[Koha-devel] Possible Feature

Chris Cormack chris at bigballofwax.co.nz
Sun Sep 13 01:12:15 CEST 2009

2009/9/13 Roche III, Edward <edward_roche at solanco.k12.pa.us>:
> Good Morning
> As we implement here at our district, a question came for a possible feature
> that was in our previous software. Under Circulation on the admin side, we
> have Check-In, Check-Out and Transfers. Something that we see very useful
> and timesaving would be a feature to Renew Books from here as well. How it
> would work is to select that option under circulation and just scan the book
> barcode and it would automatically renew the book for the patron. Currently
> (how I understand it) is you need to go into each individual patron and
> renew. This is very time consuming if you have 15 patron from a class
> wanting to renew their book. Let me know what you think. I am not a
> programmer or I would work on it and submit the code for a possible
> inclusion. If someone wants to work on it I would be happy to do any testing
> that is needed.
> Also, if there is a more formal way to submit this feature request let me
> know and I would be happy to do that.
Hi Ed

The best way to do this is to go to bugs.koha.org and enter an
enhancement 'bug' there. With as much detail as possible, then someone
will pick it up and work on it. Someone might even want to sponsor it,
to allow it to happen faster.


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