[Koha-translate] Version Control for Pootle.

Frédéric DEMIANS f.demians at tamil.fr
Fri May 13 08:12:48 CEST 2011

 > My guess is that the translation manager who runs the site is busy. He
 > would be the best one to answer, but afaik it isnt enabled, sounds
 > like a good thing to enable though

Koha Pootle integration with Git would be great but it isn't that

See: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/pootle/version_control

I don't see how it could be done with our current workflow.

- It would require to have a separate git repository for Koha .po files.
   For the time being, they are tracked directly in Koha main
- It would be necessary to customize Pootle git integration module
   because Koha .po files naming convention doesn't follow what is
   expected by Pootle: Standard/GNU convention. And it's not only a
   matter of file location in directories, files themselves embed an
   iso language code which is different in Koha and in Pootle!

Andre: It's feasible, but its requires work, design, coding and testing
(a lot of). Any help in the right direction is welcome.

Frédéric DEMIANS

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