[Koha-devel] RFC Adding column to biblio for Remainder Of Title

Michael Hafen mdhafen at tech.washk12.org
Wed Dec 17 16:02:38 CET 2008

Thanks, that helps a lot.  I think I understand now.  Good link there.
I was getting confused at step 2.  I understood everything else pretty
well though.

I'd like to do something similar with call numbers.  That is to only
show the unique call numbers.  Now I'm seeing how to do it, I wasn't so
sure how it worked before.  Just have to figure out the syntax needed to
make a key of the 952$o now, and that shouldn't be to hard.  I should be
able to find a good example of that in the xsl.

On the other hand maybe not, since the xslt processing isn't done on the
staff interface.  I don't think my librarians would be satisfied with
the 245$b only showing up on the opac interface.

On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 18:30 -0500, Galen Charlton wrote:
> Hi,
> That clause really does scan all of the available items and counts the
> number of available items for each home branch.   It uses the
> Muenchian method to do the grouping; see
> http://www.jenitennison.com/xslt/grouping/muenchian.html for an
> explanation of the general technique.  In this case, the XSLT is:
> [1] Putting a list of all available item nodes into the
> $available_items variable by doing a lookup on the item-by-status key,
> which is defined in line 10 of the stylesheet:
> <xsl:key name="item-by-status" match="items:item" use="items:status"/>
> [2] Selecting each node in $available_items that is the first
> available item for each homebranch; this uses the
> item-by-status-and-branch key.
> [3] Emitting the homebranch and a count of available items in that
> homebranch, again using the item-by-status-and-branhc key.
> Regards,
> Galen
Michael Hafen
Systems Analyst and Programmer
Washington County School District
Utah, USA

for Koha checkout

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