[Koha-devel] (koha 3.0) OPAC search results list

eija at inwave.com eija at inwave.com
Wed Jul 11 14:57:57 CEST 2007

This is a follow-up to my message from last night. I have now had a chance to look at the pages in Internet Explorer 6 and find them much more readable than in my older browser. I still believe the records may be a little close to each other, particularly on the IPT example.

Additional questions on CCFLS:

On the Normal View, it would be nice to be able to click on the added entries to conduct a search on that name like one can with the main entry.

On the MARC view, it might be nice to be able to click on authorized headings to bring up either a search on that heading or the authority record for the heading.

Non-Koha-related cataloging/record maintentance question: On record # mpl19202793 (ISBN 0671032550), Infection (Book 1: Star Trek - Next Generation, Double Helix.), the series is listed as Star Wars | X-Wing: Book 3. Several other Star trek books are also listed in the Star wars series.

Thank you for your assistance,
Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.
address at hidden
address at hidden

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