[Koha-patches] [PATCH] Bug 2660: Add command-line options to overdue notice script.

Ryan Higgins rch at liblime.com
Fri Oct 17 05:25:27 CEST 2008

This commit adds two options to the overdue_notices.pl script.
The notices are now generated in one of two modes: default or triggered.
In default mode, every time the script runs, a notice is generated if an item
is overdue within a notice date range.  This mode is suitable for a weekly cron
(or manual run), but the notice triggers should be syncronized with the cron script such that
the script is run once per notice date range.  Otherwise, duplicate messages will
be generated ( or no notice generated if a notice date range passes without the script being run).
Triggered mode is suitable for a nightly cron job: a notice is generated only on those
days that an overdue item enters a notice date range.  This mode is susceptible to message
loss when the cron script fails to run, or when notice triggers are edited.

A second flag is added: --list-all, which causes items.content to list all currently overdue items.
Without this flag, only items that are overdue within the given notice's date range are listed on
that notice.
 misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl |   73 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 1 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)

diff --git a/misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl b/misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl
index 225a41f..b104b48 100755
--- a/misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl
+++ b/misc/cronjobs/overdue_notices.pl
@@ -104,6 +104,23 @@ defaults to issuedate,title,barcode,author
 Other possible values come from fields in the biblios, items, and
 issues tables.
+=item B<-t> | B<--triggered>
+This option causes a notice to be generated if and only if 
+an item is overdue by the number of days defined in a notice trigger.
+By default, a notice is sent each time the script runs, which is suitable for 
+less frequent run cron script, but requires syncing notice triggers with 
+the  cron schedule to ensure proper behavior.
+Add the --triggered option for daily cron, at the risk of no notice 
+being generated if the cron fails to run on time.
+=item B<-list-all>
+Default items.content lists only those items that fall in the 
+range of the currently processing notice.
+Choose list-all to include all overdue items in the list (limited by B<-max> setting).
@@ -213,6 +230,8 @@ my $nomail  = 0;
 my $MAX     = 90;
 my $mybranch;
 my $csvfilename;
+my $triggered = 0;
+my $listall = 0;
 my $itemscontent = join( ',', qw( issuedate title barcode author ) );
@@ -224,6 +243,8 @@ GetOptions(
     'library=s'      => \$mybranch,
     'csv:s'          => \$csvfilename,    # this optional argument gets '' if not supplied.
     'itemscontent=s' => \$itemscontent,
+    'list-all'      => \$listall,
+    't|triggered'             => \$triggered,
 ) or pod2usage(2);
 pod2usage(1) if $help;
 pod2usage( -verbose => 2 ) if $man;
@@ -285,7 +306,7 @@ foreach my $branchcode (@branches) {
     $verbose and warn sprintf "branchcode : '%s' using %s\n", $branchcode, $admin_email_address;
     my $sth2 = $dbh->prepare( <<'END_SQL' );
-SELECT biblio.*, items.*, issues.*
+SELECT biblio.*, items.*, issues.*, TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(date_due) AS days_overdue
   FROM issues,items,biblio
   WHERE items.itemnumber=issues.itemnumber
     AND biblio.biblionumber   = items.biblionumber
@@ -315,6 +336,7 @@ END_SQL
             # $letter->{'content'} is the text of the mail that is sent.
             # this text contains fields that are replaced by their value. Those fields must be written between brackets
             # The following fields are available :
+	    # itemcount is interpreted here as the number of items in the overdue range defined by the current notice or all overdues < max if(-list-all).
             # <date> <itemcount> <firstname> <lastname> <address1> <address2> <address3> <city> <postcode>
             my $borrower_sql = <<'END_SQL';
@@ -332,42 +354,48 @@ END_SQL
                 $borrower_sql .= ' AND borrowers.categorycode=? ';
                 push @borrower_parameters, $overdue_rules->{categorycode};
-            $borrower_sql .= <<'END_SQL';
-AND    categories.overduenoticerequired=1
-GROUP BY issues.borrowernumber
-HAVING TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(longest_issue) BETWEEN ? and ?
-            push @borrower_parameters, $mindays, $maxdays;
-            my $sth = $dbh->prepare($borrower_sql);
-            $sth->execute(@borrower_parameters);
-            $verbose and warn $borrower_sql . "\n\n ($mindays, $maxdays)\nreturns " . $sth->rows . " rows";
+            $borrower_sql .= '  AND categories.overduenoticerequired=1
+                                GROUP BY issues.borrowernumber ';
+            if($triggered) {
+                $borrower_sql .= ' HAVING TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(longest_issue) = ?';
+                push @borrower_parameters, $mindays;
+            } else {
+                $borrower_sql .= ' HAVING TO_DAYS(NOW())-TO_DAYS(longest_issue) BETWEEN ? and ? ' ;
+                push @borrower_parameters, $mindays, $maxdays;
+            }
-            while ( my ( $itemcount, $borrowernumber, $firstname, $lastname, $address1, $address2, $city, $postcode, $email ) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
-                warn "borrower $firstname, $lastname ($borrowernumber) has $itemcount items overdue." if $verbose;
+            # $sth gets borrower info iff at least one overdue item has triggered the overdue action.
+	        my $sth = $dbh->prepare($borrower_sql);
+            $sth->execute(@borrower_parameters);
+            $verbose and warn $borrower_sql . "\n $branchcode | " . $overdue_rules->{'categorycode'} . "\n ($mindays, $maxdays)\nreturns " . $sth->rows . " rows";
+            while( my ( $itemcount, $borrowernumber, $firstname, $lastname, $address1, $address2, $city, $postcode, $email ) = $sth->fetchrow ) {
+                $verbose and warn "borrower $firstname, $lastname ($borrowernumber) has $itemcount items triggering level $i.";
                 my $letter = C4::Letters::getletter( 'circulation', $overdue_rules->{"letter$i"} );
                 unless ($letter) {
                     $verbose and warn "Message '$overdue_rules->{letter$i}' content not found";
                     # might as well skip while PERIOD, no other borrowers are going to work.
+                    # FIXME : Does this mean a letter must be defined in order to trigger a debar ?
                     next PERIOD;
                 if ( $overdue_rules->{"debarred$i"} ) {
                     #action taken is debarring
                     $verbose and warn "debarring $borrowernumber $firstname $lastname\n";
-                $sth2->execute( $borrowernumber, $mindays, $maxdays );
+                $sth2->execute( ($listall) ? ( $borrowernumber , 1 , $MAX ) : ( $borrowernumber, $mindays, $maxdays ) );
+                my $itemcount = 0;
                 my $titles = "";
                 while ( my $item_info = $sth2->fetchrow_hashref() ) {
                     my @item_info = map { $_ =~ /date$/ ? format_date( $item_info->{$_} ) : $item_info->{$_} || '' } @item_content_fields;
                     $titles .= join("\t", @item_info) . "\n";
                 $letter = parse_letter(
                     {   letter         => $letter,
                         borrowernumber => $borrowernumber,
@@ -378,16 +406,16 @@ END_SQL
                 my @misses = grep { /./ } map { /^([^>]*)[>]+/; ( $1 || '' ); } split /\</, $letter->{'content'};
                 if (@misses) {
                     $verbose and warn "The following terms were not matched and replaced: \n\t" . join "\n\t", @misses;
                 $letter->{'content'} =~ s/\<[^<>]*?\>//g;    # Now that we've warned about them, remove them.
                 $letter->{'content'} =~ s/\<[^<>]*?\>//g;    # 2nd pass for the double nesting.
                 if ($nomail) {
                     push @output_chunks,
                         {   letter         => $letter,
@@ -414,7 +442,7 @@ END_SQL
                     } else {
                         # If we don't have an email address for this patron, send it to the admin to deal with.
                         push @output_chunks,
@@ -434,7 +462,6 @@ END_SQL

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