[Koha-patches] [PATCH] Bug 10522 - Javascript error on acquisition pages: YAHOO is not defined

Owen Leonard oleonard at myacpl.org
Tue Jul 2 15:39:09 CEST 2013

acq.js includes an immediately invoked function expression, which means
that it runs whether or not it is called. Because this function tries to
reference the YAHOO object, it triggers an error on pages which don't
include the main YAHOO assets. Only the basketgroups page uses this
function and YAHOO assets.

It's probably possible to make this a regular function, but I propose
simply wrapping it in a check for the YAHOO object so that it only
executes on pages where YAHOO exists--the basketgroups page.

To test, apply the patch, clear your browser cache, and test on both the
basketgroups page and at least one page which also includes acq.js
(addorderiso2709.pl, neworderempty.pl, aqbudgets.pl, suggestion.pl,
etc.) and confirm that the browser reports no JavaScript errors.
 koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/acq.js |  280 ++++++++++++++---------------
 1 file changed, 140 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)

diff --git a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/acq.js b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/acq.js
index 067cd08..b9039ea 100644
--- a/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/acq.js
+++ b/koha-tmpl/intranet-tmpl/prog/en/js/acq.js
@@ -60,181 +60,181 @@ function isNum(v,maybenull) {
 // Functions for drag-and-drop functionality
+if( typeof(YAHOO) === "object"){
+    (function() {
-(function() {
-var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
-var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
-var DDM = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr;
-DDApp = {
-    init: function() {
-    var uls = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
-    var i,j;
-    var ddtarget;
-    for (i=0; i<uls.length;i=i+1) {
-        if (uls[i].className == "draglist" || uls[i].className == "draglist_alt") {
-            ddtarget = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr.getDDById(uls[i].id);
-// The yahoo drag and drop is written (broken or not) in such a way, that if an element is subscribed as a target multiple times,
-// it has to be unlinked multiple times, so we need to test whether it is allready a target, otherwise we'll have a problem when closing the group
-            if( ! ddtarget ) {
-                new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(uls[i].id);
-            }
-            var children = uls[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
-            for( j=0; j<children.length; j=j+1) {
-// The yahoo drag and drop is (broken or not) in such a way, that if an element is subscribed as a target multiple times,
-// it has to be unlinked multiple times, so we need to test whether it is allready a target, otherwise we'll have a problem when closing the group
-                ddtarget = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr.getDDById(children[j].id);
+    var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom;
+    var Event = YAHOO.util.Event;
+    var DDM = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr;
+    DDApp = {
+        init: function() {
+        var uls = document.getElementsByTagName('ul');
+        var i,j;
+        var ddtarget;
+        for (i=0; i<uls.length;i=i+1) {
+            if (uls[i].className == "draglist" || uls[i].className == "draglist_alt") {
+                ddtarget = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr.getDDById(uls[i].id);
+    // The yahoo drag and drop is written (broken or not) in such a way, that if an element is subscribed as a target multiple times,
+    // it has to be unlinked multiple times, so we need to test whether it is allready a target, otherwise we'll have a problem when closing the group
                 if( ! ddtarget ) {
-                    new DDList(children[j].id);
+                    new YAHOO.util.DDTarget(uls[i].id);
+                }
+                var children = uls[i].getElementsByTagName('li');
+                for( j=0; j<children.length; j=j+1) {
+    // The yahoo drag and drop is (broken or not) in such a way, that if an element is subscribed as a target multiple times,
+    // it has to be unlinked multiple times, so we need to test whether it is allready a target, otherwise we'll have a problem when closing the group
+                    ddtarget = YAHOO.util.DragDropMgr.getDDById(children[j].id);
+                    if( ! ddtarget ) {
+                        new DDList(children[j].id);
+                    }
-    }
-    }
+        }
+    };
-// drag and drop implementation
+    // drag and drop implementation
-DDList = function(id, sGroup, config) {
+    DDList = function(id, sGroup, config) {
-    DDList.superclass.constructor.call(this, id, sGroup, config);
+        DDList.superclass.constructor.call(this, id, sGroup, config);
-    this.logger = this.logger || YAHOO;
-    var el = this.getDragEl();
-    Dom.setStyle(el, "opacity", 0.67); // The proxy is slightly transparent
+        this.logger = this.logger || YAHOO;
+        var el = this.getDragEl();
+        Dom.setStyle(el, "opacity", 0.67); // The proxy is slightly transparent
-    this.goingUp = false;
-    this.lastY = 0;
+        this.goingUp = false;
+        this.lastY = 0;
+    };
-YAHOO.extend(DDList, YAHOO.util.DDProxy, {
+    YAHOO.extend(DDList, YAHOO.util.DDProxy, {
-    startDrag: function(x, y) {
-        this.logger.log(this.id + " startDrag");
+        startDrag: function(x, y) {
+            this.logger.log(this.id + " startDrag");
-        // make the proxy look like the source element
-        var dragEl = this.getDragEl();
-        var clickEl = this.getEl();
-        Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "visibility", "hidden");
+            // make the proxy look like the source element
+            var dragEl = this.getDragEl();
+            var clickEl = this.getEl();
+            Dom.setStyle(clickEl, "visibility", "hidden");
-        dragEl.innerHTML = clickEl.innerHTML;
+            dragEl.innerHTML = clickEl.innerHTML;
-        Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "color", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "color"));
-        Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "backgroundColor", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "backgroundColor"));
-        Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "border", "2px solid gray");
-    },
+            Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "color", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "color"));
+            Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "backgroundColor", Dom.getStyle(clickEl, "backgroundColor"));
+            Dom.setStyle(dragEl, "border", "2px solid gray");
+        },
-    endDrag: function(e) {
+        endDrag: function(e) {
-        var srcEl = this.getEl();
-        var proxy = this.getDragEl();
+            var srcEl = this.getEl();
+            var proxy = this.getDragEl();
-        // Show the proxy element and animate it to the src element's location
-        Dom.setStyle(proxy, "visibility", "");
-        var a = new YAHOO.util.Motion(
-            proxy, {
-                points: {
-                    to: Dom.getXY(srcEl)
-                }
-            },
-            0.2,
-            YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut
-        )
-        var proxyid = proxy.id;
-        var thisid = this.id;
-        // Hide the proxy and show the source element when finished with the animation
-        a.onComplete.subscribe(function() {
-                Dom.setStyle(proxyid, "visibility", "hidden");
-                Dom.setStyle(thisid, "visibility", "");
-            });
-        a.animate();
-// if we are in basketgrouping page, when finished moving, edit the basket's info to reflect new status
-        if(typeof(basketgroups) != 'undefined') {
+            // Show the proxy element and animate it to the src element's location
+            Dom.setStyle(proxy, "visibility", "");
+            var a = new YAHOO.util.Motion(
+                proxy, {
+                    points: {
+                        to: Dom.getXY(srcEl)
+                    }
+                },
+                0.2,
+                YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut
+            )
+            var proxyid = proxy.id;
+            var thisid = this.id;
+            // Hide the proxy and show the source element when finished with the animation
             a.onComplete.subscribe(function() {
-                var reg = new RegExp("[-]+", "g");
-// add a changed input to each moved basket, so we know which baskets to modify,
-// and so we don't need to modify each and every basket and basketgroup each time the page is loaded
-// FIXME: we shouldn't use getElementsByTagName, it's not explicit enough :-(
-                srcEl.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].value = "1";
-                if ( srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.className == "workarea" ) {
-                    var dstbgroupid = srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input').length-2].name.split(reg)[1];
-                    srcEl.className="grouped";
-                    srcEl.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = dstbgroupid;
-//FIXME: again, we shouldn't be using getElementsByTagName!!
-                    srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input').length-1].value = 1;
-                }
-                else if ( srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.className == "workarea_alt" ){
-                        srcEl.className="ungrouped";
-                        srcEl.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = "0";
-                }
-            });
-        }
-    },
+                    Dom.setStyle(proxyid, "visibility", "hidden");
+                    Dom.setStyle(thisid, "visibility", "");
+                });
+            a.animate();
+    // if we are in basketgrouping page, when finished moving, edit the basket's info to reflect new status
+            if(typeof(basketgroups) != 'undefined') {
+                a.onComplete.subscribe(function() {
+                    var reg = new RegExp("[-]+", "g");
+    // add a changed input to each moved basket, so we know which baskets to modify,
+    // and so we don't need to modify each and every basket and basketgroup each time the page is loaded
+    // FIXME: we shouldn't use getElementsByTagName, it's not explicit enough :-(
+                    srcEl.getElementsByTagName('input')[1].value = "1";
+                    if ( srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.className == "workarea" ) {
+                        var dstbgroupid = srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input').length-2].name.split(reg)[1];
+                        srcEl.className="grouped";
+                        srcEl.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = dstbgroupid;
+    //FIXME: again, we shouldn't be using getElementsByTagName!!
+                        srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input')[srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName('input').length-1].value = 1;
+                    }
+                    else if ( srcEl.parentNode.parentNode.className == "workarea_alt" ){
+                            srcEl.className="ungrouped";
+                            srcEl.getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value = "0";
+                    }
+                });
+            }
+        },
-    onDragDrop: function(e, id) {
+        onDragDrop: function(e, id) {
-        // If there is one drop interaction, the li was dropped either on the list,
-        // or it was dropped on the current location of the source element.
-        if (DDM.interactionInfo.drop.length === 1) {
+            // If there is one drop interaction, the li was dropped either on the list,
+            // or it was dropped on the current location of the source element.
+            if (DDM.interactionInfo.drop.length === 1) {
-            // The position of the cursor at the time of the drop (YAHOO.util.Point)
-            var pt = DDM.interactionInfo.point;
+                // The position of the cursor at the time of the drop (YAHOO.util.Point)
+                var pt = DDM.interactionInfo.point;
-            // The region occupied by the source element at the time of the drop
-            var region = DDM.interactionInfo.sourceRegion;
+                // The region occupied by the source element at the time of the drop
+                var region = DDM.interactionInfo.sourceRegion;
-            // Check to see if we are over the source element's location.  We will
-            // append to the bottom of the list once we are sure it was a drop in
-            // the negative space (the area of the list without any list items)
-            if (!region.intersect(pt)) {
-                var destEl = Dom.get(id);
-                var destDD = DDM.getDDById(id);
-                destEl.appendChild(this.getEl());
-                destDD.isEmpty = false;
-                DDM.refreshCache();
+                // Check to see if we are over the source element's location.  We will
+                // append to the bottom of the list once we are sure it was a drop in
+                // the negative space (the area of the list without any list items)
+                if (!region.intersect(pt)) {
+                    var destEl = Dom.get(id);
+                    var destDD = DDM.getDDById(id);
+                    destEl.appendChild(this.getEl());
+                    destDD.isEmpty = false;
+                    DDM.refreshCache();
+                }
-        }
-    },
+        },
-    onDrag: function(e) {
+        onDrag: function(e) {
-        // Keep track of the direction of the drag for use during onDragOver
-        var y = Event.getPageY(e);
+            // Keep track of the direction of the drag for use during onDragOver
+            var y = Event.getPageY(e);
-        if (y < this.lastY) {
-            this.goingUp = true;
-        } else if (y > this.lastY) {
-            this.goingUp = false;
-        }
-        this.lastY = y;
-    },
+            if (y < this.lastY) {
+                this.goingUp = true;
+            } else if (y > this.lastY) {
+                this.goingUp = false;
+            }
+            this.lastY = y;
+        },
-    onDragOver: function(e, id) {
+        onDragOver: function(e, id) {
-        var srcEl = this.getEl();
-        var destEl = Dom.get(id);
+            var srcEl = this.getEl();
+            var destEl = Dom.get(id);
-        // We are only concerned with list items, we ignore the dragover
-        // notifications for the list.
-        if (destEl.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") {
-            var orig_p = srcEl.parentNode;
-            var p = destEl.parentNode;
+            // We are only concerned with list items, we ignore the dragover
+            // notifications for the list.
+            if (destEl.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "li") {
+                var orig_p = srcEl.parentNode;
+                var p = destEl.parentNode;
-            if (this.goingUp) {
-                p.insertBefore(srcEl, destEl); // insert above
-            } else {
-                p.insertBefore(srcEl, destEl.nextSibling); // insert below
-            }
+                if (this.goingUp) {
+                    p.insertBefore(srcEl, destEl); // insert above
+                } else {
+                    p.insertBefore(srcEl, destEl.nextSibling); // insert below
+                }
-            DDM.refreshCache();
+                DDM.refreshCache();
+            }
-    }
+    });
+    })();

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