[Koha-patches] [PATCH] test suite refactoring

Galen Charlton galen.charlton at liblime.com
Sat May 10 01:08:12 CEST 2008

Moved routines to clear and create database and manage
zebraqueue_daemon.pl to KohaTest.pm so that they're
available to test classes - needed for installation
and upgrade tests in particular.
 t/database_dependent.pl |  214 ++---------------------------------------------
 t/lib/KohaTest.pm       |  194 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 200 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)

diff --git a/t/database_dependent.pl b/t/database_dependent.pl
index 57a848d..1b52be7 100644
--- a/t/database_dependent.pl
+++ b/t/database_dependent.pl
@@ -10,18 +10,16 @@ use strict;
 use C4::Context;
-use C4::Installer;
-use C4::Languages;
 use Data::Dumper;
 use Test::More;
 use Test::Class::Load qw ( . ); # run from the t directory
 if ($ENV{'TEST_CLASS'}) {
     # assume only one test class is specified;
@@ -32,206 +30,6 @@ if ($ENV{'TEST_CLASS'}) {
-# stop_zebrasrv();
-=head3 clear_test_database
-  removes all tables from test database so that install starts with a clean slate
-sub clear_test_database {
-    diag "removing tables from test database";
-    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
-    my $schema = C4::Context->config("database");
-    my @tables = get_all_tables($dbh, $schema);
-    foreach my $table (@tables) {
-        drop_all_foreign_keys($dbh, $table);
-    }
-    foreach my $table (@tables) {
-        drop_table($dbh, $table);
-    }
-sub get_all_tables {
-  my ($dbh, $schema) = @_;
-  my @tables = ();
-  $sth->execute($schema);
-  while (my ($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
-    push @tables, $table;
-  }
-  $sth->finish;
-  return @tables;
-sub drop_all_foreign_keys {
-    my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
-    # get the table description
-    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table");
-    $sth->execute;
-    my $vsc_structure = $sth->fetchrow;
-    # split on CONSTRAINT keyword
-    my @fks = split /CONSTRAINT /,$vsc_structure;
-    # parse each entry
-    foreach (@fks) {
-        # isolate what is before FOREIGN KEY, if there is something, it's a foreign key to drop
-        $_ = /(.*) FOREIGN KEY.*/;
-        my $id = $1;
-        if ($id) {
-            # we have found 1 foreign, drop it
-            $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP FOREIGN KEY $id");
-            $id="";
-        }
-    }
-sub drop_table {
-    my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
-    $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table");
-=head3 create_test_database
-  sets up the test database.
-sub create_test_database {
-    diag 'creating testing database...';
-    my $installer = C4::Installer->new() or die 'unable to create new installer';
-    # warn Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $installer ], [ 'installer' ] );
-    my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
-    my $error = $installer->load_db_schema();
-    die "unable to load_db_schema: $error" if ( $error );
-    my $list = $installer->sql_file_list('en', 'marc21', { optional  => 1,
-                                                           mandatory => 1 } );
-    my ($fwk_language, $installed_list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, @$list);
-    $installer->set_version_syspref();
-    $installer->set_marcflavour_syspref('MARC21');
-    $installer->set_indexing_engine(0);
-    diag 'database created.'
-=head3 start_zebrasrv
-  This method deletes and reinitializes the zebra database directory,
-  and then spans off a zebra server.
-sub start_zebrasrv {
-    stop_zebrasrv();
-    diag 'cleaning zebrasrv...';
-    foreach my $zebra_server ( qw( biblioserver authorityserver ) ) {
-        my $zebra_config  = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'config'};
-        my $zebra_db_dir  = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'directory'};
-        foreach my $zebra_db_name ( qw( biblios authorities ) ) {
-            my $command = "zebraidx -c $zebra_config -d $zebra_db_name init";
-            my $return = system( $command . ' > /dev/null 2>&1' );
-            if ( $return != 0 ) {
-                diag( "command '$command' died with value: " . $? >> 8 );
-            }
-            $command = "zebraidx -c $zebra_config -d $zebra_db_name create $zebra_db_name";
-            diag $command;
-            $return = system( $command . ' > /dev/null 2>&1' );
-            if ( $return != 0 ) {
-                diag( "command '$command' died with value: " . $? >> 8 );
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    diag 'starting zebrasrv...';
-    my $pidfile = File::Spec->catdir( C4::Context->config("logdir"), 'zebra.pid' );
-    my $command = sprintf( 'zebrasrv -f %s -D -l %s -p %s',
-                           $ENV{'KOHA_CONF'},
-                           File::Spec->catdir( C4::Context->config("logdir"), 'zebra.log' ),
-                           $pidfile,
-                      );
-    diag $command;
-    my $output = qx( $command );
-    if ( $output ) {
-        diag $output;
-    }
-    if ( -e $pidfile, 'pidfile exists' ) {
-        diag 'zebrasrv started.';
-    } else {
-        die 'unable to start zebrasrv';
-    }
-    return $output;
-=head3 stop_zebrasrv
-  using the PID file for the zebra server, send it a TERM signal with
-  "kill". We can't tell if the process actually dies or not.
-sub stop_zebrasrv {
-    my $pidfile = File::Spec->catdir( C4::Context->config("logdir"), 'zebra.pid' );
-    if ( -e $pidfile ) {
-        open( my $pidh, '<', $pidfile )
-          or return;
-        if ( defined $pidh ) {
-            my ( $pid ) = <$pidh> or return;
-            close $pidh;
-            my $killed = kill 15, $pid; # 15 is TERM
-            if ( $killed != 1 ) {
-                warn "unable to kill zebrasrv with pid: $pid";
-            }
-        }
-    }
-=head3 start_zebraqueue_daemon
-  kick off a zebraqueue_daemon.pl process.
-sub start_zebraqueue_daemon {
-    my $command = q(run/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh start);
-    diag $command;
-    my $started = system( $command );
-    diag "started: $started";
-#     my $command = sprintf( 'KOHA_CONF=%s ../misc/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.pl > %s 2>&1 &',
-#                            $ENV{'KOHA_CONF'},
-#                            'zebra.log',
-#                       );
-#     diag $command;
-#     my $queue = system( $command );
-#     diag "queue: $queue";
-=head3 stop_zebraqueue_daemon
-sub stop_zebraqueue_daemon {
-    my $command = q(run/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh stop);
-    diag $command;
-    my $started = system( $command );
-    diag "started: $started";
diff --git a/t/lib/KohaTest.pm b/t/lib/KohaTest.pm
index d706741..894fe9c 100644
--- a/t/lib/KohaTest.pm
+++ b/t/lib/KohaTest.pm
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ use C4::Context;
 use C4::Items;
 use C4::Members;
 use C4::Search;
+use C4::Installer;
+use C4::Languages;
 use File::Temp qw/ tempdir /;
 # Since this is an abstract base class, this prevents these tests from
@@ -429,4 +431,196 @@ sub reindex_marc {
+=head3 clear_test_database
+  removes all tables from test database so that install starts with a clean slate
+sub clear_test_database {
+    diag "removing tables from test database";
+    my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+    my $schema = C4::Context->config("database");
+    my @tables = get_all_tables($dbh, $schema);
+    foreach my $table (@tables) {
+        drop_all_foreign_keys($dbh, $table);
+    }
+    foreach my $table (@tables) {
+        drop_table($dbh, $table);
+    }
+sub get_all_tables {
+  my ($dbh, $schema) = @_;
+  my @tables = ();
+  $sth->execute($schema);
+  while (my ($table) = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
+    push @tables, $table;
+  }
+  $sth->finish;
+  return @tables;
+sub drop_all_foreign_keys {
+    my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
+    # get the table description
+    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SHOW CREATE TABLE $table");
+    $sth->execute;
+    my $vsc_structure = $sth->fetchrow;
+    # split on CONSTRAINT keyword
+    my @fks = split /CONSTRAINT /,$vsc_structure;
+    # parse each entry
+    foreach (@fks) {
+        # isolate what is before FOREIGN KEY, if there is something, it's a foreign key to drop
+        $_ = /(.*) FOREIGN KEY.*/;
+        my $id = $1;
+        if ($id) {
+            # we have found 1 foreign, drop it
+            $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP FOREIGN KEY $id");
+            $id="";
+        }
+    }
+sub drop_table {
+    my ($dbh, $table) = @_;
+    $dbh->do("DROP TABLE $table");
+=head3 create_test_database
+  sets up the test database.
+sub create_test_database {
+    diag 'creating testing database...';
+    my $installer = C4::Installer->new() or die 'unable to create new installer';
+    # warn Data::Dumper->Dump( [ $installer ], [ 'installer' ] );
+    my $all_languages = getAllLanguages();
+    my $error = $installer->load_db_schema();
+    die "unable to load_db_schema: $error" if ( $error );
+    my $list = $installer->sql_file_list('en', 'marc21', { optional  => 1,
+                                                           mandatory => 1 } );
+    my ($fwk_language, $installed_list) = $installer->load_sql_in_order($all_languages, @$list);
+    $installer->set_version_syspref();
+    $installer->set_marcflavour_syspref('MARC21');
+    $installer->set_indexing_engine(0);
+    diag 'database created.'
+=head3 start_zebrasrv
+  This method deletes and reinitializes the zebra database directory,
+  and then spans off a zebra server.
+sub start_zebrasrv {
+    stop_zebrasrv();
+    diag 'cleaning zebrasrv...';
+    foreach my $zebra_server ( qw( biblioserver authorityserver ) ) {
+        my $zebra_config  = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'config'};
+        my $zebra_db_dir  = C4::Context->zebraconfig($zebra_server)->{'directory'};
+        foreach my $zebra_db_name ( qw( biblios authorities ) ) {
+            my $command = "zebraidx -c $zebra_config -d $zebra_db_name init";
+            my $return = system( $command . ' > /dev/null 2>&1' );
+            if ( $return != 0 ) {
+                diag( "command '$command' died with value: " . $? >> 8 );
+            }
+            $command = "zebraidx -c $zebra_config -d $zebra_db_name create $zebra_db_name";
+            diag $command;
+            $return = system( $command . ' > /dev/null 2>&1' );
+            if ( $return != 0 ) {
+                diag( "command '$command' died with value: " . $? >> 8 );
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    diag 'starting zebrasrv...';
+    my $pidfile = File::Spec->catdir( C4::Context->config("logdir"), 'zebra.pid' );
+    my $command = sprintf( 'zebrasrv -f %s -D -l %s -p %s',
+                           $ENV{'KOHA_CONF'},
+                           File::Spec->catdir( C4::Context->config("logdir"), 'zebra.log' ),
+                           $pidfile,
+                      );
+    diag $command;
+    my $output = qx( $command );
+    if ( $output ) {
+        diag $output;
+    }
+    if ( -e $pidfile, 'pidfile exists' ) {
+        diag 'zebrasrv started.';
+    } else {
+        die 'unable to start zebrasrv';
+    }
+    return $output;
+=head3 stop_zebrasrv
+  using the PID file for the zebra server, send it a TERM signal with
+  "kill". We can't tell if the process actually dies or not.
+sub stop_zebrasrv {
+    my $pidfile = File::Spec->catdir( C4::Context->config("logdir"), 'zebra.pid' );
+    if ( -e $pidfile ) {
+        open( my $pidh, '<', $pidfile )
+          or return;
+        if ( defined $pidh ) {
+            my ( $pid ) = <$pidh> or return;
+            close $pidh;
+            my $killed = kill 15, $pid; # 15 is TERM
+            if ( $killed != 1 ) {
+                warn "unable to kill zebrasrv with pid: $pid";
+            }
+        }
+    }
+=head3 start_zebraqueue_daemon
+  kick off a zebraqueue_daemon.pl process.
+sub start_zebraqueue_daemon {
+    my $command = q(run/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh start);
+    diag $command;
+    my $started = system( $command );
+    diag "started: $started";
+=head3 stop_zebraqueue_daemon
+sub stop_zebraqueue_daemon {
+    my $command = q(run/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh stop);
+    diag $command;
+    my $started = system( $command );
+    diag "started: $started";

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