[Koha-devel] items table

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Fri Apr 27 15:33:30 CEST 2007

Henri-Damien LAURENT a écrit :
> Hi, I am investigating in items table to see which data are used, useful
> wthdrawn is used in Circulation.pm to cancel an issue if set.
> renewals is used and updated in Circulation.pm. Maybe it could get into
> issues table.
> paidfor is used in FixAccountForLostAndReturned but usage is rather cryptic
> restricted (I cannot tell the difference with notforloan ?)
> itype ???
> Those fields I propose to drop :
> binding (unknown use)
> onloan,issue_date are Already in issues + unknown use.
> issues (can be calculated from issues table)

no, no, pls don't drot this one : calculating issues is costly, and it's 
an information that is redundant, we agree, but we must keep it here.

> price,replacementprice (used in Overdues only for
> selection),replacementpricedate,booksellerid are account values which
> seem never to be used.

mmm... replacementprice is sometimes mapped to a marc field, and the 
libraries fills it. However, I agree it appears nowhere atm. But I think 
it would be better to add this field on detail.pl (to show to the user 
that, if he looses the book, it will cost XXX -for the user or at least 
for the library-)

nothing to add about binding, onloan, issue_date, price.
Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie 
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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