randomstring;
+    foreach ( 0..$wordsize ) {
+        $randomstring .= $alphabet[ rand( scalar( @alphabet ) ) ];
+    }
+    return $randomstring;
+=head3 add_biblios
+  $self->add_biblios( count     => 10,
+                      add_items => 1, );
+  named parameters:
+     count: number of biblios to add
+     add_items: should you add items for each one?
+  returns:
+    I don't know yet.
+  side effects:
+    adds the biblionumbers to the $self->{'biblios'} listref
+  Notes:
+    Should I allow you to pass in biblio information, like title?
+    Since this method is in the KohaTest class, all tests in it will be ignored, unless you call this from your own namespace.
+    This runs 10 tests, plus 4 for each "count", plus 3 more for each item added.
+sub add_biblios {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %param = @_;
+    $param{'count'}     = 1 unless defined( $param{'count'} );
+    $param{'add_items'} = 0 unless defined( $param{'add_items'} );
+    foreach my $counter ( 1..$param{'count'} ) {
+        my $marcrecord  = MARC::Record->new();
+        isa_ok( $marcrecord, 'MARC::Record' );
+        my $appendedfieldscount = $marcrecord->append_fields( MARC::Field->new( '100', '1', '0',
+                                                                                a => 'Twain, Mark',
+                                                                                d => "1835-1910." ),
+                                                              MARC::Field->new( '245', '1', '4',
+                                                                                a => sprintf( 'The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test %s', $counter ),
+                                                                                c => "Mark Twain ; illustrated by E.W. Kemble." )
+                                                         );
+        is( $appendedfieldscount, 2, 'added 2 fields' );
+        my $frameworkcode = ''; # XXX I'd like to put something reasonable here.
+        my ( $biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber ) = AddBiblio( $marcrecord, $frameworkcode );
+        ok( $biblionumber, "the biblionumber is $biblionumber" );
+        ok( $biblioitemnumber, "the biblioitemnumber is $biblioitemnumber" );
+        if ( $param{'add_items'} ) {
+            # my @iteminfo = AddItem( {}, $biblionumber );
+            my @iteminfo = AddItemFromMarc( $marcrecord, $biblionumber );
+            is( $iteminfo[0], $biblionumber,     "biblionumber is $biblionumber" );
+            is( $iteminfo[1], $biblioitemnumber, "biblioitemnumber is $biblioitemnumber" );
+            ok( $iteminfo[2], "itemnumber is $iteminfo[2]" );
+        }
+        push @{$self->{'biblios'}}, $biblionumber;
+    }
+    my $query = 'Finn Test';
+    # XXX we're going to repeatedly try to fetch the marc records that
+    # we inserted above. It may take a while before they all show
+    # up. why?
+    my $tries = 30;
+    DELAY: foreach my $trial ( 1..$tries ) {
+        diag "waiting for zebra indexing. Trial: $trial of $tries";
+        my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query );
+        if ( $param{'count'} <= scalar( @$results ) ) {
+            ok( $tries, "found all $param{'count'} titles after $trial tries" );
+            last DELAY;
+        }
+        sleep( 3 );
+    } continue {
+        if ( $trial == $tries ) {
+            fail( "we never found all $param{'count'} titles even after $tries tries." );
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4685195
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition;
+use base qw( KohaTest );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Members;
+use Time::localtime;
+sub testing_class { 'C4::Acquisition' };
+sub methods : Test( 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @methods = qw(  GetBasket 
+                       NewBasket 
+                       CloseBasket 
+                       GetPendingOrders 
+                       GetOrders 
+                       GetOrderNumber 
+                       GetOrder 
+                       NewOrder 
+                       ModOrder 
+                       ModOrderBiblioNumber 
+                       ModReceiveOrder 
+                       SearchOrder 
+                       DelOrder 
+                       GetParcel 
+                       GetParcels 
+                       GetLateOrders 
+                       GetHistory 
+                       GetRecentAcqui 
+                );
+    can_ok( $self->testing_class, @methods );    
+=head3 create_new_basket
+  creates a baseket by creating an order with no baseket number.
+  named parameters:
+    authorizedby
+    invoice
+    date
+  returns: baseket number, order number
+  runs 4 tests
+sub create_new_basket {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %param = @_;
+    $param{'authorizedby'} = $self->{'memberid'} unless exists $param{'authorizedby'};
+    $param{'invoice'}      = 123                 unless exists $param{'invoice'};
+    my $today = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                         localtime->year() + 1900,
+                         localtime->mon() + 1,
+                         localtime->mday() );
+    # I actually think that this parameter is unused.
+    $param{'date'}         = $today              unless exists $param{'date'};
+    $self->add_biblios( add_items => 1 );
+    ok( scalar @{$self->{'biblios'}} > 0, 'we have added at least one biblio' );
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = NewOrder( undef, # $basketno,
+                                          $self->{'biblios'}[0], # $bibnum,
+                                          undef, # $title,
+                                          1, # $quantity,
+                                          undef, # $listprice,
+                                          $self->{'booksellerid'}, # $booksellerid,
+                                          $param{'authorizedby'}, # $authorisedby,
+                                          undef, # $notes,
+                                          $self->{'bookfundid'},     # $bookfund,
+                                          undef, # $bibitemnum,
+                                          1, # $rrp,
+                                          1, # $ecost,
+                                          undef, # $gst,
+                                          undef, # $budget,
+                                          undef, # $cost,
+                                          undef, # $sub,
+                                          $param{'invoice'}, # $invoice,
+                                          undef, # $sort1,
+                                          undef, # $sort2,
+                                          undef, # $purchaseorder
+                                     );
+    ok( $basketno, "my basket number is $basketno" );
+    ok( $ordnum,   "my order number is $ordnum" );
+    my $order = GetOrder( $ordnum );
+    is( $order->{'ordernumber'}, $ordnum, 'got the right order' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order ], [ 'order' ] ) );
+    is( $order->{'budgetdate'}, $today, "the budget date is $today" );
+    # XXX should I stuff these in $self?
+    return ( $basketno, $ordnum );
+sub enable_independant_branches {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $member = GetMember( $self->{'memberid'} );
+    C4::Context::set_userenv( 0, # usernum
+                              $self->{'memberid'}, # userid
+                              undef, # usercnum
+                              undef, # userfirstname
+                              undef, # usersurname
+                              $member->{'branchcode'}, # userbranch
+                              undef, # branchname
+                              0, # userflags
+                              undef, # emailaddress
+                              undef, # branchprinter
+                         );
+    # set a preference. There's surely a method for this, but I can't find it.
+    my $retval = C4::Context->dbh->do( q(update systempreferences set value = '1' where variable = 'IndependantBranches') );
+    ok( $retval, 'set the preference' );
+    ok( C4::Context->userenv, 'usernev' );
+    isnt( C4::Context->userenv->{flags}, 1, 'flag != 1' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ C4::Context->userenv ], [ 'userenv' ] ) );
+    is( C4::Context->userenv->{branch}, $member->{'branchcode'}, 'we have set the right branch in C4::Context: ' . $member->{'branchcode'} );
+sub disable_independant_branches {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $retval = C4::Context->dbh->do( q(update systempreferences set value = '0' where variable = 'IndependantBranches') );
+    ok( $retval, 'set the preference back' );
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetHistory.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetHistory.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..940d1a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetHistory.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition::GetHistory;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Acquisition );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::localtime;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Members;
+use C4::Biblio;
+use C4::Bookseller;
+=head3 no_history
+sub no_history : Test( 4 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( $title, $author, $name, $from_placed_on, $to_placed_on )
+    my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory();
+    # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+    is( scalar @$order_loop, 0, 'order_loop is empty' );
+    is( $total_qty,          0, 'total_qty' );
+    is( $total_price,        0, 'total_price' );
+    is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived' );
+=head3 one_order
+sub one_order : Test( 50 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = $self->create_new_basket();
+    ok( $basketno, "basketno is $basketno" );
+    ok( $ordnum, "ordnum is $ordnum" );
+    # No arguments fetches no history.
+    {
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory();
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 0, 'order_loop is empty' );
+        is( $total_qty,          0, 'total_qty' );
+        is( $total_price,        0, 'total_price' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived' );
+    }
+    my $bibliodata = GetBiblioData( $self->{'biblios'}[0] );
+    ok( $bibliodata->{'title'}, 'the biblio has a title' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $bibliodata ], [ 'bibliodata' ] ) );
+    # searching by title should find it.
+    {
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( $bibliodata->{'title'} );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 1, 'order_loop searched by title' );
+        is( $total_qty,          1, 'total_qty searched by title' );
+        is( $total_price,        1, 'total_price searched by title' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived searched by title' );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop ], [ 'order_loop' ] ) );
+    }
+    # searching by author
+    {
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( undef, $bibliodata->{'author'} );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 1, 'order_loop searched by author' );
+        is( $total_qty,          1, 'total_qty searched by author' );
+        is( $total_price,        1, 'total_price searched by author' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived searched by author' );
+    }
+    # searching by name
+    {
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $bibliodata ], [ 'bibliodata' ] ) );
+        my $bookseller = GetBookSellerFromId( $self->{'booksellerid'} );
+        ok( $bookseller->{'name'}, 'bookseller name' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $bookseller ], [ 'bookseller' ] ) );
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( undef, undef, $bookseller->{'name'} );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 1, 'order_loop searched by name' );
+        is( $total_qty,          1, 'total_qty searched by name' );
+        is( $total_price,        1, 'total_price searched by name' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived searched by name' );
+    }
+    # searching by from_date
+    {
+        my $tomorrowseconds = time + 60*60*24;
+        my $tomorrow = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                 localtime( $tomorrowseconds )->year() + 1900,
+                                 localtime( $tomorrowseconds )->mon() + 1,
+                                 localtime( $tomorrowseconds )->mday() );
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( undef, undef, undef, undef, $tomorrow );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 1, 'order_loop searched by to_date' );
+        is( $total_qty,          1, 'total_qty searched by to_date' );
+        is( $total_price,        1, 'total_price searched by to_date' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived searched by to_date' );
+    }
+    # searching by from_date
+    {
+        my $yesterdayseconds = time - 60*60*24;
+        my $yesterday = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                 localtime( $yesterdayseconds )->year() + 1900,
+                                 localtime( $yesterdayseconds )->mon() + 1,
+                                 localtime( $yesterdayseconds )->mday() );
+        # diag( "yesterday was $yesterday" );
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( undef, undef, undef, $yesterday );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 1, 'order_loop searched by from_date' );
+        is( $total_qty,          1, 'total_qty searched by from_date' );
+        is( $total_price,        1, 'total_price searched by from_date' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived searched by from_date' );
+    }
+    # set up some things necessary to make GetHistory use the IndependantBranches
+    $self->enable_independant_branches();    
+    # just search by title here, we need to search by something.
+    {
+        my ( $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived) = GetHistory( $bibliodata->{'title'} );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop, $total_qty, $total_price, $total_qtyreceived ], [ qw( order_loop total_qty total_price total_qtyreceived ) ] ) );
+        is( scalar @$order_loop, 1, 'order_loop searched by title' );
+        is( $total_qty,          1, 'total_qty searched by title' );
+        is( $total_price,        1, 'total_price searched by title' );
+        is( $total_qtyreceived,  0, 'total_qtyreceived searched by title' );
+        # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order_loop ], [ 'order_loop' ] ) );
+    }
+    # reset that.
+    $self->disable_independant_branches();    
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetLateOrders.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetLateOrders.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36f6436
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetLateOrders.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition::GetLateOrders;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Acquisition );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Members;
+=head3 no_orders
+sub no_orders : Test( 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @orders = GetLateOrders( 1 );
+    is( scalar @orders, 0, 'There are no orders, so we found 0.' ) 
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+=head3 one_order
+sub one_order : Test( 29 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $basketid, $ordernumber ) = $self->create_new_basket();
+    ok( $basketid, 'a new basket was created' );
+    ok( $ordernumber, 'the basket has an order in it.' );
+    # we need this basket to be closed.
+    CloseBasket( $basketid );
+    my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0 );
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0 );
+        is( scalar @orders, 1, 'An order closed today is 0 days late.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 1 );
+        is( scalar @orders, 0, 'An order closed today is not 1 day late.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( -1 );
+        is( scalar @orders, 1, 'an order closed today is -1 day late.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    # provide some vendor information
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0, $self->{'booksellerid'} );
+        is( scalar @orders, 1, 'We found this late order with the right supplierid.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0, $self->{'booksellerid'} + 1 );
+        is( scalar @orders, 0, 'We found no late orders with the wrong supplierid.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    # provide some branch information
+    my $member = GetMember( $self->{'memberid'} );
+    # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $member ], [ 'member' ] ) );
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0, $self->{'booksellerid'}, $member->{'branchcode'} );
+        is( scalar @orders, 1, 'We found this late order with the right branchcode.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0, $self->{'booksellerid'}, 'This is not the branch' );
+        is( scalar @orders, 0, 'We found no late orders with the wrong branchcode.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    # set up some things necessary to make GetLateOrders use the IndependantBranches
+    $self->enable_independant_branches();    
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0, $self->{'booksellerid'}, $member->{'branchcode'} );
+        is( scalar @orders, 1, 'We found this late order with the right branchcode.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        my @orders = GetLateOrders( 0, $self->{'booksellerid'}, 'This is not the branch' );
+        is( scalar @orders, 0, 'We found no late orders with the wrong branchcode.' ) 
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+    }
+    # reset that.
+    $self->disable_independant_branches();    
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcel.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcel.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec6d87a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcel.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition::GetParcel;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Acquisition );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::localtime;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+=head3 no_parcel
+at first, there should be no parcels for our bookseller.
+sub no_parcel : Test( 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @parcel = GetParcel( $self->{'booksellerid'}, undef, undef );
+    is( scalar @parcel, 0, 'our new bookseller has no parcels' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcel ], [ 'parcel' ] ) );
+=head3 one_parcel
+we create an order, mark it as received, and then see if we can find
+it with GetParcel.
+sub one_parcel : Test( 17 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $invoice = 123;    # XXX what should this be?
+    my $today = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                         localtime->year() + 1900,
+                         localtime->mon() + 1,
+                         localtime->mday() );
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = $self->create_new_basket();
+    ok( $basketno, "my basket number is $basketno" );
+    ok( $ordnum,   "my order number is $ordnum" );
+    my $datereceived = ModReceiveOrder( $self->{'biblios'}[0],             # biblionumber
+                                        $ordnum,       # $ordnum,
+                                        undef,         # $quantrec,
+                                        undef,         # $user,
+                                        undef,         # $cost,
+                                        $invoice,         # $invoiceno,
+                                        undef,         # $freight,
+                                        undef,         # $rrp,
+                                        $self->{'bookfundid'},         # $bookfund,
+                                        $today,         # $datereceived
+                                   );
+    is( $datereceived, $today, "the parcel was received on $datereceived" );
+    my @parcel = GetParcel( $self->{'booksellerid'}, $invoice, $today );
+    is( scalar @parcel, 1, 'we found one (1) parcel.' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcel ], [ 'parcel' ] ) );
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcels.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcels.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82b6101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetParcels.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition::GetParcels;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Acquisition );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::localtime;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+=head2 NOTE
+Please do not confuse this with the test suite for C4::Acquisition::GetParcel.
+=head3 no_parcels
+at first, there should be no parcels for our bookseller.
+sub no_parcels : Test( 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                             # order
+                             # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                             # datefrom
+                             # date to
+                        );
+    is( scalar @parcels, 0, 'our new bookseller has no parcels' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+=head3 one_parcel
+we create an order, mark it as received, and then see if we can find
+it with GetParcels.
+sub one_parcel : Test( 19 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $invoice = 123;    # XXX what should this be?
+    my $today = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                         localtime->year() + 1900,
+                         localtime->mon() + 1,
+                         localtime->mday() );
+    $self->create_order( authorizedby => 1,   # XXX what should this be?
+                         invoice      => $invoice,
+                         date         => $today );
+    my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                             # order
+                             # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                             # datefrom
+                             # date to
+                        );
+    is( scalar @parcels, 1, 'we found one (1) parcel.' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+    my $thisparcel = shift( @parcels );
+    is( scalar ( keys( %$thisparcel ) ), 6, 'my parcel hashref has 6 keys' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $thisparcel ], [ 'thisparcel' ] ) );
+    is( $thisparcel->{'datereceived'},             $today,   'datereceived' );
+    is( $thisparcel->{'biblio'},                   1,        'biblio' );
+    is( $thisparcel->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, $invoice, 'booksellerinvoicenumber' );
+    # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $thisparcel ], [ 'thisparcel' ] ) );
+=head3 two_parcels
+we create another order, mark it as received, and then see if we can find
+them all with GetParcels.
+sub two_parcels : Test( 31 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $invoice = 1234;    # XXX what should this be?
+    my $today = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                         localtime->year() + 1900,
+                         localtime->mon() + 1,
+                         localtime->mday() );
+    $self->create_order( authorizedby => 1,   # XXX what should this be?
+                         invoice      => $invoice,
+                         date         => $today );
+    {
+        # fetch them all and check that this one is last
+        my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                                  # order
+                                  # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                                  # datefrom
+                                  # date to
+                             );
+        is( scalar @parcels, 2, 'we found two (2) parcels.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+        my $thisparcel = pop( @parcels );
+        is( scalar ( keys( %$thisparcel ) ), 6, 'my parcel hashref has 6 keys' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $thisparcel ], [ 'thisparcel' ] ) );
+        is( $thisparcel->{'datereceived'},             $today,   'datereceived' );
+        is( $thisparcel->{'biblio'},                   1,        'biblio' );
+        is( $thisparcel->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, $invoice, 'booksellerinvoicenumber' );
+    }
+    {
+        # fetch just one, by using the exact code
+        my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                                  undef,    # order
+                                  $invoice, # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                                  undef,    # datefrom
+                                  undef,    # date to
+                             );
+        is( scalar @parcels, 1, 'we found one (1) parcels.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+        my $thisparcel = pop( @parcels );
+        is( scalar ( keys( %$thisparcel ) ), 6, 'my parcel hashref has 6 keys' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $thisparcel ], [ 'thisparcel' ] ) );
+        is( $thisparcel->{'datereceived'},             $today,   'datereceived' );
+        is( $thisparcel->{'biblio'},                   1,        'biblio' );
+        is( $thisparcel->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, $invoice, 'booksellerinvoicenumber' );
+    }
+    {
+        # fetch them both by using code 123, which gets 123 and 1234
+        my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                                  undef,    # order
+                                  '123', # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                                  undef,    # datefrom
+                                  undef,    # date to
+                             );
+        is( scalar @parcels, 2, 'we found 2 parcels.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        # fetch them both, and try to order them
+        my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                                  'aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber',    # order
+                                  undef, # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                                  undef,    # datefrom
+                                  undef,    # date to
+                             );
+        is( scalar @parcels, 2, 'we found 2 parcels.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+        is( $parcels[0]->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, 123 );
+        is( $parcels[1]->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, 1234 );
+    }
+    {
+        # fetch them both, and try to order them, descending
+        my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                                  'aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber desc',    # order
+                                  undef, # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                                  undef,    # datefrom
+                                  undef,    # date to
+                             );
+        is( scalar @parcels, 2, 'we found 2 parcels.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+        is( $parcels[0]->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, 1234 );
+        is( $parcels[1]->{'booksellerinvoicenumber'}, 123 );
+    }
+    # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $thisparcel ], [ 'thisparcel' ] ) );
+=head3 z_several_parcels_with_different_dates
+we create an order, mark it as received, and then see if we can find
+it with GetParcels.
+sub z_several_parcels_with_different_dates : Test( 44 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $authorizedby = 1; # XXX what should this be?
+    my @inputs = ( { invoice => 10,
+                      date     => sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                           1950,
+                                           localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                           10 ), # I'm using the invoice number as the day.
+                 },
+                    { invoice => 15,
+                      date     => sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                           1950,
+                                           localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                           15 ), # I'm using the invoice number as the day.
+                 },
+                    { invoice => 20,
+                      date     => sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                           1950,
+                                           localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                           20 ), # I'm using the invoice number as the day.
+                 },
+               );
+    foreach my $input ( @inputs ) {
+        $self->create_order( authorizedby => $authorizedby,
+                             invoice      => $input->{'invoice'},
+                             date         => $input->{'date'},
+                        );
+    }
+    my @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                              undef, # order
+                              undef, # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                              sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                       1950,
+                                       localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                       10 ), # datefrom
+                              sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                       1950,
+                                       localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                       20 ), # dateto
+                        );
+    is( scalar @parcels, scalar @inputs, 'we found all of the parcels.' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+    @parcels = GetParcels( $self->{'booksellerid'},  # bookseller
+                           undef, # order
+                           undef, # code ( aqorders.booksellerinvoicenumber )
+                           sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                    1950,
+                                    localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                    10 ), # datefrom
+                           sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                                    1950,
+                                    localtime->mon() + 1,
+                                    16 ), # dateto
+                        );
+    is( scalar @parcels, scalar @inputs - 1, 'we found all of the parcels except one' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ \@parcels ], [ 'parcels' ] ) );
+    # diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $thisparcel ], [ 'thisparcel' ] ) );
+sub create_order {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my %param = @_;
+    $param{'authorizedby'} = 1 unless exists $param{'authorizedby'};
+    $param{'invoice'}      = 1 unless exists $param{'invoice'};
+    $param{'date'} = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                              localtime->year() + 1900,
+                              localtime->mon() + 1,
+                              localtime->mday() ) unless exists $param{'date'};
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = $self->create_new_basket( %param );
+    my $datereceived = ModReceiveOrder( $self->{'biblios'}[0],             # biblionumber
+                                        $ordnum,       # $ordnum,
+                                        undef,         # $quantrec,
+                                        undef,         # $user,
+                                        undef,         # $cost,
+                                        $param{'invoice'},         # $invoiceno,
+                                        undef,         # $freight,
+                                        undef,         # $rrp,
+                                        $self->{'bookfundid'},         # $bookfund,
+                                        $param{'date'},         # $datereceived
+                                   );
+    is( $datereceived, $param{'date'}, "the parcel was received on $datereceived" );
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetPendingOrders.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetPendingOrders.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6361ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/GetPendingOrders.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition::GetPendingOrders;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Acquisition );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+=head3 no_orders
+at first, there should be no orders for our bookseller.
+sub no_orders : Test( 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $orders = GetPendingOrders( $self->{'booksellerid'} );
+    is( scalar @$orders, 0, 'our new bookseller has no pending orders' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $orders ], [ 'orders' ] ) );
+=head3 new_order
+we make an order, then see if it shows up in the pending orders
+sub one_new_order : Test( 49 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = $self->create_new_basket();
+    ok( $basketno, "basketno is $basketno" );
+    ok( $ordnum, "ordnum is $ordnum" );
+    my $orders = GetPendingOrders( $self->{'booksellerid'} );
+    is( scalar @$orders, 1, 'we successfully entered one order.' );
+    my @expectedfields = qw( basketno
+                             biblioitemnumber
+                             biblionumber
+                             booksellerinvoicenumber
+                             budgetdate
+                             cancelledby
+                             closedate
+                             creationdate
+                             currency
+                             datecancellationprinted
+                             datereceived
+                             ecost
+                             entrydate
+                             firstname
+                             freight
+                             gst
+                             listprice
+                             notes
+                             ordernumber
+                             purchaseordernumber
+                             quantity
+                             quantityreceived
+                             rrp
+                             serialid
+                             sort1
+                             sort2
+                             subscription
+                             supplierreference
+                             surname
+                             timestamp
+                             title
+                             totalamount
+                             unitprice );
+    my $firstorder = $orders->[0];
+    for my $field ( @expectedfields ) {
+        ok( exists( $firstorder->{ $field } ), "This order has a $field field" );
+    }
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/NewOrder.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/NewOrder.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf39d2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Acquisition/NewOrder.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+package KohaTest::Acquisition::NewOrder;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Acquisition );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use Time::localtime;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+=head3 new_order_no_budget
+If we make a new order and don't pass in a budget date, it defaults to
+sub new_order_no_budget : Test( 4 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $authorizedby = 1; # XXX what should this be?
+    my $invoice = 123;    # XXX what should this be?
+    my $today = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                         localtime->year() + 1900,
+                         localtime->mon() + 1,
+                         localtime->mday() );
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = NewOrder( undef, # $basketno,
+                                          1, # $bibnum,
+                                          undef, # $title,
+                                          undef, # $quantity,
+                                          undef, # $listprice,
+                                          $self->{'booksellerid'}, # $booksellerid,
+                                          $authorizedby, # $authorisedby,
+                                          undef, # $notes,
+                                          $self->{'bookfundid'},     # $bookfund,
+                                          undef, # $bibitemnum,
+                                          undef, # $rrp,
+                                          undef, # $ecost,
+                                          undef, # $gst,
+                                          undef, # $budget,
+                                          undef, # $cost,
+                                          undef, # $sub,
+                                          $invoice, # $invoice,
+                                          undef, # $sort1,
+                                          undef, # $sort2,
+                                          undef, # $purchaseorder
+                                     );
+    ok( $basketno, "my basket number is $basketno" );
+    ok( $ordnum,   "my order number is $ordnum" );
+    my $order = GetOrder( $ordnum );
+    is( $order->{'ordernumber'}, $ordnum, 'got the right order' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order ], [ 'order' ] ) );
+    is( $order->{'budgetdate'}, $today, "the budget date is $today" );
+=head3 new_order_set_budget
+Let's set the budget date of this new order. It actually pretty much
+only pays attention to the current month and year.
+sub new_order_set_budget : Test( 4 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $authorizedby = 1; # XXX what should this be?
+    my $invoice = 123;    # XXX what should this be?
+    my $today = sprintf( '%04d-%02d-%02d',
+                         localtime->year() + 1900,
+                         localtime->mon() + 1,
+                         localtime->mday() );
+    my ( $basketno, $ordnum ) = NewOrder( undef, # $basketno,
+                                          1, # $bibnum,
+                                          undef, # $title,
+                                          undef, # $quantity,
+                                          undef, # $listprice,
+                                          $self->{'booksellerid'}, # $booksellerid,
+                                          $authorizedby, # $authorisedby,
+                                          undef, # $notes,
+                                          $self->{'bookfundid'},     # $bookfund,
+                                          undef, # $bibitemnum,
+                                          undef, # $rrp,
+                                          undef, # $ecost,
+                                          undef, # $gst,
+                                          'does not matter, just not undef', # $budget,
+                                          undef, # $cost,
+                                          undef, # $sub,
+                                          $invoice, # $invoice,
+                                          undef, # $sort1,
+                                          undef, # $sort2,
+                                          undef, # $purchaseorder
+                                     );
+    ok( $basketno, "my basket number is $basketno" );
+    ok( $ordnum,   "my order number is $ordnum" );
+    my $order = GetOrder( $ordnum );
+    is( $order->{'ordernumber'}, $ordnum, 'got the right order' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $order ], [ 'order' ] ) );
+    like( $order->{'budgetdate'}, qr(^2\d\d\d-07-01$), "the budget date ($order->{'budgetdate'}) is a July 1st." );
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Search.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Search.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44d7885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Search.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+package KohaTest::Search;
+use base qw( KohaTest );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use C4::Search;
+sub testing_class { 'C4::Search' };
+sub methods : Test( 1 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my @methods = qw( findseealso
+                      FindDuplicate
+                      SimpleSearch
+                      getRecords
+                      pazGetRecords
+                      _remove_stopwords
+                      _detect_truncation
+                      _build_stemmed_operand
+                      _build_weighted_query
+                      buildQuery
+                      searchResults
+                      NZgetRecords
+                      NZanalyse
+                      NZoperatorAND
+                      NZoperatorOR
+                      NZoperatorNOT
+                      NZorder
+                      ModBiblios
+                );
+    can_ok( $self->testing_class, @methods );    
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest/Search/SimpleSearch.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest/Search/SimpleSearch.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aaf2fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest/Search/SimpleSearch.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package KohaTest::Search::SimpleSearch;
+use base qw( KohaTest::Search );
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More;
+use C4::Search;
+use C4::Biblio;
+These get run once, before the main test methods in this module
+=head3 insert_test_data
+sub insert_test_data : Test( startup => 71 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    # I'm going to add a bunch of biblios so that I can search for them.
+    $self->add_biblios( count     => 10,
+                        add_items => 1 );
+standard test methods
+=head3 basic_test
+basic usage.
+sub basic_test : Test( 2 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $query = 'test';
+    my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query );
+    ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+    like( $results->[0], qr/$query/i, 'the result seems to match the query' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+=head3 basic_test_with_server
+Test the usage where we specify no limits, but we do specify a server.
+sub basic_test_with_server : Test( 2 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $query = 'test';
+    my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query, undef, undef, [ 'biblioserver' ] );
+    ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+    like( $results->[0], qr/$query/i, 'the result seems to match the query' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+=head3 basic_test_no_results
+Make sure we get back an empty listref when there are no results.
+sub basic_test_no_results : Test( 3 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $query = 'This string is almost guaranteed to not match anything.';
+    my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query );
+    ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+    isa_ok( $results, 'ARRAY' );
+    is( scalar( @$results ), 0, 'an empty list was returned.' )
+      or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+=head3 limits
+check that the SimpleTest method limits the number of results returned.
+sub limits : Test( 8 ) {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $query = 'Finn Test';
+    {
+        my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query );
+        ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+        is( scalar @$results, 10, 'found all 10 results.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+    }
+    my $offset = 4;
+    {
+        my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query, $offset );
+        ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+        is( scalar @$results, 6, 'found 6 results.' )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+    }
+    my $max_results = 2;
+    {
+        my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query, $offset, $max_results );
+        ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+        is( scalar @$results, $max_results, "found $max_results results." )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+    }
+    {
+        my ( $error, $results ) = SimpleSearch( $query, 0, $max_results );
+        ok( ! defined $error, 'no error found during search' );
+        is( scalar @$results, $max_results, "found $max_results results." )
+          or diag( Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $results ], [ 'results' ] ) );
+    }

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