[Koha-patches] [PATCH] Bug 11224 : Add UT to subs of C4::Acquisition returning order(s)

Mathieu Saby mathieu.saby at univ-rennes2.fr
Sat Nov 9 14:53:50 CET 2013

C4::Acquisition need more UT, and more robust ones.

This patch adds UT to
- GetOrder
- GetOrders
- GetCancelledOrders
- GetLateOrders
It refactors UT for SearchOrders

New UT use 2 new subs, used for check the list of fields returns by a sub.
These 2 subs could later be used by other UT

_check_fields_of_order has its own UT (tests n°14,15,16). They should maybe be commented after this patch is QAed.

to test :
prove t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t -v

  C4/Acquisition.pm            |    1 +
  t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t |  597 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
  2 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)

diff --git a/C4/Acquisition.pm b/C4/Acquisition.pm
index aabc0ed..c75d298 100644
--- a/C4/Acquisition.pm
+++ b/C4/Acquisition.pm
@@ -1034,6 +1034,7 @@ biblio, and biblioitems tables in the Koha database.
  sub GetOrders {
      my ( $basketno, $orderby ) = @_;
+    return () unless $basketno;
      my $dbh   = C4::Context->dbh;
      my $query  ="
          SELECT biblio.*,biblioitems.*,
diff --git a/t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t b/t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t
index 8b737ba..f311fe6 100755
--- a/t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t
+++ b/t/db_dependent/Acquisition.t
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ use POSIX qw(strftime);
  use C4::Bookseller qw( GetBookSellerFromId );
-use Test::More tests => 60;
+use Test::More tests => 64;
@@ -18,10 +18,66 @@ BEGIN {
+# Sub used for testing C4::Acquisition subs returning order(s) : GetOrdersByStatus,GetOrders, GetDeletedOrders, GetOrder etc.
+# (\@test_missing_fields,\@test_extra_fields,\@test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_order ($exp_fields, $original_order_content, $order_to_check);
+# params :
+# $exp_fields             : arrayref whose elements are the keys we expect to find
+# $original_order_content : hashref whose 2 keys str and num contains hashrefs containing content fields of the order created with NewOrder
+# $order_to_check         : hashref whose keys/values are the content of an order returned by the C4::Acquisition sub we are testing
+# returns :
+# \@test_missing_fields   : arrayref void if ok ; otherwise contains the list of fields missing in $order_to_check
+# \@test_extra_fields     : arrayref void if ok ; otherwise contains the list of fields unexpected in $order_to_check
+# \@test_different_fields : arrayref void if ok ; otherwise contains the list of fields which value is not the same in between $order_to_check and
+# $test_nbr_fields        : contains the number of fields of $order_to_check
+sub _check_fields_of_order {
+    my ($exp_fields, $original_order_content, $order_to_check) = @_;
+    my @test_missing_fields = ();
+    my @test_extra_fields = ();
+    my @test_different_fields = ();
+    my $test_nbr_fields = scalar (keys %$order_to_check);
+    foreach my $field ( @$exp_fields )  {
+        push @test_missing_fields, $field unless exists( $order_to_check->{ $field });
+    }
+    foreach my $field ( keys %$order_to_check)  {
+        push @test_extra_fields, $field unless grep (/^$field$/, @$exp_fields);
+    }
+    foreach my $field ( keys %{$original_order_content->{str}})  {
+        push @test_different_fields, $field unless (! exists $order_to_check->{ $field }) or ($original_order_content->{str}->{$field} eq $order_to_check->{ $field });
+    }
+    foreach my $field ( keys %{$original_order_content->{num}})  {
+        push @test_different_fields, $field unless (! exists $order_to_check->{ $field }) or ($original_order_content->{num}->{$field} == $order_to_check->{ $field });
+    }
+    return ( \@test_missing_fields,\@test_extra_fields,\@test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields);
+# Sub used for testing C4::Acquisition subs returning several orders
+# (\@test_missing_fields,\@test_extra_fields,\@test_different_fields,\@test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_orders ($exp_fields, $original_orders_content, $orders_to_check)
+sub _check_fields_of_orders {
+    my ($exp_fields, $original_orders_content, $orders_to_check) = @_;
+    my @test_missing_fields = ();
+    my @test_extra_fields = ();
+    my @test_different_fields = ();
+    my @test_nbr_fields = ();
+    foreach my $order_to_check (@$orders_to_check ) {
+        my $original_order_content = (grep {$_->{str}->{ordernumber} eq $order_to_check-> {ordernumber}} @$original_orders_content)[0];
+        my ($t_missing_fields,$t_extra_fields,$t_different_fields,$t_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_order ($exp_fields,$original_order_content,$order_to_check);
+        push @test_missing_fields, @$t_missing_fields;
+        push @test_extra_fields, @$t_extra_fields;
+        push @test_different_fields, @$t_different_fields;
+        push @test_nbr_fields, $t_nbr_fields;
+    }
+    @test_missing_fields = keys %{{map {$_ => 1} @test_missing_fields}};
+    @test_extra_fields = keys %{{map {$_ => 1} @test_extra_fields}};
+    @test_different_fields = keys %{{map {$_ => 1} @test_different_fields}};
+    return (\@test_missing_fields,\@test_extra_fields,\@test_different_fields,\@test_nbr_fields);
  my $dbh = C4::Context->dbh;
  $dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
  $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+# Creating some orders
  my $booksellerid = C4::Bookseller::AddBookseller(
          name => "my vendor",
@@ -48,89 +104,481 @@ my $budgetid = C4::Budgets::AddBudget(
  my $budget = C4::Budgets::GetBudget( $budgetid );
-my ($ordernumber1, $ordernumber2, $ordernumber3);
+my @ordernumbers;
  my ($biblionumber1, $biblioitemnumber1) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
  my ($biblionumber2, $biblioitemnumber2) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
-( undef, $ordernumber1 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
-    {
+my ($biblionumber3, $biblioitemnumber3) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
+my ($biblionumber4, $biblioitemnumber4) = AddBiblio(MARC::Record->new, '');
+# Test NewOrder
+my ($mandatoryparams, $return_error,$basketnum);
+# returns undef and croaks if basketno, quantity, biblionumber or budget_id is missing
+eval {($basketnum, $ordernumbers[0] ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder()};
+$return_error = $@;
+ok ((!(defined $basketnum || defined $ordernumbers[0])) && (defined $return_error),"NewOrder with no params returns undef and croaks");
+$mandatoryparams = {
+         basketno => $basketno,
+         quantity => 24,
+         biblionumber => $biblionumber1,
+         budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
+    };
+my @mandatoryparams_keys = keys %$mandatoryparams;
+foreach my $mandatoryparams_key (@mandatoryparams_keys) {
+    my %test_missing_mandatoryparams = %$mandatoryparams;
+    delete $test_missing_mandatoryparams {$mandatoryparams_key};
+    eval {($basketnum, $ordernumbers[0] ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(\%test_missing_mandatoryparams)};
+    $return_error = $@;
+    my $expected_error = "Mandatory parameter $mandatoryparams_key missing";
+    ok ((!(defined $basketnum || defined $ordernumbers[0])) && ( index ($return_error, $expected_error) >=0 ),"NewOrder with no $mandatoryparams_key returns undef and croaks with expected error message");
+# FIXME to do : test the other features of NewOrder
+# Prepare 5 orders, and make distinction beween fields to be tested with eq and with ==
+# Ex : a price of 50.1 will be stored internally as 5.100000
+my @order_content = (
+    {str => {
          basketno => $basketno,
-        quantity => 24,
          biblionumber => $biblionumber1,
          budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
-    }
-( undef, $ordernumber2 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
-    {
+        uncertainprice=>0,
+        notes=>"some notes",
+    },
+     num => {
+        quantity => 24,
+        listprice=>50.121111,
+        ecost => 38.15,
+        rrp => 40.15,
+        discount =>5.1111,
+        gstrate=>0.0515
+    }},
+    {str => {
          basketno => $basketno,
-        quantity => 42,
          biblionumber => $biblionumber2,
-        budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
-    }
-( undef, $ordernumber3 ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(
-    {
+        budget_id => $budget->{budget_id}
+    },
+     num => {
+        quantity => 42
+    }},
+    {str => {
          basketno => $basketno,
-        quantity => 4,
          biblionumber => $biblionumber2,
          budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
-        ecost => 42,
+        uncertainprice=>0,
+        notes=>"ordernotes"
+        },
+     num =>{
+        quantity => 4,
+        ecost => 42.1,
+        rrp => 42.1,
+        listprice=>10.1,
+        ecost => 38.1,
+        rrp => 11.0,
+        discount =>5.1,
+        gstrate=>0.1
+    }},
+    {str =>{
+        basketno => $basketno,
+        biblionumber => $biblionumber3,
+        budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
+        notes=>"ordernotes"
+    },
+     num => {
+        quantity => 4,
+        ecost => 40,
          rrp => 42,
-    }
+        listprice=>10,
+        ecost => 38.15,
+        rrp => 11.00,
+        discount =>0,
+        uncertainprice=>0,
+        gstrate=>0
+    }},
+    {str =>{
+        basketno => $basketno,
+        biblionumber => $biblionumber4,
+        budget_id => $budget->{budget_id},
+        notes=>"ordernotes"
+    },
+     num => {
+        quantity => 1,
+        ecost => 10,
+        rrp => 10,
+        listprice=>10,
+        ecost => 10,
+        rrp => 10,
+        discount =>0,
+        uncertainprice=>0,
+        gstrate=>0
+    }}
+    );
+# Create 4 orders in database
+for (0..4) {
+    my %ocontent ;
+    @ocontent { keys %{$order_content[$_]->{num}} } = values %{$order_content[$_]->{num}};
+    @ocontent { keys %{$order_content[$_]->{str}} } = values %{$order_content[$_]->{str}};
+    ( undef, $ordernumbers[$_] ) = C4::Acquisition::NewOrder(\%ocontent);
+    $order_content[$_]->{str}->{ordernumber} = $ordernumbers[$_];
+# Test UT sub _check_fields_of_order
+my ($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_order ([qw /a b c d e/], {str=>{a=>"bla",b=>"105"},num=>{c=>15.12}}, {a=>"blabla",f=>"f",b=>"105",c=>15.1200,g=>''});
+ok ((($test_nbr_fields == 5) and (join (" ",sort @$test_missing_fields) eq 'd e') and (join (" ",sort @$test_extra_fields) eq 'f g') and (join(" ",@$test_different_fields) eq 'a')), "_check_fields_of_order can check an order (test 1)");
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_order ([qw /a b c /], {str=>{a=>"bla",b=>"105"},num=>{c=>15.00}}, {a=>"bla",b=>"105",c=>15});
+ok ((($test_nbr_fields == 3) and (scalar @$test_missing_fields == 0) and (scalar @$test_extra_fields == 0) and (scalar @$test_different_fields == 0)) , "_check_fields_of_order can check an order (test 2)");
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_order ([qw /a b c d e/], {str=>{a=>"bla",b=>"105"},num=>{c=>15.12}}, {a=>"blabla",b=>"105",c=>15,d=>"error"});
+ok ((($test_nbr_fields == 4) and (join (" ",sort @$test_missing_fields) eq 'e') and (scalar @$test_extra_fields == 0) and (join(" ",@$test_different_fields) eq 'a c')) , "_check_fields_of_order can check an order (test 3)");
+# test GetOrder
+my @expectedfields = qw(
+    ordernumber
+    biblionumber
+    entrydate
+    quantity
+    currency
+    listprice
+    totalamount
+    datereceived
+    invoiceid
+    freight
+    unitprice
+    quantityreceived
+    cancelledby
+    datecancellationprinted
+    notes
+    supplierreference
+    purchaseordernumber
+    basketno
+    timestamp
+    rrp
+    ecost
+    unitpricesupplier
+    unitpricelib
+    gstrate
+    discount
+    budget_id
+    budgetgroup_id
+    budgetdate
+    sort1
+    sort2
+    sort1_authcat
+    sort2_authcat
+    uncertainprice
+    claims_count
+    claimed_date
+    subscriptionid
+    parent_ordernumber
+    orderstatus
+    title
+    author
+    basketname
+    branchcode
+    publicationyear
+    copyrightdate
+    editionstatement
+    isbn
+    ean
+    seriestitle
+    publishercode
+    publisher
+    budget
+    supplier
+    supplierid
+    estimateddeliverydate
+    orderdate
+    quantity_to_receive
+    subtotal
+    latesince
+    );
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_order (\@expectedfields , $order_content[0], GetOrder($ordernumbers[0]));
+is($test_nbr_fields,scalar @expectedfields , "GetOrder gets an order with the right number of fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_missing_fields),'', "GetOrder gets an order with no missing fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_extra_fields),'', "GetOrder gets an order with no unexpected fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_different_fields),'', "GetOrder gets an order with the right content in every fields" );
+# Test GetOrders
+my @base_expectedfields  = qw(
+    ordernumber
+    ecost
+    uncertainprice
+    marc
+    cancelledby
+    url
+    isbn
+    copyrightdate
+    serial
+    cn_suffix
+    cn_item
+    marcxml
+    freight
+    cn_class
+    title
+    pages
+    budget_encumb
+    budget_name
+    number
+    itemtype
+    totalissues
+    author
+    budget_permission
+    parent_ordernumber
+    size
+    claims_count
+    currency
+    seriestitle
+    timestamp
+    editionstatement
+    budget_parent_id
+    publishercode
+    unitprice
+    collectionvolume
+    budget_amount
+    budget_owner_id
+    datecreated
+    claimed_date
+    subscriptionid
+    editionresponsibility
+    sort2
+    notes
+    volumedate
+    budget_id
+    illus
+    ean
+    biblioitemnumber
+    datereceived
+    orderstatus
+    supplierreference
+    agerestriction
+    budget_branchcode
+    gstrate
+    listprice
+    budget_code
+    budgetdate
+    basketno
+    discount
+    abstract
+    collectionissn
+    publicationyear
+    collectiontitle
+    invoiceid
+    budgetgroup_id
+    place
+    issn
+    quantityreceived
+    entrydate
+    cn_source
+    sort1_authcat
+    budget_notes
+    biblionumber
+    unititle
+    sort2_authcat
+    budget_expend
+    rrp
+    cn_sort
+    totalamount
+    lccn
+    sort1
+    volume
+    purchaseordernumber
+    quantity
+    budget_period_id
+    frameworkcode
+    volumedesc
+    datecancellationprinted
+    );
+ at expectedfields = (@base_expectedfields, ('transferred_from_timestamp','transferred_from'));
+is(GetOrders(),undef,"GetOrders with no params returns undef");
+DelOrder ($order_content[3]->{str}->{biblionumber},$ordernumbers[3]);
+my @get_orders = GetOrders($basketno);
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_orders (\@expectedfields , \@order_content, \@get_orders);
+is($$test_nbr_fields [0],scalar @expectedfields , "GetOrders gets orders with the right number of fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_missing_fields),'', "GetOrders gets orders with no missing fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_extra_fields),'', "GetOrders gets orders with no unexpected fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_different_fields),'', "GetOrders gets orders with the right content in every fields" );
+ok(((scalar @get_orders == 4) and !grep ($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3], @get_orders)),"GetOrders only gets non-cancelled orders" );
+# Test GetCancelledOrders
+ at expectedfields = (@base_expectedfields, ('transferred_to_timestamp','transferred_to'));
+is(GetCancelledOrders(),undef,"GetCancelledOrders with no params returns undef");
+ at get_orders = GetCancelledOrders($basketno);
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_orders (\@expectedfields , \@order_content, \@get_orders);
+is($$test_nbr_fields [0],scalar @expectedfields , "GetCancelledOrders gets orders with the right number of fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_missing_fields),'', "GetCancelledOrders gets orders with no missing fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_extra_fields),'', "GetCancelledOrders gets orders with no unexpected fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_different_fields),'', "GetCancelledOrders gets orders with the right content in every fields" );
+ok(((scalar @get_orders == 1) and grep ($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3], @get_orders)),"GetCancelledOrders only gets cancelled orders" );
+# Test SearchOrders
+ at expectedfields = qw (
+                   firstname
+                   biblioitemnumber
+                   ecost
+                   uncertainprice
+                   creationdate
+                   datereceived
+                   orderstatus
+                   supplierreference
+                   cancelledby
+                   isbn
+                   copyrightdate
+                   gstrate
+                   serial
+                   listprice
+                   budgetdate
+                   basketno
+                   discount
+                   surname
+                   freight
+                   abstract
+                   title
+                   closedate
+                   basketname
+                   budgetgroup_id
+                   invoiceid
+                   author
+                   parent_ordernumber
+                   claims_count
+                   entrydate
+                   currency
+                   quantityreceived
+                   seriestitle
+                   sort1_authcat
+                   timestamp
+                   biblionumber
+                   unititle
+                   sort2_authcat
+                   rrp
+                   unitprice
+                   totalamount
+                   sort1
+                   ordernumber
+                   datecreated
+                   purchaseordernumber
+                   quantity
+                   claimed_date
+                   subscriptionid
+                   frameworkcode
+                   sort2
+                   notes
+                   datecancellationprinted
+                   budget_id
-my $orders = SearchOrders({
+my $invoiceid = AddInvoice(
+    invoicenumber => 'invoice',
      booksellerid => $booksellerid,
+    unknown => "unknown"
+my ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder(
+    $biblionumber4,
+    $ordernumbers[4],
+    1,
+    undef,
+    10,
+    10,
+    $invoiceid,
+    10,
+    $order_content[4]->{str}->{budget_id}
+    );
+my $search_orders = SearchOrders({
+    booksellerid => $booksellerid,
+    basketno => $basketno
+isa_ok( $search_orders, 'ARRAY' );
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_orders (\@expectedfields , \@order_content, $search_orders );
+is($$test_nbr_fields [0],scalar @expectedfields , "SearchOrders gets orders with the right number of fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_missing_fields),'', "SearchOrders gets orders with no missing fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_extra_fields),'', "SearchOrders gets orders with no unexpected fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_different_fields),'', "SearchOrders gets orders with the right content in every fields" );
+ok(((scalar @$search_orders == 4) and !grep ($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3], @$search_orders)),"SearchOrders only gets non-cancelled orders" );
+$search_orders = SearchOrders({
+    booksellerid => $booksellerid,
+    basketno => $basketno,
      pending => 1
-isa_ok( $orders, 'ARRAY' );
-is(scalar(@$orders), 3, 'retrieved 3 pending orders');
+ok(((scalar @$search_orders == 3) and !grep ((($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3]) or ($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[4])), @$search_orders)),"SearchOrders with pending params gets only pending orders" );
-ok( GetBudgetByOrderNumber($ordernumber1)->{'budget_id'} eq $budgetid, "GetBudgetByOrderNumber returns expected budget" );
+# Test GetBudgetByOrderNumber
-C4::Acquisition::CloseBasket( $basketno );
+ok( GetBudgetByOrderNumber($ordernumbers[0])->{'budget_id'} eq $budgetid, "GetBudgetByOrderNumber returns expected budget" );
+# Test GetLateOrders
+ at expectedfields = qw (
+                   orderdate
+                   author
+                   budget
+                   supplierid
+                   claims_count
+                   supplier
+                   publisher
+                   ordernumber
+                   quantity
+                   basketno
+                   claimed_date
+                   branch
+                   estimateddeliverydate
+                   title
+                   publicationyear
+                   unitpricelib
+                   unitpricesupplier
+                   subtotal
+                   latesince
  my @lateorders = GetLateOrders(0);
+is(scalar grep ($_->{basketno} eq $basketno, @lateorders),0, "GetLateOrders does not get orders from opened baskets" );
+C4::Acquisition::CloseBasket( $basketno );
+ at lateorders = GetLateOrders(0);
+isnt(scalar grep ($_->{basketno} eq $basketno, @lateorders),0, "GetLateOrders gets orders from closed baskets" );
+ok(!grep ($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[3], @lateorders),"GetLateOrders does not gets cancelled orders" );
+ok(!grep ($_->{ordernumber} eq $ordernumbers[4], @lateorders),"GetLateOrders does not gets reveived orders" );
+($test_missing_fields,$test_extra_fields,$test_different_fields,$test_nbr_fields) = _check_fields_of_orders (\@expectedfields , \@order_content, \@lateorders );
+is($$test_nbr_fields [0],scalar @expectedfields , "GetLateOrders gets orders with the right number of fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_missing_fields),'', "GetLateOrders gets orders with no missing fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_extra_fields),'', "GetLateOrders gets orders with no unexpected fields" );
+is(join (" ",@$test_different_fields),'', "GetLateOrders gets orders with the right content in every fields" );
+# Test AddClaim
  my $order = $lateorders[0];
  AddClaim( $order->{ordernumber} );
  my $neworder = GetOrder( $order->{ordernumber} );
  is( $neworder->{claimed_date}, strftime( "%Y-%m-%d", localtime(time) ), "AddClaim : Check claimed_date" );
-my @expectedfields = qw( basketno
-                         biblionumber
-                         invoiceid
-                         budgetdate
-                         cancelledby
-                         closedate
-                         creationdate
-                         currency
-                         datecancellationprinted
-                         datereceived
-                         ecost
-                         entrydate
-                         firstname
-                         freight
-                         gstrate
-                         listprice
-                         notes
-                         ordernumber
-                         purchaseordernumber
-                         quantity
-                         quantityreceived
-                         rrp
-                         sort1
-                         sort2
-                         subscriptionid
-                         supplierreference
-                         surname
-                         timestamp
-                         title
-                         totalamount
-                         unitprice );
-my $firstorder = $orders->[0];
-for my $field ( @expectedfields ) {
-    ok( exists( $firstorder->{ $field } ), "This order has a $field field" );
+my $firstorder = $search_orders->[0];
  # fake receiving the order
@@ -138,25 +586,10 @@ ModOrder({
      biblionumber     => $firstorder->{biblionumber},
      quantityreceived => $firstorder->{quantity},
-my $pendingorders = SearchOrders({
-    booksellerid => $booksellerid,
-    pending => 1
-is(scalar(@$pendingorders), 2, 'retrieved 2 pending orders after receiving on one (bug 10723)');
-my $allorders = SearchOrders({
-    booksellerid => $booksellerid,
-is(scalar(@$allorders), 3, 'retrieved all 3 orders even after after receiving on one (bug 10723)');
-my $invoiceid = AddInvoice(
-    invoicenumber => 'invoice',
-    booksellerid => $booksellerid,
-    unknown => "unknown"
-my ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder(
+($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder(
-    $ordernumber2,
+    $ordernumbers[1],
@@ -164,7 +597,7 @@ my ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder(
-my $order2 = GetOrder( $ordernumber2 );
+my $order2 = GetOrder( $ordernumbers[1] );
  is($order2->{'quantityreceived'}, 0, 'Splitting up order did not receive any on original order');
  is($order2->{'quantity'}, 40, '40 items on original order');
  is($order2->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid, 'Budget on original order is unchanged');
@@ -183,7 +616,7 @@ my $budgetid2 = C4::Budgets::AddBudget(
  ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder(
-    $ordernumber3,
+    $ordernumbers[2],
@@ -193,7 +626,7 @@ my $budgetid2 = C4::Budgets::AddBudget(
-my $order3 = GetOrder( $ordernumber3 );
+my $order3 = GetOrder( $ordernumbers[2] );
  is($order3->{'quantityreceived'}, 0, 'Splitting up order did not receive any on original order');
  is($order3->{'quantity'}, 2, '2 items on original order');
  is($order3->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid, 'Budget on original order is unchanged');
@@ -205,7 +638,7 @@ is($neworder->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid2, 'Budget on new order is changed');
  ($datereceived, $new_ordernumber) = ModReceiveOrder(
-    $ordernumber3,
+    $ordernumbers[2],
@@ -215,7 +648,7 @@ is($neworder->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid2, 'Budget on new order is changed');
-$order3 = GetOrder( $ordernumber3 );
+$order3 = GetOrder( $ordernumbers[2] );
  is($order3->{'quantityreceived'}, 2, 'Order not split up');
  is($order3->{'quantity'}, 2, '2 items on order');
  is($order3->{'budget_id'}, $budgetid2, 'Budget has changed');

Mathieu Saby
Service d'Informatique Documentaire
Service Commun de Documentation
Université Rennes 2
Téléphone : 02 99 14 12 65
Courriel : mathieu.saby at univ-rennes2.fr

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