[Koha-devel] Display formatting

Tümer Garip tgarip at neu.edu.tr
Mon Sep 11 20:06:45 CEST 2006

The current koha_head which uses ZEBRA and MARCXML makes it very
possible to implement a librarian generated display screen. We have
already the table that matches marc fields to common names like
title,author,itemtype etc. And  the current API although hardcoded to
return specific headings for search alreday reads the XML to return the
correct fields. There is no more biblioitems so forth. We always read a
MARCXML record and show whatever we want. With ZEBRA this is very fast.
So we can have a matrix that the librarian can fill with simple names
from a dropdown list or even MARC field numbers and fill them on the fly
very easily.
I am trying to get HEAD to work with minimum bug by the end of this
month so you should be able to play with by then.
However predefind XSL sheets are also very fast and I think we should
have those as well as part of the package.

-----Original Message-----
From: koha-devel-bounces+tgarip=neu.edu.tr at nongnu.org
[mailto:koha-devel-bounces+tgarip=neu.edu.tr at nongnu.org] On Behalf Of
Ernesto Silva
Sent: Monday, September 11, 2006 4:12 PM
To: koha-devel at nongnu.org
Subject: [Koha-devel] Display formatting

Hi guys,
	I've added a new paragraph titled "biblios display formatting"
http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=en:development:roadmap2.2.x can you
please check it out and tell me what you think, I'm I 
nuts or is it feasible?

Ing. Ernesto Silva.
Coordinador de Desarrollo Web y Sistemas Abiertos
Universidad ORT Uruguay.
E-mail: silva at ort.edu.uy
Tel: (+598-2) 902-1505 ext. 206

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