[Koha-patches] [PATCH 3/4] This is the file users are re-directed to if they have not chosen a library. Users are required to eithr log in or choose a library. Choosing a library effectively logs the user into the respective branch with a guest account

Peter Lorimer peter at oslo.ie
Fri Jun 10 14:54:25 CEST 2011

 index.htm |  131 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 index.htm

diff --git a/index.htm b/index.htm
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..30a4b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.htm
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
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+                  <span class="bottom" style="display: inline;"> 
+                    <strong><marquee  BEHAVIOR=SLIDE scrollamount=20>Scooter - The ILS System for Schools</marquee></strong>  
+                    <br clear="none" /> Welcome to the Scooter College and School Library System<br/>Please log in or choose a library below.
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+               <a href="http://www.oslo.ie" title="Koha Customisation" target="_blank" shape="rect"> 
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+                   <span class="bottom" style="display: inline;"> 
+                    <strong><marquee  BEHAVIOR=SLIDE scrollamount=20>Scooter - The ILS System for Schools</marquee></strong>  
+                    <br clear="none" /> Welcome to the Scooter College and School Library System<br/>Please log in or choose a library below.
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+                   <span class="bottom" style="display: inline;"> 
+                    <strong><marquee  BEHAVIOR=SLIDE scrollamount=20>Scooter - The ILS System for Schools</marquee></strong>  
+                    <br clear="none" /> Welcome to the Scooter College and School Library System<br/>Please log in or choose a library below.
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+              <h1>Welcome to Scooter</h1>  
+              <p> 
+                <p><!--<img SRC="http://www.gonzaga.ie/images/stories/simpleslideshow/jackfitzpatrick.jpg">--> </p>  
+              <h2>Please choose a library Below</h2>  
+              <p> 
+                <p><FORM METHOD="POST" ACTION="http://scooterdev.local/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl"><SELECT NAME = "library">
+                <option value="AVO">Avondale Community College</option>
+                <option value="GON">Gonzaga College S.J.</option>
+                <option value="SPG">Saint Paul's School, Greenhills</option>
+                       </p> 
+                <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Choose">
+                </form>
+                       </p> 
+            </div>  
+            <div id="sidebar" style='float:right'> 
+              <div class="bloc rounded" style="margin-top:20px;"> 
+                <h3>Scooter Library system</h3>  
+                <p>
+                </p> 
+                <br/><br/>
+                Please choose your library or log in below<br/>
+                <form name=login method=post>Username: <input name=user><br>Password: <input type=password><br>
+                <input type=submit name = login value = 'LogIn'></form>
+              </div>  
+              <div class="bloc rounded" style="margin-top:20px;"> 
+                <h3>Latest news</h3>  
+                <p><b>Koha 3.4 Released<br>
+<em>by Chris Cormack</em></b><br/>
+Kia ora tatou
+"<i><quote>The Koha development team is happy to announce the release of Koha 3.4.0.</quote></i>"
+Koha 3.4.0 is a major feature release that contains major changes to underlying architecture (adoption of Template::Toolkit for templating) and performance enhancements (removal of item data from biblio records).
+These changes, in addition to the inclusion of many new features, mean a lot of new strings for translators to translate.
+For these reasons we recommend that people who are already running Koha inproduction delay their upgrade until 3.4.1, due May 22, to give the translators time to finish, and for the removing of item data to be streamlined. If you do wish to upgrade please make sure you read the UPGRADE section of the INSTALL document.
+The development team would like to thank all the people who have made this release possible. Please take time to read the release notes.
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