[Koha-devel] dummy function for gettext [IMPORTANT]

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Fri Aug 31 09:38:12 CEST 2007

Owen Leonard a écrit :
> I'm curious about something in the 3.0 templates:
> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
>     function _(s) { return s } // dummy function for gettext
>     </script>
> Can anyone tell me what purpose that serves?

Yes, I can, and it's very important to keep it here.
every string that is _('this is a string') is extracted by the template 
translator tool.
Without this, it is not.

So the dummy function is useless when running Koha, but very very 
important for translation process.


Paul POULAIN et Henri Damien LAURENT
Consultants indépendants en logiciels libres et bibliothéconomie 
Tel : 04 91 31 45 19

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