[Koha-patches] [PATCH] Bug 7844 - plack intranet tooling for developers

Dobrica Pavlinusic dpavlin at rot13.org
Mon Jun 11 16:56:01 CEST 2012

koha.psgi example and plackup.sh script to run any Koha site
intranet or opac interface under plack with optional multi-process
Starman server

  plackup.sh site-name [intranet]

site-name is used to find config /etc/koha/sites/site-name/koha-conf.xml

All configuration is specified in koha.psgi, which you are welcomed to edit
and tune according to your development needs (enable memcache, enable/disable
debugging modules for plack and so on).

For deployment of opac or intranet you would probably want to take a look
in plackup.sh and enable starman as web server (which is pre-forking server
written in perl) and put some web server in front of it to serve static web
files (e.g. ngnix, apache)

When you are happy with it, rename koha.psgi and plackup.sh it to site name
and save it for safe-keeping.

This version does not have mapping to / of opac or intranet, so you need to
use full URLs to pages as specified in test scenario. This will be fixed when
we are ready to deploy plack, but for now it's clear indication that this
is intended for developers which know what to do anyway.

This commit message is included in patch as README.plack because it includes
useful information for people using plack for first time.

Test scenario:
1. install plack and dependencies, as documented at

2. start ./plackup.sh sitename i[ntranet]

3. open intranet page http://localhost:5001/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl
   and verify that it works

4. start ./plackup.sh sitename

5. open OPAC http://localhost:5000/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl
   and verify that it works

6. next step is to take a look into koha.psgi and enable additional
   debug modules, save file and reload page (plackup will reload
   code automatically)
 misc/plack/README.plack |   48 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 misc/plack/koha.psgi    |   83 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 misc/plack/plackup.sh   |   54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 185 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 misc/plack/README.plack
 create mode 100644 misc/plack/koha.psgi
 create mode 100755 misc/plack/plackup.sh

diff --git a/misc/plack/README.plack b/misc/plack/README.plack
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f539598
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/plack/README.plack
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+Bug 7844 - plack intranet tooling for developers
+koha.psgi example and plackup.sh script to run any Koha site
+intranet or opac interface under plack with optional multi-process
+Starman server
+  plackup.sh site-name [intranet]
+site-name is used to find config /etc/koha/sites/site-name/koha-conf.xml
+All configuration is specified in koha.psgi, which you are welcomed to edit
+and tune according to your development needs (enable memcache, enable/disable
+debugging modules for plack and so on).
+For deployment of opac or intranet you would probably want to take a look
+in plackup.sh and enable starman as web server (which is pre-forking server
+written in perl) and put some web server in front of it to serve static web
+files (e.g. ngnix, apache)
+When you are happy with it, rename koha.psgi and plackup.sh it to site name
+and save it for safe-keeping.
+This version does not have mapping to / of opac or intranet, so you need to
+use full URLs to pages as specified in test scenario. This will be fixed when
+we are ready to deploy plack, but for now it's clear indication that this
+is intended for developers which know what to do anyway.
+This commit message is included in patch as README.plack because it includes
+useful information for people using plack for first time.
+Test scenario:
+1. install plack and dependencies, as documented at
+   http://wiki.koha-community.org/wiki/Plack
+2. start ./plackup.sh sitename i[ntranet]
+3. open intranet page http://localhost:5001/cgi-bin/koha/mainpage.pl
+   and verify that it works
+4. start ./plackup.sh sitename
+5. open OPAC http://localhost:5000/cgi-bin/koha/opac-main.pl
+   and verify that it works
+6. next step is to take a look into koha.psgi and enable additional
+   debug modules, save file and reload page (plackup will reload
+   code automatically)
diff --git a/misc/plack/koha.psgi b/misc/plack/koha.psgi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..904cc72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/plack/koha.psgi
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+use Plack::Builder;
+use Plack::App::CGIBin;
+use lib qw( ./lib );
+use Plack::Middleware::Debug;
+use Plack::App::Directory;
+# override configuration from startup script below:
+# (requires --reload option)
+$ENV{PLACK_DEBUG} = 1; # toggle debugging
+# memcache change requires restart
+$ENV{MEMCACHED_SERVERS} = "localhost:11211";
+$ENV{PROFILE_PER_PAGE} = 1; # reset persistant and profile counters after each page, like CGI
+#$ENV{INTRANET} = 1; # usually passed from script
+} # BEGIN
+use C4::Context;
+use C4::Languages;
+use C4::Members;
+use C4::Dates;
+use C4::Boolean;
+use C4::Letters;
+use C4::Koha;
+use C4::XSLT;
+use C4::Branch;
+use C4::Category;
+=for preload
+use C4::Tags; # FIXME
+use Devel::Size 0.77; # 0.71 doesn't work for Koha
+my $watch_capture_regex = '(C4|Koha)';
+sub watch_for_size {
+	my @watch =
+	map { s/^.*$watch_capture_regex/$1/; s/\//::/g; s/\.pm$//; $_ } # fix paths
+	grep { /$watch_capture_regex/ }
+	keys %INC
+	;
+	warn "# watch_for_size ",join(' ', at watch);
+	return @watch;
+warn "# using Koha ", $ENV{INTRANET} ? 'intranet' : 'OPAC', " CGI from $CGI_ROOT\n";
+my $app=Plack::App::CGIBin->new(root => $CGI_ROOT);
+builder {
+	# please don't use plugins which are under enable_if $ENV{PLACK_DEBUG} in production!
+	# they are known to leek memory
+	enable_if { $ENV{PLACK_DEBUG} } 'Debug',  panels => [
+		qw(Environment Response Timer Memory),
+		# optional plugins (uncomment to enable) are sorted according to performance implact
+#		[ 'Devel::Size', for => \&watch_for_size ], # https://github.com/dpavlin/p5-plack-devel-debug-devel-size
+#		[ 'DBIProfile', profile => 2 ],
+#		[ 'DBITrace', level => 1 ], # a LOT of fine-graded SQL trace
+#		[ 'Profiler::NYTProf', exclude => [qw(.*\.css .*\.png .*\.ico .*\.js .*\.gif)] ],
+	];
+	# don't enable this plugin in production, since stack traces reveal too much information
+	# about system to potential attackers!
+	enable_if { $ENV{PLACK_DEBUG} } 'StackTrace';
+	# this enables plackup or starman to serve static files and provide working plack
+	# setup without need for front-end web server to serve static files
+	enable_if { $ENV{INTRANETDIR} } "Plack::Middleware::Static",
+		path => qr{^/(intranet|opac)-tmpl/},
+		root => "$ENV{INTRANETDIR}/koha-tmpl/";
+	mount "/cgi-bin/koha" => $app;
diff --git a/misc/plack/plackup.sh b/misc/plack/plackup.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9546bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/misc/plack/plackup.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+#!/bin/sh -xe
+# This is plack startup script for Koha
+# ./plackup.sh [site] [intranet]
+test ! -z "$site" && shift || site=srvgit # default
+# extract useful paths from koha-conf.xml
+export KOHA_CONF=/etc/koha/sites/$site/koha-conf.xml
+export LOGDIR="$( sudo -u $site-koha xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/logdir' $KOHA_CONF )"
+export INTRANETDIR="$( sudo -u $site-koha xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/intranetdir' $KOHA_CONF )"
+export OPACDIR="$( sudo -u $site-koha xmlstarlet sel -t -v 'yazgfs/config/opacdir' $KOHA_CONF | sed 's,/cgi-bin/opac,,' )"
+dir=`dirname $0`
+# enable memcache - it's safe even on installation which don't have it
+# since Koha has check on C4::Context
+#export MEMCACHED_SERVERS=localhost:11211
+# pass site name as namespace to perl code
+if [ ! -e "$INTRANETDIR/C4" ] ; then
+	echo "intranetdir in $KOHA_CONF doesn't point to Koha git checkout"
+	exit 1
+if [ -z "$1" ] ; then # type anything after site name for intranet!
+	PORT=5000
+	PORT=5001
+	shift # pass rest of arguments to plackup
+export INTRANET # pass to plack
+# uncomment to enable logging
+#opt="$opt --access-log $LOGDIR/opac-access.log --error-log $LOGDIR/opac-error.log"
+# --max-requests 50 decreased from 1000 to keep memory usage sane
+# --workers 4       number of cores on machine
+#test "$INTRANET" != 1 && \ # don't use Starman for intranet
+opt="$opt --server Starman -M FindBin --max-requests 50 --workers 4"
+# -E deployment     turn off access log on STDOUT
+opt="$opt -E deployment"
+# comment out reload in production!
+opt="$opt --reload -R $INTRANETDIR/C4 -R $INTRANETDIR/Koha"
+sudo -E -u $site-koha plackup --port $PORT -I $INTRANETDIR -I $INTRANETDIR/installer $opt $* $dir/koha.psgi

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