[Koha-devel] RFC 3.2 : Patron reading record management

Paul POULAIN paul.poulain at free.fr
Wed Jul 23 14:41:54 CEST 2008

(copy of : 

  Add a feature to let the patron manage it’s reading record himself. 
The laws in some countries requires that the library cleans the reading 
record after some time. This new feature will let the user himself 
decide what to do with the reading record. by default, the behaviour 
will be unchanged (clean borrower history after some time).

An option will be added on OPAC to let the patron request “keep my 
reading record forever” (a checkbox). If the user uncheck it, the 
reading record will be cleaned later, by the cleanborrowers script. If 
the user uncheck it, the already deleted issues won’t reappear, of 
course. An option will be added on OPAC to let the patron request “clean 
my reding record immediatly”. That will clean (after a confirmation) the 
reading record for all issues that can be removed (ie : not current issues)

The librarian won’t be able to set the “keep my record forever” himself, 
and it won’t be checked by default. The librarian will be able to see 
the flag.

Technical notes :
- add a field (keepreading) to members page & display it in 
- modify opac-readingrec.pl to let the user change the status of this flag.
- add a opac-emptyreadingrec.pl to remove the reading history. (ask for 
2 confirmations before doing it, as it will be un-cancelable once it’s 
- modify tools/cleanborrowers.pl to deal with this flag

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