[Koha-devel] Database size with InnoDB

Zeno Tajoli tajoli at cilea.it
Fri Jan 16 12:46:29 CET 2009

Hi to all,

At 16.42 08/01/2009, Nahuel ANGELINETTI wrote:

>I don't know if some people have a big experience from InnoDB
>and MySQL.
>We just see in mysql documentation innoDB does not
>reallow the disk space of deleted datas.

I'm try to find a solution of this problem.
I'm still working but I think that those are good hits:

a .ibd file for every table

>[12 Jul 2004 15:51] Heikki Tuuri
>If you use MySQL-4.1.3, define
>in my.cnf, and do OPTIMIZE TABLE, the operating system will get the 
>disk space back. That
>is because the table is stored in its own .ibd file, and OPTIMIZE 
>will rebuild the whole
>table to another .ibd file, rename the .ibd file, and delete the old 
>.ibd file.

2) buil a script to drop / rewrite tables.
The hack is to rewrite tables in MyIsam type and after transform them 
into InnoDB


Zeno Tajoli
CILEA - Segrate (MI)
(Indirizzo mascherato anti-spam; sostituisci quanto tra AT con @)

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