[Koha-devel] Moving to Arch?

MJ Ray mjr at dsl.pipex.com
Thu Sep 23 06:54:11 CEST 2004

On 2004-09-23 14:18:59 +0100 Joshua Ferraro <jmf at kados.org> wrote:

> Well ... I did use that command (it's farther down in the blog entry):

Well, that will teach me.

jmf at kados.org--koha20 is your local archive, which is what I was 
rambling about.

jmf at kados.org--koha20-MIRROR is a mirror of it, seen on kados.org, 
which seems to be exactly as it should be. You won't use it yourself, 
but I can view it:

; tla register-archive jmf at kados.org--koha20 http://kados.org/arches/
; cd /tmp
; tla get jmf at kados.org--koha20/koha--release2--0.1
* from archive cached: 
jmf at kados.org--koha20/koha--release2--0.1--base-0
[big download, so aborted]

Fortunately, a simple merge doesn't need me to do a remote get:

; tla get mjr at dsl.pipex.com--koha20/koha--release2--0.1
* from archive cached: 
mjr at dsl.pipex.com--koha20/koha--release2--0.1--patch-6
* patching for revision: 
mjr at dsl.pipex.com--koha20/koha--release2--0.1--patch-7
* making pristine copy
* tree version set mjr at dsl.pipex.com--koha20/koha--release2--0.1

; cd koha--release2--0.1--patch-7/

; tla replay jmf at kados.org--koha20/koha--release2--0.1
* patching for revision 
jmf at kados.org--koha20/koha--release2--0.1--base-0
{arch}/koha/koha--release2/koha--release2--0.1/jmf at kados.org--koha20/patch-log/base-0

> So does this mean that I can't merge back into the main branch ... 
> that you
> have do do that?  In CVS anyone with devel privs could commit to the 
> main
> repo ... or am I mising something?

Either the RM or their automaton will need to do the merge. This is a 
deliberate model change from CVS which both allows more people to do 
more development tasks without waiting for approval, and allows the RM 
to say "show me the code" before accepting it into the final release 
tree, if they want.

MJR/slef    My Opinion Only and not of any group I know
  Creative copyleft computing - http://www.ttllp.co.uk/
LinuxExpo.org.uk village 6+7 Oct http://www.affs.org.uk

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