[Koha-translate] Some more questions concerning translation strings

Axel Bojer axelb at skolelinux.no
Sun Jan 20 01:58:14 CET 2008

Hello again, and thank for your good answers!

1) Just to be sure; what is inside the <b>-tag should be left in English 
because it is a command, I guess?

	<b>marcflavour --</b> Your MARC flavor (MARC21 or UNIMARC). This
	choice tells Koha how to interpret your MARC records.

2) In example below, I suppose the -- should replace a &mdash; and thus 
be a perfectly normal sentence (and not any kind of strange graphic 
replacement to divide sentences on the screen, right)? But what is, then 
with the - right after the number?
And why not use &mdash;? (A proper long dash might get lost in some 
characters encodings I guess, and would therefore not be advisable ...)

	15- Heading use--subject added entry

(There are more such strings.)

3) What does the exclamation marks mean in strings like this:

7 => !OPAC Intranet !Editor Collapsed

Of course I could just leave them all before the corresponding words, 
but I think the best translation might be to join Opac Intranet into 
"Publikumskatalogen" in Norwegian, and then two of the, in English, 
unique strings would then be just the same in Norwegian. So, what are 
they for?

4) I do not understand these strings:
(found it in Wikipedia as Aitoff projection, is that the right meaning:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aitoff_projection ?)
(does also this mean a projection type:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albers_projection ?)
	Aluminographie = ?
	625 PAL and 625 SECAM, is this about televisions?
	ATS -- Wikipedia lists many possible explanations, which is it?
	CCF -- Which one? :-)
	Caseine (french) -- About cheese too? Or am I wrong? (confused)
	Chorochromatique = ? (something about colours apparently ...)
	Choroplethe = Choropleth map, perhaps?
	Comtd = ? (fransk?)

Best regards
Axel Bojer

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