[Koha-devel] How do I run the test suite? (was Re: Fix a bug affecting C4::Context and default context)

Andrew Moore andrew.moore at liblime.com
Wed Jul 2 20:17:21 CEST 2008

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 11:45 AM, Frederic Demians <frederic at tamil.fr> wrote:
> Yes. It works for me. How can I run the appropriate test suite?

There is some information about the test suite at
http://wiki.koha.org/doku.php?id=en:development:unit_testing but that
documentation certainly has room for improvement. I'll be working on
that. In the meantime, here is some instruction to help get you going:

During the installation process of Koha, answer "yes" to the question
about whether you want to be able to run the automated test suite.
This will then ask you some questions about a test database that the
test suite can use. Once you have done that once, the test suite will
be configured.

Assuming that the test suite is configured properly, you can run
commands like this from within the 't' directory:

* 'make test' will run the bulk of the tests over the code.
* You can select individual modules to test (and skip the rest of the
tests) with 'make test TEST_CLASS=Search' or 'make test
TEST_CLASS=Members' for whatever portion of the application you want
to test. Your options are the .pm files in t/lib/KohaTest
* To run some tests that take a really long time, but that also test
database access, set the "RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS" environment variable,
like this: 'RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS=1 make test'

If you have any problems getting going on this, please let me know. It
may not be you, the test suite still has plenty of room to grow.

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