[Koha-patches] [PATCH] Enhancement [3.4] Add separate Perl module verification script

Chris Nighswonger cnighswonger at foundations.edu
Fri Feb 19 08:23:18 CET 2010

From: Chris Nighswonger <chris.nighswonger at gmail.com>

This patch moves the dependency list to C4::Installer and adds
a script to check Perl modules.
 C4/Installer.pm   |   91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 Makefile.PL       |   93 ++---------------------------------------------------
 koha_perl_deps.pl |   86 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 180 insertions(+), 90 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 koha_perl_deps.pl

diff --git a/C4/Installer.pm b/C4/Installer.pm
index 442ea73..64e2cd1 100644
--- a/C4/Installer.pm
+++ b/C4/Installer.pm
@@ -22,6 +22,97 @@ use strict;
 our $VERSION = 3.00;
 use C4::Context;
+our $PREREQ_PM = {
+                    'Algorithm::CheckDigits'           => 0.50,
+                    'Authen::CAS::Client'              => 0.05,
+                    'Biblio::EndnoteStyle'             => 0.05,
+                    'CGI'                              => 3.15,
+                    'CGI::Carp'                        => 1.29,
+                    'CGI::Session'                     => 4.20,
+                    'CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml'    => 4.20,
+                    'Class::Factory::Util'             => 1.6,
+                    'Class::Accessor'                  => 0.30,
+                    'DBD::mysql'                       => 4.004,
+                    'DBD::SQLite2'                     => 0.33, # optional, used for offline circulation
+                    'DBI'                              => 1.53,
+                    'Data::Dumper'                     => 2.121,
+                    'Data::ICal'                       => 0.13,
+                    'Date::Calc'                       => 5.4,
+                    'Date::ICal'                       => 1.72,
+                    'Date::Manip'                      => 5.44,
+                    'Digest::MD5'                      => 2.36,
+                    'Digest::SHA'                      => 5.43,
+                    'Email::Date'                      => 1.103,
+                    'File::Temp'                       => 0.16,
+                    'GD'                               => 2.39,    #optional, used for patron image feature
+                    'GD::Barcode::UPCE'                => 1.1,
+                    'Graphics::Magick'                 => '1.3.7',   #optional, used for patron cards creator
+                    'Getopt::Long'                     => 2.35,
+                    'Getopt::Std'                      => 1.05,
+                    'HTML::Template::Pro'              => 0.69,
+                    'HTML::Scrubber'                   => 0.08,
+                    'HTTP::Cookies'                    => 1.39,
+                    'HTTP::OAI'                        => 3.20,
+                    'HTTP::Request::Common'            => 1.26,
+                    'IPC::Cmd'                         => 0.46,
+                    'JSON'                             => 2.07, # Needed by admin/item_circulation_alerts.pl
+                    'LWP::Simple'                      => 1.41,
+                    'LWP::UserAgent'                   => 2.033,
+                    'Lingua::Stem'                     => 0.82,
+                    'Lingua::Stem::Snowball'           => 0.952,
+                    'List::Util'                       => 1.18,
+                    'List::MoreUtils'                  => 0.21,
+                    'Locale::Currency::Format'         => 1.28,
+                    'Locale::Language'                 => 2.07,
+                    'Locale::PO'                       => 0.17,
+                    'MARC::Charset'                    => 0.98,
+                    'MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore'      => 0.02,
+                    'MARC::File::XML'                  => 0.88,
+                    'MARC::Record'                     => 2.00,
+                    'MIME::Base64'                     => 3.07,
+                    'MIME::Lite'                       => 3.00,
+                    'MIME::QuotedPrint'                => 3.07,
+                    'Mail::Sendmail'                   => 0.79,
+                    'Memoize::Memcached'               => 0.03, # optional
+                    'Net::LDAP'                        => 0.33, # optional
+                    'Net::LDAP::Filter'                => 0.14, # optional
+                    'Net::Z3950::ZOOM'                 => 1.16,
+                    'Number::Format'                   => 1.52,
+                    'PDF::API2'                        => 2.000,
+                    'PDF::API2::Page'                  => 2.000,
+                    'PDF::API2::Util'                  => 2.000,
+                    'PDF::API2::Simple'                => 1.000,
+                    'PDF::Table'                       => '0.9.3',
+                    'PDF::Reuse'                       => 0.33,
+                    'PDF::Reuse::Barcode'              => 0.05,
+                    'POE'                              => 0.9999,
+                    'POSIX'                            => 1.09,
+                    'Schedule::At'                     => 1.06,
+                    'Storable'                         => 2.21,
+                    'SMS::Send'                        => 0.05, # optional
+                    'Term::ANSIColor'                  => 1.10,
+                    'Test'                             => 1.25,
+                    'Test::Harness'                    => 2.56,
+                    'Test::More'                       => 0.80,
+                    'Text::CSV'                        => 0.01,
+                    'Text::CSV_XS'                     => 0.32,
+                    'Text::CSV::Encoded'               => 0.09,
+                    'Text::Iconv'                      => 1.7,
+                    'Text::Wrap'                       => 2005.082401,
+                    'Time::HiRes'                      => 1.86,
+                    'Time::localtime'                  => 1.02,
+                    'Unicode::Normalize'               => 0.32,
+                    'URI::Escape'                      => 1.36,
+                    'XML::Dumper'                      => 0.81,
+                    'XML::LibXML'                      => 1.59,
+                    'XML::LibXSLT'                     => 1.59,
+                    'XML::SAX::ParserFactory'          => 1.01,
+                    'XML::SAX::Writer'                 => 0.44,
+                    'XML::Simple'                      => 2.14,
+                    'XML::RSS'                         => 1.31,
+                    'YAML::Syck'                       => 0.71,
 =head1 NAME
diff --git a/Makefile.PL b/Makefile.PL
index 9adf81b..24f1865 100644
--- a/Makefile.PL
+++ b/Makefile.PL
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ use POSIX;
 use File::Spec;
 use Getopt::Long;
+use C4::Installer;
 my $DEBUG = 0;
 die "perl 5.6.1 or later required" unless ($] >= 5.006001);
@@ -537,96 +539,7 @@ WriteMakefile(
               ABSTRACT     => 'Award-winning integrated library system (ILS) and Web OPAC',
               AUTHOR       => 'Koha Developers <koha-devel at nongnu.org>',
               NO_META      => 1,
-              PREREQ_PM => {
-                            'Algorithm::CheckDigits'           => 0.50,
-							'Authen::CAS::Client'              => 0.05,
-                            'Biblio::EndnoteStyle'             => 0.05,
-                            'CGI'                              => 3.15,
-                            'CGI::Carp'                        => 1.29,
-                            'CGI::Session'                     => 4.20,
-                            'CGI::Session::Serialize::yaml'    => 4.20,
-                            'Class::Factory::Util'             => 1.6,
-                            'Class::Accessor'                  => 0.30,
-                            'DBD::mysql'                       => 4.004,
-                            'DBD::SQLite2'                     => 0.33, # optional, used for offline circulation
-                            'DBI'                              => 1.53,
-                            'Data::Dumper'                     => 2.121,
-                            'Data::ICal'                       => 0.13,
-                            'Date::Calc'                       => 5.4,
-                            'Date::ICal'                       => 1.72,
-                            'Date::Manip'                      => 5.44,
-                            'Digest::MD5'                      => 2.36,
-                            'Digest::SHA'                      => 5.43,
-                            'Email::Date'                      => 1.103,
-                            'File::Temp'                       => 0.16,
-                            'GD'                               => 2.39,    #optional, used for patron image feature
-                            'GD::Barcode::UPCE'                => 1.1,
-                            'Graphics::Magick'                 => 1.3.7,   #optional, used for patron cards creator
-                            'Getopt::Long'                     => 2.35,
-                            'Getopt::Std'                      => 1.05,
-                            'HTML::Template::Pro'              => 0.69,
-                            'HTML::Scrubber'                   => 0.08,
-                            'HTTP::Cookies'                    => 1.39,
-                            'HTTP::OAI'                        => 3.20,
-                            'HTTP::Request::Common'            => 1.26,
-                            'IPC::Cmd'                         => 0.46,
-                            'JSON'                             => 2.07, # Needed by admin/item_circulation_alerts.pl
-                            'LWP::Simple'                      => 1.41,
-                            'LWP::UserAgent'                   => 2.033,
-                            'Lingua::Stem'                     => 0.82,
-			    'Lingua::Stem::Snowball'	       => 0.952,
-                            'List::Util'                       => 1.18,
-                            'List::MoreUtils'                  => 0.21,
-                            'Locale::Currency::Format'         => 1.28,
-                            'Locale::Language'                 => 2.07,
-                            'Locale::PO'                       => 0.17,
-                            'MARC::Charset'                    => 0.98,
-                            'MARC::Crosswalk::DublinCore'      => 0.02,
-                            'MARC::File::XML'                  => 0.88,
-                            'MARC::Record'                     => 2.00,
-                            'MIME::Base64'                     => 3.07,
-                            'MIME::Lite'                       => 3.00,
-                            'MIME::QuotedPrint'                => 3.07,
-                            'Mail::Sendmail'                   => 0.79,
-                            'Memoize::Memcached'               => 0.03, # optional
-                            'Net::LDAP'                        => 0.33, # optional
-                            'Net::LDAP::Filter'                => 0.14, # optional
-                            'Net::Z3950::ZOOM'                 => 1.16,
-                            'Number::Format'                   => 1.52,
-                            'PDF::API2'                        => 2.000,
-                            'PDF::API2::Page'                  => 2.000,
-                            'PDF::API2::Util'                  => 2.000,
-                            'PDF::API2::Simple'                => 1.000,
-                            'PDF::Table'                       => 0.9.3,
-                            'PDF::Reuse'                       => 0.33,
-                            'PDF::Reuse::Barcode'              => 0.05,
-                            'POE'                              => 0.9999,
-                            'POSIX'                            => 1.09,
-                            'Schedule::At'                     => 1.06,
-                            'Storable'	                       => 2.21,
-                            'SMS::Send'                        => 0.05, # optional
-                            'Term::ANSIColor'                  => 1.10,
-                            'Test'                             => 1.25,
-                            'Test::Harness'                    => 2.56,
-                            'Test::More'                       => 0.80,
-                            'Text::CSV'                        => 0.01,
-                            'Text::CSV_XS'                     => 0.32,
-                            'Text::CSV::Encoded'               => 0.09,
-                            'Text::Iconv'                      => 1.7,
-                            'Text::Wrap'                       => 2005.082401,
-                            'Time::HiRes'                      => 1.86,
-                            'Time::localtime'                  => 1.02,
-                            'Unicode::Normalize'               => 0.32,
-                            'URI::Escape'                      => 1.36,
-                            'XML::Dumper'                      => 0.81,
-                            'XML::LibXML'                      => 1.59,
-                            'XML::LibXSLT'                     => 1.59,
-                            'XML::SAX::ParserFactory'          => 1.01,
-                            'XML::SAX::Writer'                 => 0.44,
-                            'XML::Simple'                      => 2.14,
-                            'XML::RSS'                         => 1.31,
-                            'YAML::Syck'                       => 0.71,
-                        },
+              PREREQ_PM    => $C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM,
               # File tree mapping
               PM => $file_map,
diff --git a/koha_perl_deps.pl b/koha_perl_deps.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..efe6774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/koha_perl_deps.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Pod::Usage;
+use C4::Installer;
+my $color = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+            'c|color' => \$color,
+            'h|help|?'=> \$help,
+          );
+pod2usage(1) if $help;
+printf("\n\n\x1b\x5b0;37;40m%-30s %10s %20s\n\n", "Module", "Installed", "Required")if $color;
+printf("\n\n%-30s %10s %20s\n\n", "Module", "Installed", "Required")if !$color;
+for (keys (%$C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM)) {
+      eval "require $_";
+      printf( "\x1b\x5b0;37;40m%-30s %10s %20s\x1b\x5b0;37;40m\n",
+                $_,
+                $@ ? "\x1b\x5b0;31;40m<- NEEDS INSTALLATION OF VER ".$C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_}."!!" :
+                $_->VERSION < $C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_} ? "\x1b\x5b0;31;40m".$_->VERSION : "\x1b\x5b0;32;40m".$_->VERSION,
+                $_->VERSION < $C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_} && !$@ ? "<- NEEDS UPGRADE TO VER ".$C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_}."!!" : !$@ ? $C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_} : '',
+            ) if $color;
+      printf( "%-30s %10s %20s\n",
+                $_,
+                $@ ? "<- NEEDS INSTALLATION OF VER ".$C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_}."!!" :
+                $_->VERSION,
+                $_->VERSION < $C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_} && !$@ ? "<- NEEDS UPGRADE TO VER ".$C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_}."!!" : !$@ ? $C4::Installer::PREREQ_PM->{$_} : '',
+            ) if !$color;
+=head1 NAME
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+./koha_perl_deps.pl -c
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 8
+=item B<-c|--color>
+sets output to color
+=item B<-h|--help|?>
+prints this help text
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Chris Nighswonger <cnighswonger AT foundations DOT edu>
+Copyright 2010 Foundations Bible College.
+=head1 LICENSE
+This file is part of Koha.
+Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
+Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
+Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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