[Koha-zebra] Perl Zoom Persistent Connections

Mike Taylor mike at miketaylor.org.uk
Fri Aug 19 19:54:51 CEST 2005

> Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 19:44:08 +0200
> From: Thomas D <koha at alinto.com>
> Persistent connections are kept alive continuously and should not
> require reinitialisation of a new connection for each query [...]

No indeed -- nor they do.

> [...] nor should they time out arbitrarily when the server
> determines your connection is inactive or becomes 'tired' of serving
> more results.

Well, that is the server's choice.  You can't _make_ it do something
it doesn't want to do.  However --

> yaz_connect() parameter options include persistent.
> [...]
> "A boolean. If TRUE the connection is persistent; If FALSE the
> connection is not persistent. By default connections are persistent."

-- I see.  This is an application-level hack, then.  The ZOOM
connection object, if it notices that the underlying Z39.50 connection
has gone away, will silently try to re-forge it and then continue as
if nothing had happened.  I'm not sure that "persistent" is a good
name for this: something uglier like "auto_reconnect" would have been
more explicit.

In any case, I doubt you'll need that in the case of a tightly-bound
system such as a Koha installation that runs its own Zebra server.
You shouldn't run into the kinds of unreliable-server problems that
you can get out there in the wild Internet.

The simple answer to your question is that if ZOOM-C has the
auto_reconnect functionality, the ZOOM-Perl will inherit it.  If not,
it won't.  If this is a real requirement, we could look at adding it
to ZOOM-C if it's not already there.

Hope that helps.

 _/|_	 ___________________________________________________________________
/o ) \/  Mike Taylor  <mike at miketaylor.org.uk>  http://www.miketaylor.org.uk
)_v__/\  "What is this talk of 'release'?  Klingons do not make software
	 'releases'.  Our software 'escapes,' leaving a bloody trail of
	 designers and quality assurance people in its wake." -- Klingon
	 Programming Mantra

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