[Koha-devel] RE: [Koha] Chinese support?

Han, Yan hany at u.library.arizona.edu
Mon Oct 17 18:15:35 CEST 2005

We did the update.

Searching "$#22269;" works, but you cannot search "中" to get the result. 

mysql> select * from marc_word where bibid=1048
    -> ;
| bibid | tagsubfield | tagorder | subfieldorder | word     | sndx_word |
|  1048 | 952u        |       39 |             4 | 12       | 1000      |
|  1048 | 952p        |       39 |             3 | 9090     | 9000      |
|  1048 | 952d        |       39 |             2 | MAIN     | M000      |
|  1048 | 952b        |       39 |             1 | MAIN     | M000      |
|  1048 | 90d         |       38 |             2 | 1048     | 1000      |
|  1048 | 90c         |       38 |             1 | 1048     | 1000      |
|  1048 | 245a        |       11 |             1 | 国 | 2000      |
|  1048 | 245a        |       11 |             1 | 中 | 2000      |
|  1048 | 245a        |       11 |             1 | &        | &000      |
|  1048 | 100a        |        9 |             2 | 38889;   | 3000      |
|  1048 | 100a        |        9 |             2 | &        | &000      |
|  1048 | 50a         |        7 |             1 | 70       | 7000      |
|  1048 | 50a         |        7 |             1 | TA76     | T000      |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Cormack [mailto:chris at katipo.co.nz] 
Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 1:40 PM
To: kael at email.arizona.edu
Cc: Han, Yan; Koha-devel
Subject: Re: [Koha] Chinese support?

Kia Ora e hoa ma,

> The '22269;' is also stored in the marc_word table:
> +----------------+--------+
> | bibid          | 1048   |
> | tagsubfield    | 245a   |
> | tagorder       | 11     |
> | subfieldorder  | 1      |
> | word           | 22269; |
> | sndx_word      | 2000   |
> +----------------+--------+
Would you be able to do me a favour please, try running
UPDATE marc_word SET word='国' WHERE bibid=1048 AND word='22269;';

Then if you search on the character that 国 represents in koha 
does it find you a result?


Chris Cormack                                      Katipo Communications
Programmer                                         www.katipo.co.nz
027 4500 789

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