[Koha-devel] new script in CVS to manage DB

paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Oct 20 13:36:05 CEST 2003

MJ Ray wrote:

> On 2003-10-14 10:53:06 +0100 paul POULAIN <paul.poulain at free.fr> wrote:
>> I've added in CVS a misc/rebuildnonmarc.pl script : run this script 
>> when you change a link between marc and non MARC DB.
>> It rebuilds the non-MARC DB (long operation)
> Paul,
> Why do we not use views?


> Is there a way that we can trigger this script, running it 
> automatically when needed?

imho, it's not a good idea to run it without human confirmation => it 
takes minuts to run, and uses 100% CPU. Worst that this : if the user 
makes a mistake, he can loose data (not with rebuildnonmarc.pl, but with 
cleanmarcdb.pl, he can)
However, we could imagine a way to "validate" the "cron request", that 
would be run every night.
In this "cron request", we could have a trigger "2" => always asked "1" 
=> asked, "0" => not asked. Every night, each operation asked, when done 
reports status in the "cron request table", and change every "1" to "0", 
to be sure it won't be done next night again.

>   Probably we are approaching the point where we need a "housekeeper" 
> program, suitable for running from cron.

you're right. But, as usual : do we have a volunteer ? Which task is 
more important :
* debugging & releasing a good 2.0.0 version ? (everybody agrees this 
task is the 1st one to do :-) )
but after, should we :
* document & code cleaning
* add missing "minor" features (LDAP,...)
* add major features like serials, report generator ?
* move the default template to xhtml with css positionning ?

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responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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