[Koha-devel] zebraqueue in daemon mode

Eric Bégin Eric.Begin at inLibro.com
Wed Mar 4 07:16:24 CET 2009

Hi (again),

I'm wondering which tasks the zebraqueue.pl script should perform.

I initially though that running it in daemon mode was replace the need 
to call rebuild_zebra script.

It seems to work fine when we are adding biblios or authorities, but it 
looks like it doesn't remove a biblio (didn't try the authority yet) 
from the zebra index when we delete it from Koha's catalogue.

I find this weird since the corresponding 'recordDelete' entry of 
zebraqueue table has its 'done' value to 1.

Is this a bug or the normal behavior?

If this is a problem on my setup, where should I look cause I don't have 
anything in the log files (koha-zebraqueue.err and 



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