[Koha-patches] [PATCH] bug 2522 [3/3]: populate hold_fill_targets

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Fri Aug 15 03:59:51 CEST 2008

This batch job now automatically populates the
holds request targeting table hold_fill_targets.

This patch is essentially a revamp of the job,
and includes fixes for the following bugs:

2281 (holds queue report including unavailable items)
2331 (holds queue report not working with item-level
2332 (holds queue script should attempt to fill
      many requests as possible).

Several functions in this batch job are candidates
for being moved to C4::Reserves:

 misc/cronjobs/holds/build_holds_queue.pl |  446 +++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 files changed, 319 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/holds/build_holds_queue.pl b/misc/cronjobs/holds/build_holds_queue.pl
index e422248..ae075b7 100755
--- a/misc/cronjobs/holds/build_holds_queue.pl
+++ b/misc/cronjobs/holds/build_holds_queue.pl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 use strict;
+use warnings;
     # find Koha's Perl modules
     # test carefully before changing this
@@ -16,149 +17,340 @@ use C4::Context;
 use C4::Search;
 use C4::Items;
 use C4::Branch;
+use C4::Circulation;
+use C4::Members;
+use C4::Biblio;
+use Data::Dumper;
-# load the branches
-my $branches = GetBranches();
+my $bibs_with_pending_requests = GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests();
-# obtain the ranked list of weights for the case of static weighting
-my $syspref = C4::Context->preference("StaticHoldsQueueWeight");
-my @branch_loop;
-#@branch_loop = split(/,/, $syspref) if $syspref;
+my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
+$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue");  # clear the old table for new info
+$dbh->do("DELETE FROM hold_fill_targets");
+my $total_bibs = 0;
+my $total_requests = 0;
+my $total_available_items = 0;
+my $num_items_mapped = 0;
+foreach my $biblionumber (@$bibs_with_pending_requests) {
+    $total_bibs++;
+    my $hold_requests =   GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
+    $total_requests += scalar(@$hold_requests);
+    my $available_items = GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
+    $total_available_items += scalar(@$available_items);
+    my $item_map = MapItemsToHoldRequests($hold_requests, $available_items);
+    if (defined($item_map)) {
+        $num_items_mapped += scalar(keys %$item_map);
+        CreatePicklistFromItemMap($item_map);
+        AddToHoldTargetMap($item_map);
+        if ((scalar(keys %$item_map) < scalar(@$hold_requests)) and
+            (scalar(keys %$item_map) < scalar(@$available_items))) {
+            # DOUBLE CHECK, but this is probably OK - unfilled item-level requests
+            # FIXME
+            #warn "unfilled requests for $biblionumber";
+            #warn Dumper($hold_requests);
+            #warn Dumper($available_items);
+            #warn Dumper($item_map);
+        }
+    }
+exit 0;
+=head2 GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests
+=over 4
+my $biblionumber_aref = GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests();
-# TODO: Add Randomization Option
-# If no syspref is set, use system-order to determine priority
-unless ($syspref) {
-	for my $branch_hash (sort keys %$branches) {
-    	push @branch_loop, $branch_hash;
-		#{value => "$branch_hash" , branchname => $branches->{$branch_hash}->{'branchname'}, };
-	}
+Return an arrayref of the biblionumbers of all bibs
+that have one or more unfilled hold requests.
+sub GetBibsWithPendingHoldRequests {
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $bib_query = "SELECT DISTINCT biblionumber
+                     FROM reserves
+                     WHERE found IS NULL
+                     AND priority > 0";
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($bib_query);
+    $sth->execute();
+    my $biblionumbers = $sth->fetchall_arrayref();
+    return [ map { $_->[0] } @$biblionumbers ];
-# if Randomization is enabled, randomize this array
- at branch_loop = randarray(@branch_loop) if  C4::Context->preference("RandomizeHoldsQueueWeight");;
+=head2 GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib
-my ($biblionumber,$itemnumber,$barcode,$holdingbranch,$pickbranch,$notes,$cardnumber,$surname,$firstname,$phone,$title,$callno,$rdate,$borrno);
+=over 4
-my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
+my $requests = GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
-$dbh->do("DELETE FROM tmp_holdsqueue");  # clear the old table for new info
-my $sth=$dbh->prepare("
-SELECT biblionumber,itemnumber,reserves.branchcode,reservenotes,borrowers.borrowernumber,cardnumber,surname,firstname,phone,reservedate
-    FROM reserves,borrowers 
-WHERE reserves.found IS NULL 
-    AND reserves.borrowernumber=borrowers.borrowernumber 
-    AND priority=1 
-GROUP BY biblionumber");
-my $sth_load=$dbh->prepare("
-INSERT INTO tmp_holdsqueue (biblionumber,itemnumber,barcode,surname,firstname,phone,borrowernumber,cardnumber,reservedate,title,itemcallnumber,holdingbranch,pickbranch,notes)
-    VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
-$sth->execute();      # get the list of biblionumbers for unfilled holds
-while (my $data=$sth->fetchrow_hashref){
-    # get the basic hold info
-    $biblionumber = $data->{'biblionumber'};
-    $pickbranch = $data->{'branchcode'};
-    $notes = $data->{'reservenotes'};
-    $borrno = $data->{'borrowernumber'};
-    $cardnumber = $data->{'cardnumber'};
-    $surname = $data->{'surname'};
-    $firstname = $data->{'firstname'};
-    $phone = $data->{'phone'};
-    $rdate = $data->{'reservedate'};
-    my @items = GetItemsInfo($biblionumber,''); # get the items for this biblio
-    my @itemorder;   #  prepare a new array to hold re-ordered items
-    # Make sure someone(else) doesn't already have this item waiting for them
-    my $found_sth = $dbh->prepare("
-	SELECT found FROM reserves WHERE itemnumber=? AND found = ? AND cancellationdate IS NULL");
-    # The following lines take the retrieved items and run them through various
-    # tests to decide if they are to be used and then put them in the preferred
-    # 'pick' order.
-    foreach my $itm (@items) {
-        $found_sth->execute($itm->{itemnumber},"W");
-        my $found = $found_sth->fetchrow_hashref();
-        if ($found) {
-            $itm->{"found"} = $found->{"found"};
-        }
-        if ($itm->{"notforloan"}) {
-			# item is on order
-            next if $itm->{"notforloan"}== -1;
-        }
-        if ( ( (!$itm->{"binding"}) || 
-		# Item is at not at bindery, not checked out, and not lost
-		($itm->{"binding"}<1)) && (!$itm->{"found"}) && (!$itm->{"datedue"}) && ( (!$itm->{"itemlost"}) || 
-		# Item is not lost and not notforloan
-		($itm->{"itemlost"}==0) ) && ( ($itm->{"notforloan"}==0) || 
-		# Item is not notforloan
-		(!$itm->{"notforloan"}) ) ) {
-            warn "patron requested pickup at $pickbranch for item in ".$itm->{'holdingbranch'};
-			# This selects items for fulfilment, and weights them based on
-			# a static list
-			my $weight=0;
-			# always prefer a direct match
-            if ($itm->{'holdingbranch'} eq $pickbranch) {
-				warn "Found match in pickuplibrary";
-                $itemorder[$weight]=$itm;
-            } 
-			else {
-				for my $branchcode (@branch_loop) {
-					$weight++;
-					if ($itm->{'homebranch'} eq $branchcode) {
-						warn "Match found with weight $weight in ".$branchcode;
-                		$itemorder[$weight]=$itm;
-					}
-				}
+Returns an arrayref of hashrefs to pending, unfilled hold requests
+on the bib identified by $biblionumber.  The following keys
+are present in each hashref:
+The arrayref is sorted in order of increasing priority.
+sub GetPendingHoldRequestsForBib {
+    my $biblionumber = shift;
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $request_query = "SELECT biblionumber, borrowernumber, itemnumber, priority, branchcode, reservedate, reservenotes
+                         FROM reserves
+                         WHERE biblionumber = ?
+                         AND found IS NULL
+                         AND priority > 0
+                         ORDER BY priority";
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($request_query);
+    $sth->execute($biblionumber);
+    my $requests = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
+    return $requests;
+=head2 GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib
+=over 4
+my $available_items = GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib($biblionumber);
+Returns an arrayref of items available to fill hold requests
+for the bib identified by C<$biblionumber>.  An item is available
+to fill a hold request if and only if:
+* it is not on loan
+* it is not withdrawn
+* it is not marked notforloan
+* it is not currently in transit
+* it is not lost
+* it is not sitting on the hold shelf
+sub GetItemsAvailableToFillHoldRequestsForBib {
+    my $biblionumber = shift;
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $items_query = "SELECT itemnumber, homebranch, holdingbranch
+                       FROM items ";
+    if (C4::Context->preference('item-level_itypes')) {
+        $items_query .=   "LEFT JOIN itemtypes ON (itemtypes.itemtype = items.itype) ";
+    } else {
+        $items_query .=   "JOIN biblioitems USING (biblioitemnumber)
+                           LEFT JOIN itemtypes USING (itemtype) ";
+    }
+    $items_query .=   "LEFT JOIN reserves USING (itemnumber)
+                       WHERE items.notforloan = 0
+                       AND holdingbranch IS NOT NULL
+                       AND itemlost = 0
+                       AND wthdrawn = 0
+                       AND items.onloan IS NULL
+                       AND (itemtypes.notforloan IS NULL OR itemtypes.notforloan = 0)
+                       AND (priority IS NULL OR priority > 0)
+                       AND found IS NULL
+                       AND biblionumber = ?";
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare($items_query);
+    $sth->execute($biblionumber);
+    my $items = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
+    return [ grep { my @transfers = GetTransfers($_->{itemnumber}); $#transfers == -1; } @$items ]; 
+=head2 MapItemsToHoldRequests
+=over 4
+MapItemsToHoldRequests($hold_requests, $available_items);
+sub MapItemsToHoldRequests {
+    my $hold_requests = shift;
+    my $available_items = shift;
+    # handle trival cases
+    return unless scalar(@$hold_requests) > 0;
+    return unless scalar(@$available_items) > 0;
+    # identify item-level requests
+    my %specific_items_requested = map { $_->{itemnumber} => 1 } 
+                                   grep { defined($_->{itemnumber}) }
+                                   @$hold_requests;
+    # group available items by itemnumber
+    my %items_by_itemnumber = map { $_->{itemnumber} => $_ } @$available_items;
+    # items already allocated
+    my %allocated_items = ();
+    # map of items to hold requests
+    my %item_map = ();
+    # figure out which item-level requests can be filled    
+    my $num_items_remaining = scalar(@$available_items);
+    foreach my $request (@$hold_requests) {
+        last if $num_items_remaining == 0;
+        # is this an item-level request?
+        if (defined($request->{itemnumber})) {
+            # fill it if possible; if not skip it
+            if (exists $items_by_itemnumber{$request->{itemnumber}} and
+                not exists $allocated_items{$request->{itemnumber}}) {
+                $item_map{$request->{itemnumber}} = { 
+                    borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
+                    biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
+                    holdingbranch =>  $items_by_itemnumber{$request->{itemnumber}}->{holdingbranch},
+                    pickup_branch => $request->{branchcode},
+                    item_level => 1,
+                    reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
+                    reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
+                };
+                $allocated_items{$request->{itemnumber}}++;
+                $num_items_remaining--;
+        } else {
+            # it's title-level request that will take up one item
+            $num_items_remaining--;
-    my $count = @itemorder;
-	warn "Empty array" if $count<1;
-    next GETIT if $count<1;  # if the re-ordered array is empty, skip to next
-    PREP: 
-    foreach my $itmlist (@itemorder) {
-        if ($itmlist) {
-            $barcode = $itmlist->{'barcode'};
-			$itemnumber = $itmlist->{'itemnumber'};
-            $holdingbranch = $itmlist->{'holdingbranch'};
-            $title = $itmlist->{'title'};
-            $callno = $itmlist->{'itemcallnumber'};
-            last PREP;    # we only want the first def item in the array
+    # group available items by branch
+    my %items_by_branch = ();
+    foreach my $item (@$available_items) {
+        push @{ $items_by_branch{ $item->{holdingbranch} } }, $item unless exists $allocated_items{ $item->{itemnumber} };
+    }
+    # now handle the title-level requests
+    $num_items_remaining = scalar(@$available_items) - scalar(keys %allocated_items); 
+    foreach my $request (@$hold_requests) {
+        last if $num_items_remaining <= 0;
+        next if defined($request->{itemnumber}); # already handled these
+        # look for local match first
+        my $pickup_branch = $request->{branchcode};
+        if (exists $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch}) {
+            my $item = pop @{ $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch} };
+            delete $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch} if scalar(@{ $items_by_branch{$pickup_branch} }) == 0;
+            $item_map{$item->{itemnumber}} = { 
+                                                borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
+                                                biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
+                                                holdingbranch => $pickup_branch,
+                                                pickup_branch => $pickup_branch,
+                                                item_level => 0,
+                                                reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
+                                                reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
+                                             };
+            $num_items_remaining--;
+        } else {
+            # FIXME implement static, random options
+            foreach my $branch (sort keys %items_by_branch) {
+                my $item = pop @{ $items_by_branch{$branch} };
+                delete $items_by_branch{$branch} if scalar(@{ $items_by_branch{$branch} }) == 0;
+                $item_map{$item->{itemnumber}} = { 
+                                                    borrowernumber => $request->{borrowernumber},
+                                                    biblionumber => $request->{biblionumber},
+                                                    holdingbranch => $branch,
+                                                    pickup_branch => $pickup_branch,
+                                                    item_level => 0,
+                                                    reservedate => $request->{reservedate},
+                                                    reservenotes => $request->{reservenotes},
+                                                 };
+                $num_items_remaining--; 
+                last;
+            }
-    $sth_load->execute($biblionumber,$itemnumber,$barcode,$surname,$firstname,$phone,$borrno,$cardnumber,$rdate,$title,$callno,$holdingbranch,$pickbranch,$notes);
-    $sth_load->finish;
+    return \%item_map;
-sub randarray {
-        my @array = @_;
-        my @rand = undef;
-        my $seed = $#array + 1;
-        my $randnum = int(rand($seed));
-        $rand[$randnum] = shift(@array);
-        while (1) {
-                my $randnum = int(rand($seed));
-                if (!defined($rand[$randnum])) {
-                        $rand[$randnum] = shift(@array);
-                }
-                last if ($#array == -1);
-        }
-        return @rand;
+=head2 CreatePickListFromItemMap 
+sub CreatePicklistFromItemMap {
+    my $item_map = shift;
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $sth_load=$dbh->prepare("
+        INSERT INTO tmp_holdsqueue (biblionumber,itemnumber,barcode,surname,firstname,phone,borrowernumber,
+                                    cardnumber,reservedate,title, itemcallnumber,
+                                    holdingbranch,pickbranch,notes, item_level_request)
+        VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
+    ");
+    foreach my $itemnumber  (sort keys %$item_map) {
+        my $mapped_item = $item_map->{$itemnumber};
+        my $biblionumber = $mapped_item->{biblionumber}; 
+        my $borrowernumber = $mapped_item->{borrowernumber}; 
+        my $pickbranch = $mapped_item->{pickup_branch};
+        my $holdingbranch = $mapped_item->{holdingbranch};
+        my $reservedate = $mapped_item->{reservedate};
+        my $reservenotes = $mapped_item->{reservenotes};
+        my $item_level = $mapped_item->{item_level};
+        my $item = GetItem($itemnumber);
+        my $barcode = $item->{barcode};
+        my $itemcallnumber = $item->{itemcallnumber};
+        my $borrower = GetMember($borrowernumber);
+        my $cardnumber = $borrower->{'cardnumber'};
+        my $surname = $borrower->{'surname'};
+        my $firstname = $borrower->{'firstname'};
+        my $phone = $borrower->{'phone'};
+        my $bib = GetBiblioData($biblionumber);
+        my $title = $bib->{title}; 
+        $sth_load->execute($biblionumber, $itemnumber, $barcode, $surname, $firstname, $phone, $borrowernumber,
+                           $cardnumber, $reservedate, $title, $itemcallnumber,
+                           $holdingbranch, $pickbranch, $reservenotes, $item_level);
+    }
+=head2 AddToHoldTargetMap
+sub AddToHoldTargetMap {
+    my $item_map = shift;
-print "finished\n";
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $insert_sql = q(
+        INSERT INTO hold_fill_targets (borrowernumber, biblionumber, itemnumber, source_branchcode, item_level_request)
+                               VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+    );
+    my $sth_insert = $dbh->prepare($insert_sql);
+    foreach my $itemnumber (keys %$item_map) {
+        my $mapped_item = $item_map->{$itemnumber};
+        $sth_insert->execute($mapped_item->{borrowernumber}, $mapped_item->{biblionumber}, $itemnumber,
+                             $mapped_item->{holdingbranch}, $mapped_item->{item_level});
+    }

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