[Koha-devel] Koha Statuses and MARC?

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Tue Sep 13 02:16:18 CEST 2005

Joshua Ferraro a écrit :
> Paul et al,
> In Paul's proposed scheme for item statuses, the items.notforloan 
> field is linked to MARC field 942$k and then an authorized value 
> is set for that field (defined by the library). Before we invest 
> too much development energy on this idea I'd like to question 
> whether it's even a good idea to store status information in the 
> MARC record, especially we we move toward using Zebra to store our 
> textual (MARC) database.

I just want to explain again that, imho, there are 2 different "status" :

* the "permanent" status. the one that is set by the librarian, and that 
don't change often neither automatically. For example, when a library 
has 2 books, they often choose to set 1 issuable, and the other not. Or 
a book that is issued for a long term to another library, so not really 
in the library anymore...
* the "small duration" status. it's the one that is set by the book 
normal life, like "on issue", "in transit", "reserved". Those statuses 
are NOT in items.notforloan field, and I 100% agree they don't have to 
be (the have not to be...)

But I think the "permanent" status can be in MARC item. No perf problem 
& interesting information for the borrower.
Note that in "recommandation 995", the 995$o is reserved for this 
(although non mandatory)

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