[Koha-patches] [PATCH] C4::Bookseller.pm need unit tests

Srdjan srdjan at catalyst.net.nz
Fri Jul 26 00:50:50 CEST 2013

From: Kenza Zaki <kenza.zaki at biblibre.com>

The tests are wrap in a transaction.

NOTE: some tests should pass but doesn't because of incoherences in the code.
These tests are in comments and preceded by FIXME

Test plan:
prove t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t
t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t .. 15/53
[Some warnings about uninitialised values]
t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t .. ok
All tests successful.
Files=1, Tests=53,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr  0.00 sys +  0.46 cusr  0.03 csys =  0.51 CPU)
Result: PASS


Signed-off-by: Srdjan <srdjan at catalyst.net.nz>
 t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t | 694 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 694 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t

diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t b/t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71307f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/db_dependent/Bookseller.t
@@ -0,0 +1,694 @@
+use Modern::Perl;
+use Test::More tests => 53;
+use C4::Context;
+use Koha::DateUtils;
+use DateTime::Duration;
+use C4::Acquisition;
+use C4::Serials;
+use C4::Budgets;
+use C4::Biblio;
+    use_ok('C4::Bookseller');
+    'C4::Bookseller', qw(
+      AddBookseller
+      DelBookseller
+      GetBookSeller
+      GetBookSellerFromId
+      GetBooksellersWithLateOrders
+      ModBookseller )
+#Start transaction
+my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
+$dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
+#Start tests
+$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqorders|);
+$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqbasket|);
+$dbh->do(q|DELETE FROM aqbooksellers|);
+#Test AddBookseller
+my $count            = scalar( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('') );
+my $sample_supplier1 = {
+    name          => 'Name1',
+    address1      => 'address1_1',
+    address2      => 'address1-2',
+    address3      => 'address1_2',
+    address4      => 'address1_2',
+    postal        => 'postal1',
+    phone         => 'phone1',
+    accountnumber => 'accountnumber1',
+    fax           => 'fax1',
+    url           => 'url1',
+    contact       => 'contact1',
+    contpos       => 'contpos1',
+    contphone     => 'contphone1',
+    contfax       => 'contefax1',
+    contaltphone  => 'contaltphone1',
+    contemail     => 'contemail1',
+    contnotes     => 'contnotes1',
+    active        => 1,
+    gstreg        => 1,
+    listincgst    => 1,
+    invoiceincgst => 1,
+    gstrate       => '1.0000',
+    discount      => '1.0000',
+    notes         => 'notes1',
+    deliverytime  => undef
+my $sample_supplier2 = {
+    name          => 'Name2',
+    address1      => 'address1_2',
+    address2      => 'address2-2',
+    address3      => 'address3_2',
+    address4      => 'address4_2',
+    postal        => 'postal2',
+    phone         => 'phone2',
+    accountnumber => 'accountnumber2',
+    fax           => 'fax2',
+    url           => 'url2',
+    contact       => 'contact2',
+    contpos       => 'contpos2',
+    contphone     => 'contphone2',
+    contfax       => 'contefax2',
+    contaltphone  => 'contaltphone2',
+    contemail     => 'contemail2',
+    contnotes     => 'contnotes2',
+    active        => 1,
+    gstreg        => 1,
+    listincgst    => 1,
+    invoiceincgst => 1,
+    gstrate       => '2.0000',
+    discount      => '2.0000',
+    notes         => 'notes2',
+    deliverytime  => 2,
+my $id_supplier1 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier1);
+my $id_supplier2 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier2);
+#my $id_bookseller3 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller();# NOTE : Doesn't work because the field name cannot be null
+like( $id_supplier1, '/^\d+$/', "AddBookseller for supplier1 return an id" );
+like( $id_supplier2, '/^\d+$/', "AddBookseller for supplier2 return an id" );
+is( scalar( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('') ),
+    $count + 2, "Supplier1 and Supplier2 have been added" );
+#Test DelBookseller
+my $del = C4::Bookseller::DelBookseller($id_supplier1);
+#FIXME: DelBookSeller always returns undef (if it works or not)
+#is( $del, 1, "DelBookseller returns 1 - 1 supplier has been deleted " );
+is( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1),
+    undef, "Supplier1  has been deleted - id_supplier1 doesnt exist anymore" );
+#Test GetBookSeller
+my @bookseller2 = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller( $sample_supplier2->{name} );
+is( scalar(@bookseller2), 1, "Get only  Supplier2" );
+$bookseller2[0] = field_filter( $bookseller2[0] );
+delete $bookseller2[0]->{basketcount};
+$sample_supplier2->{id} = $id_supplier2;
+is_deeply( $bookseller2[0], $sample_supplier2,
+    "GetBookSeller returns the right informations about $sample_supplier2" );
+$id_supplier1 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier1);
+my @booksellers = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('')
+  ;    #NOTE :without params, it returns all the booksellers
+for my $i ( 0 .. scalar(@booksellers) - 1 ) {
+    $booksellers[$i] = field_filter( $booksellers[$i] );
+    delete $booksellers[$i]->{basketcount};
+$sample_supplier1->{id} = $id_supplier1;
+is( scalar(@booksellers), $count + 2, "Get  Supplier1 and Supplier2" );
+my @tab = ( $sample_supplier1, $sample_supplier2 );
+is_deeply( \@booksellers, \@tab,
+    "Returns right fields of Supplier1 and Supplier2" );
+#Test basketcount
+my @bookseller1 = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller( $sample_supplier1->{name} );
+#FIXME : if there is 0 basket, GetBookSeller returns 1 as basketcount
+#is( $bookseller1[0]->{basketcount}, 0, 'Supplier1 has 0 basket' );
+my $sample_basket1 =
+  C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier1, 'authorisedby1', 'basketname1' );
+my $sample_basket2 =
+  C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier1, 'authorisedby2', 'basketname2' );
+ at bookseller1 = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller( $sample_supplier1->{name} );
+is( $bookseller1[0]->{basketcount}, 2, 'Supplier1 has 2 baskets' );
+#Test GetBookSellerFromId
+my $bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId();
+is( $bookseller1fromid, undef,
+    "GetBookSellerFromId returns undef if no id given" );
+$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
+$bookseller1fromid = field_filter($bookseller1fromid);
+delete $bookseller1fromid->{basketcount};
+delete $bookseller1fromid->{subscriptioncount};
+is_deeply( $bookseller1fromid, $sample_supplier1,
+    "Get Supplier1 (GetBookSellerFromId)" );
+#Test basketcount
+$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
+is( $bookseller1fromid->{basketcount}, 2, 'Supplier1 has 2 baskets' );
+#Test subscriptioncount
+my $dt_today    = dt_from_string;
+my $today       = output_pref( $dt_today, 'iso', '24hr', 1 );
+my $dt_today1 = dt_from_string;
+my $dur5 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -5 );
+my $daysago5 = output_pref( $dt_today1, 'iso', '24hr', 1 );
+my $budgetperiod = C4::Budgets::AddBudgetPeriod({
+    budget_period_startdate => $daysago5,
+    budget_period_enddate   => $today,
+    budget_description      => "budget desc"
+my $id_budget = AddBudget({
+    budget_code        => "CODE",
+    budget_amount      => "123.132",
+    budget_name        => "Budgetname",
+    budget_notes       => "This is a note",
+    budget_description => "BudgetDescription",
+    budget_active      => 1,
+    budget_period_id   => $budgetperiod
+my ($biblionumber, $biblioitemnumber) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
+$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
+is( $bookseller1fromid->{subscriptioncount},
+    0, 'Supplier1 has 0 subscription' );
+my $id_subscription1 = C4::Serials::NewSubscription(
+    undef,      "",            $id_supplier1, undef,
+    $id_budget, $biblionumber, '01-01-2013',  undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         1,
+    "notes",    undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         0,
+    "intnotes", 0,             undef,         undef,
+    0,          undef,         '31-12-2013',
+my $id_subscription2 = C4::Serials::NewSubscription(
+    undef,      "",            $id_supplier1, undef,
+    $id_budget, $biblionumber, '01-01-2013',  undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         1,
+    "notes",    undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         0,
+    "intnotes", 0,             undef,         undef,
+    0,          undef,         '31-12-2013',
+$bookseller1fromid = C4::Bookseller::GetBookSellerFromId($id_supplier1);
+is( $bookseller1fromid->{subscriptioncount},
+    2, 'Supplier1 has 2 subscriptions' );
+#Test ModBookseller
+$sample_supplier2 = {
+    id            => $id_supplier2,
+    name          => 'Name2 modified',
+    address1      => 'address1_2 modified',
+    address2      => 'address2-2 modified',
+    address3      => 'address3_2 modified',
+    address4      => 'address4_2 modified',
+    postal        => 'postal2 modified',
+    phone         => 'phone2 modified',
+    accountnumber => 'accountnumber2 modified',
+    fax           => 'fax2 modified',
+    url           => 'url2 modified',
+    contact       => 'contact2 modified',
+    contpos       => 'contpos2 modified',
+    contphone     => 'contphone2 modified',
+    contfax       => 'contefax2 modified',
+    contaltphone  => 'contaltphone2 modified',
+    contemail     => 'contemail2 modified',
+    contnotes     => 'contnotes2 modified',
+    active        => 1,
+    gstreg        => 1,
+    listincgst    => 1,
+    invoiceincgst => 1,
+    gstrate       => '2.0000 ',
+    discount      => '2.0000',
+    notes         => 'notes2 modified',
+    deliverytime  => 2,
+#FIXME : ModBookseller always returns undef, even if the id isn't given
+#or doesn't exist
+my $modif1 = C4::Bookseller::ModBookseller();
+is( $modif1, undef,
+    "ModBookseller returns undef if no params given - Nothing happened" );
+$modif1 = C4::Bookseller::ModBookseller($sample_supplier2);
+#is( $modif1, 1, "ModBookseller modifies only the supplier2" );
+is( scalar( C4::Bookseller::GetBookSeller('') ),
+    $count + 2, "Supplier2 has been modified - Nothing added" );
+$modif1 = C4::Bookseller::ModBookseller(
+    {
+        id   => -1,
+        name => 'name3'
+    }
+#is( $modif1, '0E0',
+#    "ModBookseller returns OEO if the id doesnt exist - Nothing modified" );
+#Test GetBooksellersWithLateOrders
+#Add 2 suppliers
+my $sample_supplier3 = {
+    name          => 'Name3',
+    address1      => 'address1_3',
+    address2      => 'address1-3',
+    address3      => 'address1_3',
+    address4      => 'address1_3',
+    postal        => 'postal3',
+    phone         => 'phone3',
+    accountnumber => 'accountnumber3',
+    fax           => 'fax3',
+    url           => 'url3',
+    contact       => 'contact3',
+    contpos       => 'contpos3',
+    contphone     => 'contphone3',
+    contfax       => 'contefax3',
+    contaltphone  => 'contaltphone3',
+    contemail     => 'contemail3',
+    contnotes     => 'contnotes3',
+    active        => 1,
+    gstreg        => 1,
+    listincgst    => 1,
+    invoiceincgst => 1,
+    gstrate       => '3.0000',
+    discount      => '3.0000',
+    notes         => 'notes3',
+    deliverytime  => 3
+my $sample_supplier4 = {
+    name          => 'Name4',
+    address1      => 'address1_4',
+    address2      => 'address1-4',
+    address3      => 'address1_4',
+    address4      => 'address1_4',
+    postal        => 'postal4',
+    phone         => 'phone4',
+    accountnumber => 'accountnumber4',
+    fax           => 'fax4',
+    url           => 'url4',
+    contact       => 'contact4',
+    contpos       => 'contpos4',
+    contphone     => 'contphone4',
+    contfax       => 'contefax4',
+    contaltphone  => 'contaltphone4',
+    contemail     => 'contemail4',
+    contnotes     => 'contnotes4',
+    active        => 1,
+    gstreg        => 1,
+    listincgst    => 1,
+    invoiceincgst => 1,
+    gstrate       => '3.0000',
+    discount      => '3.0000',
+    notes         => 'notes3',
+my $id_supplier3 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier3);
+my $id_supplier4 = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller($sample_supplier4);
+#Add 2 baskets
+my $sample_basket3 =
+  C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier3, 'authorisedby3', 'basketname3',
+    'basketnote3' );
+my $sample_basket4 =
+  C4::Acquisition::NewBasket( $id_supplier4, 'authorisedby4', 'basketname4',
+    'basketnote4' );
+#Modify the basket to add a close date
+my $basket1info = {
+    basketno     => $sample_basket1,
+    closedate    => $today,
+    booksellerid => $id_supplier1
+my $basket2info = {
+    basketno     => $sample_basket2,
+    closedate    => $daysago5,
+    booksellerid => $id_supplier2
+my $dt_today2 = dt_from_string;
+my $dur10 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -10 );
+my $daysago10 = output_pref( $dt_today2, 'iso', '24hr', 1 );
+my $basket3info = {
+    basketno  => $sample_basket3,
+    closedate => $daysago10,
+my $basket4info = {
+    basketno  => $sample_basket4,
+    closedate => $today,
+#Add 1 subscription
+my $id_subscription3 = C4::Serials::NewSubscription(
+    undef,      "",            $id_supplier3, undef,
+    $id_budget, $biblionumber, '01-01-2013',  undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         1,
+    "notes",    undef,         undef,         undef,
+    undef,      undef,         undef,         0,
+    "intnotes", 0,             undef,         undef,
+    0,          undef,         '31-12-2013',
+#Add 4 orders
+my ( $ordernumber1, $ordernumber2, $ordernumber3, $ordernumber4 );
+my ( $basketno1,    $basketno2,    $basketno3,    $basketno4 );
+( $basketno1, $ordernumber1 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
+    {
+        basketno         => $sample_basket1,
+        quantity         => 24,
+        biblionumber     => $biblionumber,
+        budget_id        => $id_budget,
+        entrydate        => '01-01-2013',
+        currency         => 'EUR',
+        notes            => "This is a note1",
+        gstrate          => 0.0500,
+        orderstatus      => 1,
+        subscriptionid   => $id_subscription1,
+        quantityreceived => 2,
+        rrp              => 10,
+        ecost            => 10,
+        datereceived     => '01-06-2013'
+    }
+( $basketno2, $ordernumber2 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
+    {
+        basketno       => $sample_basket2,
+        quantity       => 20,
+        biblionumber   => $biblionumber,
+        budget_id      => $id_budget,
+        entrydate      => '01-01-2013',
+        currency       => 'EUR',
+        notes          => "This is a note2",
+        gstrate        => 0.0500,
+        orderstatus    => 1,
+        subscriptionid => $id_subscription2,
+        rrp            => 10,
+        ecost          => 10,
+    }
+( $basketno3, $ordernumber3 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
+    {
+        basketno       => $sample_basket3,
+        quantity       => 20,
+        biblionumber   => $biblionumber,
+        budget_id      => $id_budget,
+        entrydate      => '02-02-2013',
+        currency       => 'EUR',
+        notes          => "This is a note3",
+        gstrate        => 0.0500,
+        orderstatus    => 2,
+        subscriptionid => $id_subscription3,
+        rrp            => 11,
+        ecost          => 11,
+    }
+( $basketno4, $ordernumber4 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
+    {
+        basketno         => $sample_basket4,
+        quantity         => 20,
+        biblionumber     => $biblionumber,
+        budget_id        => $id_budget,
+        entrydate        => '02-02-2013',
+        currency         => 'EUR',
+        notes            => "This is a note3",
+        gstrate          => 0.0500,
+        orderstatus      => 2,
+        subscriptionid   => $id_subscription3,
+        rrp              => 11,
+        ecost            => 11,
+        quantityreceived => 20
+    }
+#Test cases:
+# Sample datas :
+#   Supplier1: delivery -> undef Basket1 : closedate -> today
+#   Supplier2: delivery -> 2     Basket2 : closedate -> $daysago5
+#   Supplier3: delivery -> 3     Basket3 : closedate -> $daysago10
+#Case 1 : Without parameters:
+#   quantityreceived < quantity AND rrp <> 0 AND ecost <> 0 AND quantity - COALESCE(quantityreceived,0) <> 0 AND closedate IS NOT NULL -LATE-
+#   datereceived !null AND rrp <> 0 AND ecost <> 0 AND quantity - COALESCE(quantityreceived,0) <> 0 AND closedate IS NOT NULL -LATE-
+#   datereceived !null AND rrp <> 0 AND ecost <> 0 AND quantity - COALESCE(quantityreceived,0) <> 0 AND closedate IS NOT NULL -LATE-
+#   quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+my %suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders();
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ), "Supplier1 has late orders" );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ), "Supplier2 has late orders" );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ), "Supplier3 has late orders" );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" )
+  ;    # Quantity = quantityreceived
+#Case 2: With $delay = 4
+#    today + 0 > now-$delay -NOT LATE-
+#    (today-5) + 2   <= now() - $delay -NOT LATE-
+#    (today-10) + 3  <= now() - $delay -LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 4, undef, undef );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    1, "Supplier1 has late orders but  today  > now() - 4 days" );
+#FIXME: If only the field delay is given, it doen't consider the deliverytime
+#isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+#    1, "Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 <= now() - (4 days+2)" );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+    "Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10  <= now() - (4 days+3)" );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 3: With $delay = -1
+#FIXME: GetBooksellersWithLateOrders doesn't test if the delay is a positive value
+#is( C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( -1, undef, undef ),
+#    undef, "-1 is a wrong value for a delay" );
+#Case 4: With $delay = 0
+#    today  == now-0 -LATE- (if no deliverytime or deliverytime == 0)
+#    today-5   <= now() - $delay+2 -LATE-
+#    today-10  <= now() - $delay+3 -LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 0, undef, undef );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    "Supplier1 has late orders but $today == now() - 0 days" )
+  ;
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+    "Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 <= now() - 2" );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+    "Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 <= now() - 3" );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 5 : With $estimateddeliverydatefrom = today-4
+#    today >= today-4 -NOT LATE-
+#    (today-5)+ 2 days >= today-4  -LATE-
+#    (today-10) + 3 days < today-4   -NOT LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+my $dt_today3 = dt_from_string;
+my $dur4 = DateTime::Duration->new( days => -4 );
+my $daysago4 = output_pref( $dt_today3, 'iso', '24hr', 1 );
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago4, undef );
+#FIXME: if the deliverytime is undef, it doesn't consider the supplier
+#ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+#    "Supplier1 has late orders and $today >= $daysago4 -deliverytime undef" );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+    "Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 + 2 days >= $daysago4 " );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+    1, "Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 + 5 days < $daysago4 " );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 6: With $estimateddeliverydatefrom =today-10 and $estimateddeliverydateto = today - 5
+#    $daysago10<$daysago5<today -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago10<$daysago5<$daysago5 +2 -NOT lATE-
+#    $daysago10<$daysago10 +3 <$daysago5 -LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago10,
+    $daysago5 );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    1, "Supplier1 has late orders but $daysago10 < $daysago5 < $today" );
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+    1,
+    "Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago10 < $daysago5 < $daysago5+2"
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+"Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 <= $daysago10 +3 <= $daysago5"
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 7: With $estimateddeliverydateto = today-5
+#    $today >= $daysago5  -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago5 + 2 days  > $daysago5 -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago10 + 3  <+ $daysago5  -LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, undef, $daysago5 );
+#FIXME: if only the estimateddeliverydatefrom is given, it doesn't consider the parameters,
+#but it replaces it today's date
+#isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+#    1,
+#    "Supplier1 has late orders but $today >= $daysago5 - deliverytime undef" );
+#isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+#    1, "Supplier2 has late orders but  $daysago5 + 2 days  > $daysago5 " );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+    "Supplier3 has late orders and $daysago10 + 3  <= $daysago5" );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Test with $estimateddeliverydatefrom and  $estimateddeliverydateto and $delay
+#Case 8 :With $estimateddeliverydatefrom = 2013-07-05 and  $estimateddeliverydateto = 2013-07-08 and $delay =5
+#    $daysago4<today<=$today and $today<now()-3  -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago4 < $daysago5 + 2days <= today and $daysago5 <= now()-3+2 days -LATE-
+#    $daysago4 > $daysago10 + 3days < today and $daysago10 <= now()-3+3 days -NOT LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 3, $daysago4, $today );
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    1,
+    "Supplier1 has late orders but $daysago4<today<=$today and $today<now()-3"
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago4 < $daysago5 + 2days <= today and $daysago5 <= now()-3+2 days"
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+"Supplier3 has late orders but $daysago4 > $daysago10 + 3days < today and $daysago10 <= now()-3+3 days"
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 9 :With $estimateddeliverydatefrom = $daysago5  and $delay = 3
+#   $today < $daysago5 and $today > $today-5 -NOT LATE-
+#   $daysago5 + 2 days >= $daysago5  and $daysago5 < today - 3+2 -LATE-
+#   $daysago10 + 3 days < $daysago5 and $daysago10 < today -3+2-NOT LATE-
+#   quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 3, $daysago5, undef );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    1, "$today < $daysago10 and $today > $today-3" );
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago5 + 2 days >= $daysago5  and $daysago5 < today - 3+2"
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+    1,
+"Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago10 + 3 days < $daysago5 and $daysago10 < today -3+2 "
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Test with $estimateddeliverydateto  and $delay
+#Case 10:With $estimateddeliverydateto = $daysago5 and $delay = 5
+#    today > $daysago5 today > now() -5 -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago5 + 2 days > $daysago5  and $daysago5 > now() - 2+5 days -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago10 + 3 days <= $daysago5 and $daysago10 <= now() - 3+5 days -LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( 5, undef, $daysago5 );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    1, "Supplier2 has late orders but today > $daysago5 today > now() -5" );
+#FIXME: GetBookSellersWithLateOrders replace estimateddeliverydateto by
+#today's date when no estimateddeliverydatefrom is give
+#    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+#    1,
+#"Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago5 + 2 days > $daysago5  and $daysago5 > now() - 2+5 days"
+    exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+"Supplier2 has late orders and $daysago10 + 3 days <= $daysago5 and $daysago10 <= now() - 3+5 days "
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 11: With $estimateddeliverydatefrom =today-10 and $estimateddeliverydateto = today - 10
+#    $daysago10==$daysago10==$daysago10 -NOT LATE-
+#    $daysago10==$daysago10<$daysago5+2-NOT lATE-
+#    $daysago10==$daysago10 <$daysago10+3-LATE-
+#    quantityreceived = quantity -NOT LATE-
+#Basket1 closedate -> $daysago10
+$basket1info = {
+    basketno  => $sample_basket1,
+    closedate => $daysago10,
+%suppliers = C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago10,
+    $daysago10 );
+#FIXME :GetBookSellers doesn't take care if the closedate is ==$estimateddeliverydateto
+# ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+#    "Supplier1 has late orders and $daysago10==$daysago10==$daysago10 " )
+#  ;
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier2} ),
+    1,
+    "Supplier2 has late orders but $daysago10==$daysago10<$daysago5+2" );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier3} ),
+    1,
+    "Supplier3 has late orders but $daysago10==$daysago10 <$daysago10+3" );
+isnt( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier4} ), 1, "Supplier4 hasnt late orders" );
+#Case 12: closedate == $estimateddeliverydatefrom =today-10
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, $daysago10, undef );
+#FIXME :GetBookSellers doesn't take care if the closedate is ==$estimateddeliverydateto
+#ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+#    "Supplier1 has late orders and $daysago10==$daysago10 " );
+#Case 13: closedate == $estimateddeliverydateto =today-10
+%suppliers =
+  C4::Bookseller::GetBooksellersWithLateOrders( undef, undef, $daysago10 );
+ok( exists( $suppliers{$id_supplier1} ),
+    "Supplier1 has late orders and $daysago10==$daysago10 " )
+  ;
+#End transaction
+#field_filter filters the useless fields or foreign keys
+#NOTE: all the fields of aqbookseller arent considered
+#returns a cleaned structure
+sub field_filter {
+    my ($struct) = @_;
+    for my $field (
+        'bookselleremail', 'booksellerfax',
+        'booksellerurl',   'othersupplier',
+        'currency',        'invoiceprice',
+        'listprice'
+      )
+    {
+        if ( grep { /^$field$/ } keys %$struct ) {
+            delete $struct->{$field};
+        }
+    }
+    return $struct;

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