[Koha-devel] Koha 2.2.0RC5 has been released

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Mon Dec 20 04:18:00 CET 2004

Complete release notes & download at

Diff 2.2RC4 => 2.2RC5


***** Critical
* limiting the number of search term to 8. There was no limit before, 
but 8 words seems to be the upper limit mySQL can deal with (in less 
than a second. tested on a DB with 13 000 items) In 2.4, a new DB 
structure will highly speed things and this limit will be removed. 
FindDuplicate is activated again.
* bugfixes in french translation (that made cataloguing in french 
* set lock_tables_privs = 'Y' during install stage. Note this requires a 
mysql version not too old.

***** Minor
* during update, if the user enter a different directory for backup than 
the default one, the updater does not obey and stores in default 
directory anyway !
* minor (spelling) fix for adding an organization
* member search (bug 851) : stripping out comma and apostrophe from 
search terms
* various methods to split subjects (depending on OS, a <CR> / <CR><LF> 


***** Major
* circulation / issue : adding a button to cancel an issue when a 
confirmation is required (bug #858)
* circulation / issue : adding a checkbox to confirm reserve cancel when 
a reserved book is issued by someone else (bug #858)
* virtual shelves : adding feature to create a virtual shelf on the fly, 
when adding a biblio, and feature to modify a virtual shelf name/status
* catalogue : adding a systempref to define default view in OPAC (either 
normal, MARC or ISBD). Created automatically during install or update. 
Check that you have a Koha >> parameters >> systempreferences >> 
BiblioDefaultView, Variable type : Choice, Variable options : 

**** Minor
* an improvement has been done in DB calls that needs a new index. It's 
automatically added in fresh installs, but for updates, run the 
following SQL command :
ALTER TABLE `marc_subfield_structure` ADD INDEX ( `kohafield` )
* adding a systempref to define default view in OPAC (either normal, 
MARC or ISBD). Created automatically during install or update. Check 
that you have a Koha >> parameters >> systempreferences >> 
BiblioDefaultView, Variable type : Choice, Variable options : 
* the list of authorities types is now ordered by authtypetext. Thus you 
can use the "space trick" : if you add a space before an authtype text, 
it's shown first. Useful when you have an authority type that you use 
more often than others.
* authoritiy list shown in authtypetext order (so authtypetext with a 
space appear first, hint used everywhere else for lists)
* some minor html changes (like changing "images" numbers in "text" 
numbers for result list page numbers.

Consultant indépendant en logiciels libres
responsable francophone de koha (SIGB libre http://www.koha-fr.org)

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