[Koha-translate] help on translating

Hugo Agud hagud at orex.es
Tue Oct 9 12:33:17 CEST 2012


We have translated koha into euskera and we have realized that there are
some dropdown menus that are still on english, we think it could be hard
coded but we wish to ask you If you have been able to translated them.

The autohority search form has not translated the authtyp dropdown, any
help on this?

Bilatu egilearen edo gaiaren arabera

   1. Bilatu: :    Chronological Term     Corporate Name    Default
   Term     Geographic Name     Meeting Name     Personal Name     Topical
   Term     Uniform Title       dauka  hasten da  zehazki da
   2. Antolatuta:  Antolatu gabe  Goiburuaren arabera, gorantz  Goiburuaren
   arabera, beherantz

Thanks in advance


*Hugo Agud - Orex Digital *




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