[Koha-devel] RFC 3.2 : guided reports improved

Henri-Damien LAURENT laurenthdl at alinto.com
Fri Aug 29 22:52:21 CEST 2008

Ryan Higgins a écrit :
> I prefer an xml schema that would allow export and import of guided 
> reports
> with included db revision to test against :
> <guided_report kohaversion="3.00.107">
>   <title>Patrons nearing expiry</title>
>   <module>Members</module>
>   <description>Patrons with expiry dates in the next n days</description>
>   <sql>SELECT cardnumber, surname, firstname, branchcode, 
> categories.description, dateexpiry from borrowers
>           LEFT JOIN categories on 
> borrowers.categorycode=categories.categorycode
>           WHERE DATEDIFF( dateexpiry, CURDATE() ) < ???Number of Days???
>           AND branchcode = ???LIST:branchcode???
>           ORDER BY categories.description, dateexpiry
>    </sql>
> </guided_report>
> Else, we have to figure out a way to run the installer 
> post-installation, not for
> updatedatabase, but for sql import.
> This would allow easy ingestion, and emailing or posting of xml docs 
> to contribs.
> Ryan
At first, installer was designed to be able to ingest SQL at 
post-installation. Now it does updatedatabase directly, so this feature 
has passed away.
But anyway, it could be an improvement.
XML file could be good, and your kohaversion idea is smart. (I think 
that you expect kohaversion to be a minimum requirement and not ==). But 
then it would require a good way to import them into the base.
By the way, is that way to note SQL variable a standard that exists. Or 
is there already one that exists somewhere ?
Henri-Damien LAURENT

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