[Koha-translate] Switch to translate.koha-community.org

Frédéric DEMIANS f.demians at tamil.fr
Sun Dec 5 18:43:07 CET 2010


The Koha translation project moved from:




All translators have to proceed a new registration to the new web site.

The Koha current translation project targets Koha version 3.2. Pootle,
the web application which allow you, translators, to do your job from a
web browser or to upload your job to a central place, had been loaded
with your language files for Koha 3.2. You will find one Pootle Project
named Koha 3.2:


For each language, you have at best 3 files to translate: opac, staff
and system preferences.

As soon as Koha templating system will be switched to Template Toolkit
for version 3.4, a new translation project will be added for the Koha
upcoming version.

Some languages haven't been updated since a long time. Some haven't
anything updated for 3.2 branch. They stay in Koha code repository and
they work as it is. It's acceptable for OPAC. Nothing is lost but I've
decided not to upload to the Koha translation web site languages which
are inactive or have a very low activity. If anybody want to reanimate a
languid language, he/she just have to drop me an email. I will
immediately upload this particular language.

Here is the list of inactive (sorry if I'm wrong) languages. My criteria
is that a language is considered as inactive if its OPAC isn't half
translated. But I keep languages with recent activity (Swedish for
example) even if OPAC isn't half translated.

Koha code   Language
ben         Bengali
bg-Cyrl     Bulgarian
cs-CZ       Czeck
cy-GB       Cymraeg
da-*        Danish
fa-Arab     Persian
fi-FI       Finnish
gl          Galician
he-Hebr     Hebrew
hy          Armenian
id-ID       Indonesian
ja-Jpan     Japanese
kn-Knda     Kannada
ko-Kore     Korean
mr          Marathi (India)
ms-MY       Myanmar
ne-NE       Nepali
pbr         Pashto
prs         Dari
sd          Sindhi
sk-SK       Slovak
sl-SI       Slovene
sq          Albanian
sr          Serbe
ta          Tamil
tl          Tagalog
ur          Urdu
vi          Viet

Frédéric DEMIANS
Koha Translation Manager

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