[Koha-patches] Spam [PATCH 3/6] Bug 5166: zebraqueue daemon scripts

conan (aka Fernando L. Canizo) conan at lugmen.org.ar
Tue May 3 15:49:40 CEST 2011

From: Tomas Cohen Arazi <tomascohen at gmail.com>

Signed-off-by: Julian Maurice <julian.maurice at biblibre.com>
Signed-off-by: Chris Cormack <chrisc at catalyst.net.nz>
Signed-off-by: conan (aka Fernando L. Canizo) <conan at lugmen.org.ar>
 misc/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh |    6 +-
 misc/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.pl   |  516 ++++++---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 77 insertions(+), 445 deletions(-)

diff --git a/misc/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh b/misc/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh
index d3444f0..4f3b26b 100755
--- a/misc/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh
+++ b/misc/bin/koha-zebraqueue-ctl.sh
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ fi
 case "$1" in
       echo "Starting Zebraqueue Daemon"
-      daemon --name=$NAME --errlog=$ERRLOG --stdout=$STDOUT --output=$OUTPUT --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 $OTHERUSER -- perl -I $PERL5LIB $ZEBRAQUEUE -f $KOHA_CONF 
+      daemon --name=$NAME --errlog=$ERRLOG --stdout=$STDOUT --output=$OUTPUT --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 $OTHERUSER -- perl -I $PERL5LIB $ZEBRAQUEUE
       echo "Stopping Zebraqueue Daemon"
-      daemon --name=$NAME --errlog=$ERRLOG --stdout=$STDOUT --output=$OUTPUT --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 $OTHERUSER --stop -- perl -I $PERL5LIB $ZEBRAQUEUE -f $KOHA_CONF 
+      daemon --name=$NAME --errlog=$ERRLOG --stdout=$STDOUT --output=$OUTPUT --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 $OTHERUSER --stop -- perl -I $PERL5LIB $ZEBRAQUEUE
       echo "Restarting the Zebraqueue Daemon"
-      daemon --name=$NAME --errlog=$ERRLOG --stdout=$STDOUT --output=$OUTPUT --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 $OTHERUSER --restart -- perl -I $PERL5LIB $ZEBRAQUEUE -f $KOHA_CONF 
+      daemon --name=$NAME --errlog=$ERRLOG --stdout=$STDOUT --output=$OUTPUT --verbose=1 --respawn --delay=30 $OTHERUSER --restart -- perl -I $PERL5LIB $ZEBRAQUEUE
       echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/$NAME {start|stop|restart}"
diff --git a/misc/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.pl b/misc/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.pl
index 6181a94..a4375d0 100755
--- a/misc/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.pl
+++ b/misc/bin/zebraqueue_daemon.pl
@@ -1,475 +1,107 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-# daemon to watch the zebraqueue and update zebra as needed
+# This file is part of Koha.
+# Koha is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# Koha is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# Koha; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place,
+# Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
+# Writen 02/03/2011 by Tomas Cohen Arazi (tomascohen at gmail.com)
+#                      Universidad Nacional de Cordoba / Argentina
+# Daemon to watch the zebraqueue table and update zebra indexes as needed
 use strict;
-#use warnings; FIXME - Bug 2505
     # find Koha's Perl modules
     # test carefully before changing this
     use FindBin;
     eval { require "$FindBin::Bin/kohalib.pl" };
-use POE qw(Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Stream Driver::SysRW);
-use Unix::Syslog qw(:macros);
+use POE;
+use Time::HiRes qw(time);
 use C4::Context;
-use C4::Biblio;
-use C4::Search;
-use C4::AuthoritiesMarc;
-use XML::Simple;
-use POSIX;
-use utf8;
-# wait periods governing connection attempts
-my $min_connection_wait =    1; # start off at 1 second
-my $max_connection_wait = 1024; # max about 17 minutes
-# keep separate wait period for bib and authority Zebra databases
-my %zoom_connection_waits = (); 
-my $db_connection_wait = $min_connection_wait;
-# ZOOM and Z39.50 errors that are potentially
-# resolvable by connecting again and retrying
-# the operation
-my %retriable_zoom_errors = (
-    10000 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_CONNECT',
-    10001 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_MEMORY',
-    10002 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_ENCODE',
-    10003 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_DECODE',
-    10005 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_INIT',
-    10006 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_INTERNAL',
-    10007 => 'ZOOM_ERROR_TIMEOUT',
-# structure to store updates that have
-# failed and are to be retrieved.  The
-# structure is a hashref of hashrefs, 
-# e.g.,
-# $postoned_updates->{$server}->{$record_number} = 1;
-# If an operation is attempted and fails because
-# of a retriable error (see above), the daemon
-# will try several times to recover as follows:
-# 1. close and reopen the connection to the
-#    Zebra server, unless the error was a timeout,
-#    in which case
-# 2. retry the operation
-# If, after trying this five times, the operation still
-# fails, the daemon will mark the record number as
-# postponed, and try to process other entries in 
-# zebraqueue.  When an update is postponed, the 
-# error will be reported to syslog. 
-# If more than 100 postponed updates are 
-# accumulated, the daemon will assume that 
-# something is seriously wrong, complain loudly,
-# and abort.  If running under the daemon(1) command, 
-# this means that the daemon will respawn.
-my $num_postponed_updates = 0;
-my $postponed_updates = {};
-my $max_operation_attempts =   5;
-my $max_postponed_updates  = 100;
-# Zebra connection timeout
-my $zconn_timeout            =  30;
-my $zconn_timeout_multiplier = 1.5;
-my $max_zconn_timeout        = 120;
-my $ident = "Koha Zebraqueue ";
-my $debug = 0;
-Unix::Syslog::openlog $ident, LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0;
-Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "Starting Zebraqueue log at " . scalar localtime(time) . "\n";
-sub handler_start {
-    # Starts session. Only ever called once only really used to set an alias
-    # for the POE kernel
-    my ( $kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION ];
-    my $time = localtime(time);
-    Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "$time POE Session ", $session->ID, " has started.\n";
-    # check status
-#    $kernel->yield('status_check');
-    $kernel->yield('sleep');
-sub handler_sleep {
-    # can be used to slow down loop execution if needed
-    my ( $kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION ];
-    use Time::HiRes qw (sleep);
-    Time::HiRes::sleep(0.5);
-    #sleep 1;
-    $kernel->yield('status_check');
-sub handler_check {
-    # check if we need to do anything, at the moment just checks the zebraqueue, it could check other things too
-    my ( $kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION ];
-    my $dbh = get_db_connection();
-    my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT count(*) AS opcount FROM zebraqueue WHERE done = 0");
-    $sth->execute;
-    my $data = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
-    if ($data->{'opcount'} > 0) {
-        Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "$data->{'opcount'} operations waiting to be run\n";
-        $sth->finish();
-        $dbh->commit(); # needed so that we get current state of zebraqueue next time
-                        # we enter handler_check
-        $kernel->yield('do_ops');
-    }
-    else {
-        $sth->finish();
-        $dbh->commit(); # needed so that we get current state of zebraqueue next time
-                        # we enter handler_check
-        $kernel->yield('sleep');
-    }
-sub zebraop {
-    # execute operations waiting in the zebraqueue
-    my ( $kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION ];
-    my $dbh = get_db_connection();
-    my $readsth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT id, biblio_auth_number, operation, server FROM zebraqueue WHERE done = 0 ORDER BY id DESC");
-    $readsth->execute();
-    Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "Executing zebra operations\n";
-    my $completed_updates = {};
-    ZEBRAQUEUE: while (my $data = $readsth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
-        warn "Inside while loop" if $debug;
-        my $id = $data->{'id'};
-        my $op = $data->{'operation'};
-        $op = 'recordDelete' if $op =~ /delete/i; # delete ops historically have been coded
-                                                  # either delete_record or recordDelete
-        my $record_number = $data->{'biblio_auth_number'};
-        my $server = $data->{'server'};
-        next ZEBRAQUEUE if exists $postponed_updates->{$server}->{$record_number};
-        next ZEBRAQUEUE if exists $completed_updates->{$server}->{$record_number}->{$op};
-        my $ok = 0;
-        my $record;
-        if ($op eq 'recordDelete') {
-            $ok = process_delete($dbh, $server, $record_number);
-        }
-        else {
-            $ok = process_update($dbh, $server, $record_number, $id);
-        }
-        if ($ok == 1) {
-            mark_done($dbh, $record_number, $op, $server);
-            $completed_updates->{$server}->{$record_number}->{$op} = 1;
-            if ($op eq 'recordDelete') {
-                $completed_updates->{$server}->{$record_number}->{'specialUpdate'} = 1;
-            }
-        }                            
-    }
-    $readsth->finish();
-    $dbh->commit();
-    $kernel->yield('sleep');
-sub process_delete {
-    my $dbh = shift;
-    my $server = shift;
-    my $record_number = shift;
-    my $record;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    eval {
-        warn "Searching for record to delete" if $debug;
-        # 1st read the record in zebra, we have to get it from zebra as its no longer in the db
-        my $Zconn =  get_zebra_connection($server);
-        my $results = $Zconn->search_pqf( '@attr 1=Local-number '.$record_number);
-        $results->option(elementSetName => 'marcxml');
-        $record = $results->record(0)->raw();
-    };
-    if ($@) {
-        # this doesn't exist, so no need to wail on zebra to delete it
-        if ($@->code() eq 13) {
-            $ok = 1;
-        } else {
-            # caught a ZOOM::Exception
-            my $message = _format_zoom_error_message($@);
-            postpone_update($server, $record_number, $message);
-        }
-    } else {
-        # then, delete the record
-        warn "Deleting record" if $debug;
-        $ok = zebrado($record, 'recordDelete', $server, $record_number);
-    }
-    return $ok;
-sub process_update {
-    my $dbh = shift;
-    my $server = shift;
-    my $record_number = shift;
-    my $id = shift;
-    my $record;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    warn "Updating record" if $debug;
-    # get the XML
-    my $marcxml;
-    if ($server eq "biblioserver") {
-        my $marc = GetMarcBiblio($record_number);
-        $marcxml = $marc->as_xml_record() if $marc;
-    } 
-    elsif ($server eq "authorityserver") {
-        $marcxml = C4::AuthoritiesMarc::GetAuthorityXML($record_number);
-    }
-    # check it's XML, just in case
-    eval {
-        my $hashed = XMLin($marcxml);
-    }; ### is it a proper xml? broken xml may crash ZEBRA- slow but safe
-    ## it's Broken XML-- Should not reach here-- but if it does -lets protect ZEBRA
-    if ($@) {
-        Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, "$server record $record_number is malformed: $@";
-        mark_done_by_id($dbh, $id, $server);
-        $ok = 0;
-    } else {
-        # ok, we have everything, do the operation in zebra !
-        $ok = zebrado($marcxml, 'specialUpdate', $server, $record_number);
-    }
-    return $ok;
+use C4::Catalog::Zebra;
-sub mark_done_by_id {
-    my $dbh = shift;
-    my $id = shift;
-    my $server = shift;
-    my $delsth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1 WHERE id = ? AND server = ? AND done = 0");
-    $delsth->execute($id, $server);
-sub mark_done {
-    my $dbh = shift;
-    my $record_number = shift;
-    my $op = shift;
-    my $server = shift;
-    my $delsth;
-    if ($op eq 'recordDelete') {
-        # if it's a deletion, we can delete every request on this biblio : in case the user
-        # did a modif (or item deletion) just before biblio deletion, there are some specialUpdate
-        # that are pending and can't succeed, as we don't have the XML anymore
-        # so, delete everything for this biblionumber
-        $delsth = $dbh->prepare_cached("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1 
-                                        WHERE biblio_auth_number = ? 
-                                        AND server = ?
-                                        AND done = 0");
-        $delsth->execute($record_number, $server);
-    } else {
-        # if it's not a deletion, delete every pending specialUpdate for this biblionumber
-        # in case the user add biblio, then X items, before this script runs
-        # this avoid indexing X+1 times where just 1 is enough.
-        $delsth = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE zebraqueue SET done = 1 
-                                 WHERE biblio_auth_number = ? 
-                                 AND operation = 'specialUpdate'
-                                 AND server = ?
-                                 AND done = 0");
-        $delsth->execute($record_number, $server);
-    }
-sub zebrado {
-    ###Accepts a $server variable thus we can use it to update  biblios, authorities or other zebra dbs
-    my ($record, $op, $server, $record_number) = @_;
+my $authUpdateRatio;
+my $biblioUpdateRatio;
+my $tickCounter;
-    unless ($record) {
-        my $message = "error updating index for $server $record $record_number: no source record";
-        postpone_update($server, $record_number, $message);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    my $attempts = 0;
-    my $ok = 0;
-    ATTEMPT: while ($attempts < $max_operation_attempts) {
-        $attempts++;
-        warn "Attempt $attempts for $op for $server $record_number" if $debug;
-        my $Zconn = get_zebra_connection($server);
+sub handler_start
+	my ( $kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION ];
+	my $time = localtime(time);
-        my $Zpackage = $Zconn->package();
-        $Zpackage->option(action => $op);
-        $Zpackage->option(record => $record);
+	print "$time Zebraqueue daemon started\n";
-        eval { $Zpackage->send("update") };
-        if ($@ && $@->isa("ZOOM::Exception")) {
-            my $message = _format_zoom_error_message($@);
-            my $error = $@->code();
-            if (exists $retriable_zoom_errors{$error}) {
-                warn "reattempting operation $op for $server $record_number" if $debug;
-                warn "last Zebra error was $message" if $debug;
-                $Zpackage->destroy();
-                if ($error == 10007 and $zconn_timeout < $max_zconn_timeout) {
-                    # bump up connection timeout
-                    $zconn_timeout = POSIX::ceil($zconn_timeout * $zconn_timeout_multiplier);
-                    $zconn_timeout = $max_zconn_timeout if $zconn_timeout > $max_zconn_timeout;
-                    Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "increased Zebra connection timeout to $zconn_timeout\n";
-                    warn "increased Zebra connection timeout to $zconn_timeout" if $debug;
-                }
-                next ATTEMPT;
-            } else {
-                postpone_update($server, $record_number, $message);
-            }
-        }
-        # FIXME - would be more efficient to send a ES commit
-        # after a batch of records, rather than commiting after
-        # each one - Zebra handles updates relatively slowly.
-        eval { $Zpackage->send('commit'); };
-        if ($@) {
-            # operation succeeded, but commit
-            # did not - we have a problem
-            my $message = _format_zoom_error_message($@);
-            postpone_update($server, $record_number, $message);
-        } else {
-            $ok = 1;
-            last ATTEMPT;
-        }
-    }
-    unless ($ok) {
-        my $message = "Made $attempts attempts to index $server record $record_number without success";
-        postpone_update($server, $record_number, $message);
-    }
-    return $ok; 
+	# Initialize counter
+	$tickCounter  = 0;
-sub postpone_update {
-    my ($server, $record_number, $message) = @_;
-    warn $message if $debug;
-    $message .= "\n" unless $message =~ /\n$/;
-    Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, $message;
-    $postponed_updates->{$server}->{$record_number} = 1;
+	# Get timer settings
+	$authUpdateRatio	= (C4::Context->preference("ZebraAuthUpdateRatio")||10);
+	$biblioUpdateRatio	= (C4::Context->preference("ZebraBiblioUpdateRatio")||6);
-    $num_postponed_updates++;
-    if ($num_postponed_updates > $max_postponed_updates) {
-        warn "exiting, over $max_postponed_updates postponed indexing updates";
-        Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, "exiting, over $max_postponed_updates postponed indexing updates";
-        Unix::Syslog::closelog;
-        exit;
-    }
+	# Log
+	my $authPrefsString = (C4::Context->preference("ZebraAuthUpdateRatio") ? 'syspref' : 'default');
+	print "$time Authorities update ratio (secs): $authUpdateRatio ($authPrefsString)\n";
+	my $biblioUpdateSecs = $biblioUpdateRatio * $authUpdateRatio;
+	my $biblioPrefsString = (C4::Context->preference("ZebraBiblioUpdateRatio") ? 'syspref' : 'default');
+	print "$time Biblios update ratio (secs): $biblioUpdateSecs ($biblioPrefsString)\n";
-sub handler_stop {
-    my $heap = $_[HEAP];
-    my $time = localtime(time);
-    Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_INFO, "$time Session ", $_[SESSION]->ID, " has stopped.\n";
-    delete $heap->{session};
+	$kernel->delay(tick => $authUpdateRatio);
-# get a DB connection
-sub get_db_connection {
-    my $dbh;
-    $db_connection_wait = $min_connection_wait unless defined $db_connection_wait;
-    while (1) {
-        eval {
-            # note that C4::Context caches the
-            # DB handle; C4::Context->dbh() will
-            # check that handle first before returning
-            # it.  If the connection is bad, it
-            # then tries (once) to create a new one.
-            $dbh = C4::Context->dbh();
-        };
-        unless ($@) {
-            # C4::Context->dbh dies if it cannot
-            # establish a connection
-            $db_connection_wait = $min_connection_wait;
-            $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0; # do this to reduce number of
-                                    # commits to zebraqueue
-            return $dbh;
-        }
-        # connection failed
-        my $error = "failed to connect to DB: $DBI::errstr";
-        warn $error if $debug;
-        Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, $error;
-        sleep $db_connection_wait;
-        $db_connection_wait *= 2 unless $db_connection_wait >= $max_connection_wait;
-    }
+sub handler_stop
+	my $heap = $_[HEAP];
+	my $time = localtime(time);
+	# Log
+	print "$time Zebraqueue daemon stopped - POE Session ended\n";
+	delete $heap->{session};
-# get a Zebra connection
-sub get_zebra_connection {
-    my $server = shift;
-    # start connection retry wait queue if necessary
-    $zoom_connection_waits{$server} = $min_connection_wait unless exists  $zoom_connection_waits{$server};
-    # try to connect to Zebra forever until we succeed
-    while (1) {
-        # what follows assumes that C4::Context->Zconn 
-        # makes only one attempt to create a new connection;
-        my $Zconn = C4::Context->Zconn($server, 0, 1, '', 'xml');
-        $Zconn->option('timeout' => $zconn_timeout);
+sub handler_tick
+	my ( $kernel, $heap, $session ) = @_[ KERNEL, HEAP, SESSION ];
+	my $ret = 0;
+	$tickCounter  = $tickCounter + 1;
-        # it is important to note that if the existing connection
-        # stored by C4::Context has an error (any type of error)
-        # from the last transaction, C4::Context->Zconn closes
-        # it and establishes a new one.  Therefore, the
-        # following check will succeed if we have a new, good 
-        # connection or we're using a previously established
-        # connection that has experienced no errors.
-        if ($Zconn->errcode() == 0) {
-            $zoom_connection_waits{$server} = $min_connection_wait;
-            return $Zconn;
-        }
-        # connection failed
-        my $error = _format_zoom_error_message($Zconn);
-        warn $error if $debug;
-        Unix::Syslog::syslog LOG_ERR, $error;
-        sleep $zoom_connection_waits{$server};
-        $zoom_connection_waits{$server} *= 2 unless $zoom_connection_waits{$server} >= $max_connection_wait;
-    }
-# given a ZOOM::Exception or
-# ZOOM::Connection object, generate
-# a human-reaable error message
-sub _format_zoom_error_message {
-    my $err = shift;
+	# Calculate if we have to update biblios too
+	# Check: biblioUpdateRatio ?= tickCounter
+	if ($biblioUpdateRatio == $tickCounter) {
+		# Update biblios and auths
+		$ret = C4::Catalog::Zebra::UpdateAuthsAndBiblios();
+		# Reset counter
+		$tickCounter  = 0;
+	} else {
+		# Update only auths
+		$ret = C4::Catalog::Zebra::UpdateAuths();
+	}
-    my $message = "";
-    if (ref($err) eq 'ZOOM::Connection') {
-        $message = $err->errmsg() . " (" . $err->diagset . " " . $err->errcode() . ") " . $err->addinfo();
-    } elsif (ref($err) eq 'ZOOM::Exception') {
-        $message = $err->message() . " (" . $err->diagset . " " .  $err->code() . ") " . $err->addinfo();
-    }
-    return $message; 
+	$kernel->delay(tick => $authUpdateRatio);
-    inline_states => {
-        _start       => \&handler_start,
-        sleep        => \&handler_sleep,
-        status_check => \&handler_check,
-        do_ops       => \&zebraop,
-        _stop        => \&handler_stop,
-    },
+	inline_states => {
+		_start       => \&handler_start,
+		tick         => \&handler_tick,
+		_stop        => \&handler_stop,
+	},
-# start the kernel
+exit 0;

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