[Koha-zebra] Koha & zebra (continuing to try to understand...)

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Aug 8 16:21:07 CEST 2005

Mike Taylor a écrit :
>>Date: Mon, 08 Aug 2005 15:51:13 +0200
>>From: Paul POULAIN <paul.poulain at free.fr>
> (To be clear, this is a completely separate Perl module from
> Net::Z3950, which is a general Z-client module that will work against
> and Z39.50 server.  That one _is_ maintained and supported.)

imho, you should update the doc, as it has been a real trouble for me. 
But now i'm aware ;-)

>>3rd point :
>>(that troubles me a little bit...)
>>when I read http://zoom.z3950.org/api/zoom-1.4.html, I don't see 
>>anything to add or update or delete records.
> Correct.  That document describes the ZOOM Abstract API, which any
> ZOOM implementation in any language must adhere to.  However, ZOOM-C
> (and the many other-language ZOOM implementations that are based on
> it) include extensions that are not in the AAPI.  They might be added
> in v1.5 of the AAPI, but again, no-one pays us to maitain these
> documents, so they always fall to the back of the queue when paying
> customers want us to do something else.

OK, I understand better too.
Last question on this topic : zoom is claimed as something like a part 
of zing.
zing being an international project, that could become a NISO standard 
or something like this.
zoom is an indexdata baby it seems. what kind of -official- relations is 
there between zoom & zing ?

>>BUT we also need tools to move from 2.2 to 3.0. Hopefully, we have a
>>great tool, called updatedatabase, to ... update the database
>>(strange isn't it ;-) ?)
> You mean, to translate the old MySQL database into an equivalent new
> Zebra database?

I mean move the old mysql DB to the new mysql DB, as it won't disappear 
in Koha 3.0, of course.
For example, we will keep in mysql informations to make books circulate.

>>5- partial search.
>>But we have no tools to search at all, that's a pity, I agree ;-)
> Why not?  You can use the Net::Z3950 module to search in Zebra.

Yes, but I mean internal koha search. when you are in catalogue module, 
for example, and want to edit "the two towers" books, you 1st need to 
search it. and without #5, you won't be able to search anymore.

>>You, indexdata guys, do you think i'm right there or wrong ? should I go 
>>that way ?
> Sounds reasonable to me.

great, i'll go that way.
koha coders, you must be ready to see commits in cvs-head this week ;-)

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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