[Koha-devel] Theme and language settings.....

Dorian Meid dnmeid at tfh-berlin.de
Wed Sep 18 00:46:01 CEST 2002

Finlay Thompson schrieb: 
> This is the first approx. If people have some special requests we can
> add an options hash to the gettemplate argument to control special
> behaiviour but I wont do that until we need it.
> Progress:
> The gettemplate routine is written! But I need to do some more stuff to
> get the user and IP preferences settup.....
> All feedback welcomed.

You mean something like: $userip = %ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; # ;-)

Did you have a look on my getpathtotemplate funktion?
 for getting the language it calls the getlanguage-function (also in
 i suppose this to be quite elegant, it uses the settings in your
browser first.
the getpathtotemplate returns what it is supposed to return plus a few
infos about success.
in my opinion it is better to call HTML::Template::new in the script, so
you have more control over your template without having to pass
parameters unnessesarily through.
maybe it's a good idea to let gettemplate call getpathttotemplate.

this function can also still be adjusted if paths change.

Did i get you right: the templates should mix up with html and


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